N-paper 0047A by Herb Zinser translates newspaper articles and other news events .
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
List of topics, articles, subject covered .. in the sequence of occurrence over the next 50 pages.
* Hawking astrophysics layers of perception
* Hawking underachievers explain cotton underwear achievers
* the BRASS ..... astrophysics penis bio-telescope and its neuron LANGUAGE equation
* Quintal --> code word
* code word --> Suhonen --> Sun photon
* code word --> Bob Probe Probert
* Milwaukee secret code .... 63RD Street BoboLINK and Electron Flow
* Domain Name Server (DNS) in the bio-computer sub-conscious MIND of the ice-berg MODEL used by the
nonsense SUPREMACY bio-computer of the Justice Department
and the human bio-INTERNET of Attorney General Net Reno ...Jane NET Reno
* Base 16 hexadecimal
* Isaac newton
* GM corporation ....... the Gravity Mass company
* John Dalton chemistry battle in Michigan
* English grammar
* code word --> Caminiti for Cincinnati death of Tamir Rice (TA mirror )
and Cleveland death of Samuel DuBose (Bose-Einstein condensate war casualty)
* Nitrogen bases and baseball
* Luis Gonzalez and death of Hernandez at LAX airport
* IBM LU = Logical Unit and Luis
* entire math functions
* carbon black and Federal judges with Hugo Black
* the Grand Design battle at Grand 16 theater
* Marty Reasoner codes and the age of Reason
* Vang, the Hmong, and atomic prison in IOWA
* Mini-max theorem errors of Minnesota
* Norris Hall chains
* Hilbert space and M-theory --> Milbert
* Sun photon energy --> code word
* potassium mass 39
* Carmen Ortiz . .atomic mass laws
* Supreme Court Justice Douglas
* Goland Heights and Chicago
* Schopenhauer
* Sam Hengel
* matrices and code SC --> S.Cicero avenue --> Sub-Conscious MIND
* American Math society and blood math
* the Mohawk identity of Stephen Hawking
* the Isaac Newton sunlight ..... White House
* metabolism codes
* Wirtz family amino acids and the Amish shooting
* Nikola Tesla and the EARTH daily rotation MOTOR
* IBM Basic Assembler
* Waveland Avenue in Chicago and wave mechanics
* UW, Physics in Milwaukee by Locust Street
* EARTH centrifugual force
* Vincent centrifugal force Lombardi in Green bay ... Botany chlorophyll region and photosynthesis
* EM --> Electro-magnetic field ..... the Em POST office of Emily Post
* liver hepatology
* Waterloo Iowa and the water molecule continuum
* the earthly inverse universe and inverse languages and perceptions ...
M-theory string theory
* sand/silicon dioxide wars in Kuwait
* Ellis Street and University of Chicago
* GET macro
* Address space
* Tim Wakefield explains Edgewater Technologies Wakefield shooting
* Soccer ABEND codes
* Peru and Pier Oddone
* Edgar Allen Poe mystery of J. EDGAR and the FBI
* Township of Shields and Star Trek
* Roe VS Wade
* W particle
* Jeremy Wand VERSUS Argonne National Labs and the Federal government atomic language MURDER system
* IRON-54 IRON MAN and the murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel Troop 1054
* Colorado shooting OPTIC WAR at Century 16 theater
* Beatles of Liverpool and their liver music for Hepatology
* K-channel neuroscience codes of the Signal Freud ice-berg model VIA hockey ice
* Wisconsin cheese political science with Che Guevara
* the Tyrosine protein battle in Norway
* Desi Arnaz and I love LUCY --> LU = Logical units
* Transactional Analysis with Eric Berne
* Hawking and Jane Wilde secret codes
* copper atomic mass 63
* the orange street deaths ....San Bernandino and Orlando
* Hydroelectric power
* FermiLAB Batavia
* VTAM RU and Zandman
* Tamir Rice
* Vishay code --> vision Hayakawa
* Bush differential amplifier
* Oxygen
* EM waves and the brain waves
* iron 26 and Highway 26 Watertown
* Program Event recording
* Complex math numbers and the FBI
* Madison Wisconsin and intellectual Mad cow/coward disease of bragging humans
* the President's cabinet
* Standard model REALITY and Z = impedance
* the British Pound signal for year 1942
* Higgs Boson message
* Nitrogen President Nixon
* Waco Texas hydrocarbons and motorcycle messages
* September 11 WAR
* Sun Prairie Wisconsin and James Clerk Maxwell
* Elena Berg BOTANY messages
* the tau particle represented by the Ford Tau Taurus
* H.G. Wells
* Blood messages
* Alice cryptology
* geometry axis of evil
* Isosceles triangle SOS
* Quantum
* Jeffrey Fowle and Jules Verne
* IBM and Les Miserables
* Tarzan physics
* Percy Bysshe Shelly ...electron shell messages
* Zastrozzi codes
* Duluth Seaway Port Authority
* Pabst farms violations of field theory
* Field Museum Chicago
* Carbon 12 and the 12 Federal Reserve organic chemistry expression regions
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Translate and Test MIRROR
The Earth Lab human TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces.......
the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts.
Thanks to Isaac Asimov .....
Foundation series - Wikipedia
The Foundation series is a science THEORY .. thought implants of mathematical power series .... VIA a series of books by Isaac Asimov. For nearly thirty years, the series was a trilogy: Foundation, Foundation and Empire, ...
Publication history · Plot · Development and themes · The Foundation series
Foundation series ... Trantor - Wikipedia
The Foundation series is a science fiction series of books by Isaac Asimov. For nearly thirty ... Prelude to Foundation opens on the planet Trantor, the empire's capital planet, the day after Hari Seldon has given a speech at a conference.
Foundation series ... Trantor
Foundation series ... Trantor
Foundation series ... Tran tor + Nikola Tesla (subset code-->sla)
Found code ....... Tran sla tor --> Translator
Hawks --> Stephen Hawking secret messages
above words --> Hawks underachievers ....
.....................................sun ..... astronomy and astrophysics students fail to help in the EARTH Science wars ..... the language and THOUGHT CONTROL wars ....
that math and science students and professors ignore.
above words --> Hawks underachievers .... PROBLEM is their
.......................... cotton underwear achievers in the bedroom with women .......
as male astronomy students show females ....... the male penis ..the bio-telescope that extends ......
Extending Brass Telescope
Extending Brass Telescope
Extending (desire) Bra ass Telescope
The Base 16 layers ..
Code names above
Stephane --> Stephen Hawking
Quintal--> Quintessential Tal --> Tallahassee FSU Paul Dirac physics
above code words..
Smith --> information pointer to -->
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics - Harvard University 
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory | Research Centers ... 
https://www.si.edu/ResearchCenters/Harvard-Smithsonian-AstrophysicsNov 27, 2013 - The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory is a research center of the Smithsonian Institution. The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a collaboration of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. The mission of the CfA is to ...
above code words..
Zhamnov --> subset code --> ham = Hydrogen atomic mass 1 -->
Above proper nouns ....
Suhonen --> Su + hon + en --> Sun photon english language .....the electromagnetic field LIFE FORMS and their thoughts ........... that use the EM Post Office system that was announced in year 1922 by EM expression agent --> Emily Post
Tony Amonte --> AM --> atomic mass (computer) access method used by atomic, bio-physics humanoids ....... below, the system internals of Tony Amonte
Bob Probert --> Bob P robert --> Bob is a parallel name for Robert.
Robert --> abbreviated / shorthand code word --> Rob ..the microbiology code
Robert --> abbreviated / shorthand code word --> Rob ..the microbiology code
Bob Probert
Bob Probert
Bob Probe --> thus the microbiology BRAIN probe using words, letters, codes .....
the PROBE of the brain SYMBOL ENGINES and the secret neuroscience manipulation LANGUAGES
Bob Probert
Bob Probert
Bob Probe ..... code word BOB and its linkage in the SYMBOL WORLD and physical reality events ..... is useful ...the famous BOB BoBoLINK battle in Milwaukee Wisconsin
Notice atomic code --> 63rd Street is copper atom mass 63 (city of elctri.CITY) and its runs parallel to atomic element Ag = Silver atom (which conducts electri.CITY)
Does silver conduct electricity.... city of electron energy ? | Reference.com 
https://www.reference.com › Science › Physics › Electricity
Silver is the most conductive element. However, it is not often used to conduct electricity because it is more expensive than copper and tarnishes more readily ...
Above translation --> Quintal -->
Qu + int + al --> Quantum integers ..algorithms, alphabets, languages with integer agents
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia 
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Fermilab History of odd integers
and Archives Project |
Piermaria Odd ... one = 1,3,5,7,9, SKU11
Pier Oddone The Piermaria Oddone Collection (2013) consists of an oral history interview with Oddone. Additional information on Piermaria Oddone:
Pier Oddone of Berkeley Lab Named Fermilab Director 
Nov 19, 2004 - “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Pier Oddone to be Fermilab's next director,” Bernthal said. “His stature as a distinguished ...
Steven Chu - Wikipedia 
Jump to U.S. Secretary of Energy - Steven Chu is an American physicist. He is known for his research at Bell Labs and Stanford University regarding the ...
President: Barack Obama
Political party: Democratic
Awards: Nobel Prize in Physics (1997)
Children: 2
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy 
Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement
President O = Oxygen base 16 agent --> Obama = O base map ...
President O = Oxygen base 16 agent --> Obama = O base map ...
Steven Chu | Department of Physics 
Above , top line --> Daze Nylander Sullivan (DNS ) ,... the human bio-internet system
DNS -->.
The Difference Between DNS and (HUMAN) Name Servers - PCNames.com 
www.pcnames.com › Home › Articles
Above codes
--> Montreal ...................real ...reality wars with music and Hollywood mentality
--> New York rangers --> New rangers
--> Isaac Newton ideas (source Domain) and the mapping range2016_Kalamazoo_shootings
On the night of February 20, 2016, a series of apparently random shootings took place at an apartment complex, a car dealership, and outside a restaurant in Kalamazoo County, Michigan. Six people were killed and two others were injured . Police detained a 45-year-old Uber driver, Jason Brian Dalton, as a "strong ...
Jason Dalton - ABC --> Atomic, biology, Chemistry news network 
abcnews.go.com › Topics › News
Several dramatic outbursts by accused Kalamazoo, Michigan, gunman Jason Dalton caused one of his victims to cry hysterically on the stand this morning, ...
John Dalton atomic social chemistry .... reveals the cause of shooting suspect Jason Dalton's removal ... 
What Is a Predicate? (grammar lesson) - Grammar Monster 
Predicate (grammar) - Wikipedia 
English sentences are composed of a topic and something said about that topic,
commonly referred to as the subject and predicate.
commonly referred to as the subject and predicate.
Keywords --> Caminiti ...algebra subset code letters
--> Cam = C + am = Carbon atomic mass 12 ..
geography regions of
C = Cleveland (Tamir Rice) and
C = Cincinnati (Samuel DuBose)
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia 
Deaths: Tamir Elijah Rice
Cause: Gunshot
Date: November 22, 2014
Location: Cudell Recreation Center, Cleveland, ...
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia 
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed black man, was fatally shot ... Samuel "Sam" Vincent DuBose (March 12, 1972 – July 19, 2015), a 43-year-old black man, was a rapper, music producer, entrepreneur, and ...
What Sam DuBose's rap sheet tells us about him and the police 
What Sam DuBose's rap sheet
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Systems_Network_ArchitectureJump to Logical Unit (LU) - SNA defines several kinds of devices, called Logical Unit types: LU0 provides ... LU2 devices are IBM 3270 display terminals.
Logical units - IBM 
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM 
This chapter describes the logical unit (LU) types that WSim currently supports. It also gives an example of the hardware or software products that typically use ...
Defining the Logical Unit (LU) Name - IBM 
Defining the Logical Unit (LU) Name. The topology server can communicate with the NetView environment through an LU 6.2 conversation. To communicate ...
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com 
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Networking › Network softwareIn IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM means either a human being that i...
By end user IBM means either a human being that i..
By end user IBM means either a human being that i..
By end user IBM means either a human being that is a superior bio-computer..
such as the Justice Department and the
Spanish Language secret bio-computer network with LU = Luis ..
Spanish math and bio-math secrets of Gonzalez ---> ez -->
Diversity on the Bench - History of the Federal Judiciary 
How Judges and Justices Are Chosen by Nature's carbon black molecule expression systems
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster 
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible ...
Hugo Black explains the existence of carbon black molecules,
SYMBOLISM, and molecule human representatives
- Supreme Court Justice, U.S. Representative, Lawyer ... 
Hugo Black and the Grand Design .... BATTLE - Wikipedia 
Hugo Lafayette Black (Feb 17, 1886 – Sept 25, 1971) was an American politician
Hugo Lafayette Black (Feb 17, 1886 – Sept 25, 1971) was an American politician
........ Lafayette B --> Battle site
2015 Supreme Court battle ....... the Lafayette shooting - Wikipedia 
On July 23, 2015, a shooting occurred at the Grand 16 movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana. John Russell Houser, age 59, opened fire during a showing of the ...
Grand 16 ...... Grand Unified Theory with base 16 hexadecimal .....
shooting report recounts incident through witnesses 
Jan 14, 2016 - ... with the Lafayette Police Department on Wednesday issued the final investigative report into the July 23 shooting at the Grand 16 Theatre.
Three dead, nine injured in movie theater shooting - The Daily Advertiser 
The Particle Adventure | Unsolved Mysteries at the
Grand 16 Molecule View
--> Mo + Vie --> Brain MOVIE theaters
and the Brain Dead ....
that see the DEAD see scrolls (optical nerve movies that constantly repeat their content and errors......... the language script scroll)
SEE cle VieO | Grand Unified Theory 
Marty Reasoner - Wikipedia 
Martin Ernest Reasoner (born February 26, 1977) is an American former professional ice hockey center. He played in the National Hockey League (NHL) with ...
Marty Reasoner Stats and News | NHL.com 
Marty Reasoner Stats and News
Martin Ernest Reasoner (born February 26, 1977) is an American former professional ice hockey center.
born February 26, 1977 --> Max Born Fe= Ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 and its English alphabet of 26 letters of prose .... words ..
prosecutor ERRORS such as Boston 26 mile race TRIAL ..of the Boston BS human race and its brain INTELLECTUAL dribble errors ....
American former professional ice hockey center.
American former pro fe ssional ice hoc key center.
American former pro fe --> protons/prose ... of fe = ferrous oxide ....
in the ice-berg MODEL ....
ice hoc key center --> Central Nervous System 370 SYMBOL and CONCEPT processor
Images for hockey player reasonerImages for hockey player reasonerImages for hoc key p layer reason er
Images for hoc key processing layer
reason/ thought/ explanations error
Age of reason - Wikipedia 
Age of reason may refer to: 17th-century philosophy, as a successor of the Renaissance and a predecessor to the Age of Enlightenment; Age of Enlightenment ...
Age of Reason - About History 
Age of Reason - Learn about this eighteenth century movement. What beliefs impacted this time period? How did open thought and personal liberty impact ...
Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason - Liberty Online 
Age of Enlightenment - Wikipedia
European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment.
Enlightenment - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Hmong American
Hmong American
Hmong American
Chai Vang and the Hmong codes- Wikipedia 
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang shot eight people while on a hunting trip in ...
American Hmong
American Hmong
Am ..... atomic mass Hmong --> Among ..... living WORDS of the living language of the periodic atomic table ..... En --> Energy units and their En --> English words
10 years ago, 6 deer hunters slain in woods of western Wisconsin ... 
'DECISION Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul (Dirac's) manuscript for a man ....... Wisconsin deer hunter ... 
Vang acknowledged shooting the people, but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute over a deer stand to become violent and escalate into multiple deaths.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul,(Dirac) Min --> Mini-max theorem DECISION Theory
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
is imprisoned at the An --> Atomic number State Penitentiary.
is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
is imprisoned at the An am os ...... State Penitentiary.[1]
is imprisoned at the
An = Atomic number
Am = Atomic mass opertaing system (atomic computer) ..... State Penitentiary.
The History of IBM Operating Systems 
JOB and EXEC Statements 
JOB and EXEC Statements 
JOB and EXEC Statements 
JOB EXECUTION Statements ... of DEATH JOBS approved by
Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 Wisconsin
and the Base 16 address space --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
The Base 16 HEX .. COMPUTER JOB execution approved for
human bio-computers at April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH
human bio-computers at April 16, 2007 at Virginia TECH
but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute
but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute
but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute
but challenged the chain of events that caused a dispute
Herbert Spencer on Education - Page 60 - Google Books Result 
§7: THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer 
Hilbert space .....
M-theory application code --> Milbert
- Wikipedia 
The mathematical concept of a Hilbert space, named after David Hilbert, generalizes the notion of Euclidean space. It extends the methods of vector algebra and calculus from the two-dimensional Euclidean plane and three-dimensional space to spaces with any finite or infinite number of dimensions.
Hilbert Space -- from Wolfram MathWorld 
mathworld.wolfram.com › ... › Mathematical Humor
by EW Weisstein - 2004 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
A Hilbert space is a vector space with an inner product such that the norm defined by. turns into a complete metric space. If the metric defined by the norm is not complete, then is instead known as an inner product space. Examples of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces include. 1.Cambridge University fails .....
4th straight loss ..code -->
4 ...............10 binary --> decimal 2
thus 42 --> information pointer to year 1942 and
Cambridge university ......
featherless bipeds/ chicken brain school and their
inability in the C. P. Snow ..... TWO CULTURES wars
BellSouth - Wikipedia 
BellSouth Corporation was an American telecommunications holding company based in Atlanta, Georgia. BellSouth was one of the seven original Regional Bell Operating Companies after the U.S. Department of Justice forced the American Telephone & Telegraph Company to divest itself ...
Number of employees: 63,000
Products: Telephone, Internet, Television
Headquarters: Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.
Subsidiaries: BellSouth Telecommunica...
Bell South Telecommunications - Wikipedia 
Formerly called: SBT&T Co. Southern B...
Headquarters: AT&T Midtown Center; At...
Above code --> Adam 39 --> am 39 --> atomic mass 39 .......
bio-physics message,
bio-chemistry message and a K-channel neuroscience message
code name --> Belinda --> Be + lin + da --> Base line data
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice 
Mar 9, 2016 - Carmen M. Ortiz was nominated by President Barack Obama, as the United States Attorney for the atomic MASS ..... District of Massachusetts and confirmed by ...
Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In 2009, she was nominated to the position by ...
Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is the United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. In 2009, she was nominated to the position by ...
Carmen Ortiz -
Douglas fir - Wikipedia 
Douglas-Fir - National Wildlife Federation 
Missing: carmen ortiz
Douglas-Fir cellulose extension system --> cell forms -->
Golan Heights - Wikipedia 
The Golan Heights or simply the Golan or the Syrian Golan, is a region in the Levant. The western two-thirds of the Golan Heights are currently occupied and ...
History & Overview of the Golan Heights
secret BRAIN language SUB-conscious codes
| Jewish Virtual Library 
In Biblical times, the Golan Heights was referred to as "Bashan;" the word "Golan" apparently derives from the biblical city of "Golan in Bashan," (Deuteronomy ...
Golan Heights code of Chicago citizens Wikipedia 

Justice Douglas - Wikipedia 
Justice Douglas may refer to: William O. Douglas, an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court; Andrew Douglas (judge), an Associate Justice of the ...
The Tragedy of Nature and Arthur Schopenhauer....
Will and William O. Douglas | The Nation 
William O. Douglas | Oyez 
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ... 
Nov 30, 2010 - The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel, was prounced dead by the county coroner this morning, Marinette ...
Motive of Samuel Hengel, 15, in school hostage seige remains ...

Nov 30, 2010 - Samuel Hengel died Tuesday morning at a Green Bay, Wis., hospital ... 30, 2010 in Marinette, Wis. about a hostage situation at Marinette High ...
Code --> S.. Cicero --> SC --> Sub-conscious MIND road maps
Penn Medicine "Brain Road Maps" Reflect Behavior Differences ... 
Feb 9, 2016 - The Penn team, including senior author Ragini Verma, PhD, an associate professor in the Center for Biomedical Image Computing and ...
Road Map for the BRAIN Initiative 
www.ninds.nih.gov › About NINDS › Director's Messages
Aug 13, 2014 - When President Obama announced the BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) in April 2013, the ...
Aug 13, 2014 - When President Obama announced the BRAIN Initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) in April 2013, the ...
Maps of Brain .... a city in France
Here are several maps of Brain.
You will find the road map of Brain with a routing module. This dynamic road map of France (in sexagesimal coordinates WGS84) is centered on the town of Brain.
The location of Brain in France is shown below on several maps of France. The mapping system of these base maps of Brain is the french mapping system: Lamber93.
These base maps of Brain are reusable and modifiable by making a link to this page of the Map-France.com website or by using the given code.
You will find the road map of Brain with a routing module. This dynamic road map of France (in sexagesimal coordinates WGS84) is centered on the town of Brain.
The location of Brain in France is shown below on several maps of France. The mapping system of these base maps of Brain is the french mapping system: Lamber93.
These base maps of Brain are reusable and modifiable by making a link to this page of the Map-France.com website or by using the given code.
ROAD MAP BRAIN : maps of Brain 21350 -
Map of France and the Franchise Industry secret languages
www.map-france.com › Bourgogne › Côte-d'Or › Brain
ROAD MAP BRAIN : road map, relief map, administrative maps, geographic information and location of Brain on the map of France 21350 Côte-d'Or.
Code --> Rhode area rug -=-> Rh + ode --> Rh factors code in B100D
Contact the American
Mathematical Society
Mathematical Society
.......hemat Society
......hematology bio-math and numerical control systems .... Society
Mohawk people - Wikipedia 
Mohawk people at Cambridge University - Wikipedia 
Ir = Infra-red .... red skin HEAT LANGUAGE of the
Iroquois BEDROOM Confederacy with Cambridge, England and the HOT numbers (women) of the math number theorists and their science department associates
The name means "People of the Flint Place." They are an Iroquoian-speaking indigenous people of North Am .... Atomic mass .
Etymology ·
History since colon / rectum evolution process of Colonization ·
20th century to present
Stephen Hawking and his identity - Wikipedia
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical ...
Hawking was the MoHawk ..... Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009 and has achieved commercial success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; his book A Brief History of Time appeared on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
History since colon / rectum evolution process of Colonization ·
20th century to present
Stephen Hawking and his identity - Wikipedia 
Hawking was the MoHawk ..... Lucasian Professor of Mathematics
Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009 and has achieved commercial success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; his book A Brief History of Time appeared on the British Sunday Times best-seller list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
for a record-breaking 237 weeks.
for a record-breaking 23 37 weeks.
for a record-breaking 23 chromosome pairs with 37 Celsius degrees tempertaure.
What is Metabolism? - News Medical 
www.news-medical.net/life-sciences/What-is-Metabolism.aspxMetabolism is a term that is used to describe all chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Metabolism can be conveniently divided into two categories: Catabolism - the breakdown of molecules to obtain energy.
What is Metabolism?
Zoom in - definition of zoom in by The Free Dictionary 
The modern molecule family
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ami --> amino acids
.......................................ami --> amish agents and their incomplete explanation/cover-up about the Lancaster shooting..
Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA 
lancasterpa.com › The AmishSchool Shooting in an Amish One-Room School ......
one room representing Nature's molecule education site.
. ... It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ... The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City.
ool shooting - Wikipedia 
Location: Bart Township, Lancaster Cou...
Date: October 2, 2006; 10 years ago; c. ...
Deaths: 6 (including the perpetrator)
Non-fatal injuries: 5
The rotating EARTH is like an electric motor .......
Earth iron core (a fixed point center) ..... while the EARTH surface copper ore deposits/ copper mines ......................
that rotate 20, 000 miles a day (the Earth circumference distance at that latitude) relative to the EARTH center.
IBM Basic Assembly Language(BAL) and successors - Wikipedia 
Quantum Physics: Quantum Theory / Wave Mechanics 
So it is clear that Waves are central to Quantum Physics and our understanding of the structure and discrete energy states of Matter (which explains why Quantum Theory is also called Quantum Wave Mechanics). ... (Erwin Schrodinger talking about quantum theory.)
The EARTH geography surface LAND ..as an atomic energy wave surface / .. a platform of existential physics that humans live upon
thus code words--> Wave Land
[PDF]Wave mechanics and the Schrödinger equation - Theory of ... 
www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bds10/aqp/handout_foundations.pdfof wave mechanics, to introduce more advanced topics in quantum theory, it ... The formulation of a consistent theory of statistical mechanics, electrody-.
Maps and Parking .. Kenmore code .... Intellectual war played out at Kenwood
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (UWM) is located at an attractive residential area just five blocks from
Lake atoMic
It is on Milwaukee’s upper-east side, east of the Milwaukee River, just north of Locust Street. The Physics department is in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) located at 3135 N. Maryland Ave.
Lake atoMic
It is on Milwaukee’s upper-east side, east of the Milwaukee River, just north of Locust Street. The Physics department is in the Kenwood Interdisciplinary Research Complex (KIRC) located at 3135 N. Maryland Ave.
Kenwood, 3135 N Maryland Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53211
just north of Locust Street.
just north of Locust Street.
just north of Locus ...................
Root locus - Wikipedia 
In control theory and stability theory, root locus analysis is a graphical method for examining how the roots of a system change with variation of a certain system ...
Control Systems/Root Locus - Wikibooks, open books for an open world 
just north of Locust Street.
just north of Locust Street.
just north of Locus ...................
Why is the Root Locus Plot/scheme Important on Locust Street area? - Swarthmore College 
Centrifugal force - Wikipedia 
Jump to Absolute rotation - In Newtonian mechanics, the centrifugal force is an inertial force directed ..... That the Earth is itself an oblate spheroid, bulging at the equator where the radial distance and hence the centrifugal force is larger, ...
The Rotating Earth 
Sep 22, 2004 - The bulge of the Earth's equator. Assuming the Earth is exactly spherical, we expect gravity to always point towards the center of Earth. However, the centrifugal force is perpendicular to the axis of the Earth.
Why does the rotation of the earth create
a centrifugal force and a Vincent force?
- Quora 
Aug 20, 2015 - Tie a weight onto the end of a rope, hold the other end and use it to spin the weight around you. Notice that you have to pull inward to keep the ...
Vincent .... centrifugal force agent .... Lombardi - Wikipedia 
Vincent Thomas "Vince" Lombardi (June 11, 1913 – September 3, 1970) was an American football player, coach, and executive in the National Football League ( NFL). He is best known as the head coach of the Green Bay Packers during the ...
Early years · Coaching career · Personal · Illness and death
Packers and packed decimal numbers
.com | Vince Lombardi 
Below, Solar System agents for photosynthesis ..
yellow sunlight and green chlorophyll uniforms ..
and black players symbolize Nature's black soil/ earth ground
the black tree trucks in a forest.
The electro-magnetic (EM) field POST OFFICE as explained by Em life form
--> EMILY POST in her year 1922 book.
Above, the liver disease in IOWA
Welcome City of Waterloo, Iowa 
Rental Unit Registrations for the license period of January 1 to December 31, 2017, are due by November 1, 2016. The fee for registration is $25.00 per rental ...
Waterloo, Iowa - Wikipedia 
Waterloo is a city in and the county seat of Black Hawk County, Iowa, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census the population decreased by 0.5% to ...
Welcome City of Waterloo, Iowa 
Waterloo, Iowa - Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waterloo,_IowaWaterloo is a city in and the county seat of the astrophysics EARTH LAB region ..
known as Black Hawk County, Iowa, United States.
As of the 2010 United States Census the population decreased by 0.5% to ...
Waterloo religious Convent .... Convention & Visitors Bureau -
Events and Event Horizons,
Hotels and David Hilbert's Hotel
& More! 
"Travel Waterloo ..... travel water ...... travel waterbags with FETUS brains".
M-theory has 11 dimensions
M-theory has 11 dimensions
M-theory has 11 dimensions ...one such dimension of expression .... is the earthly inverse universe ....and other formats are language inverses ..such as the George Orwell word inverse and the Spanish language inverted question mark ..... all factors inside the brain Symbol processor
/Inverted_question_and_exclamation_marks at
the Boston Marathon Trial with the Department of Just.ICE ice-berg MODEL of
sub-conscious MIND secret languages and jury manipulation tricks
Inverted question marks (¿) and exclamation marks (Commonwealth English) or exclamation points (American English) (¡) are punctuation marks used to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences (or clauses), respectively, in written Spanish and sometimes also in languages which have cultural ties with Spanish, such as ...
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers for Carmen Ortiz and her staff of 200 people
www.spanishdict.com › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Mar 7, 2013 - Why is there a upside down question mark"¿" in the begging of a question?? ... This is one of my favorite Spanish questions of all time! Also ...
spanish.about.com › ... › Write in Spanish › Spanish Punctuation
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to the languages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When ...
The upside-down or inverted question marks and exclamation points of Spanish are unique to the languages of Spain. But they make a lot of sense: When ...
M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings : Explorations in Science ... 
mkaku.org/home/articles/m-theory-the-mother-of-all-superstrings/M-theory, moreover, may even force string theory to change its name. ... In 11 dimensions, in fact, there are alternate super theories based on membranes as ...
In M-theory, everything may arise from strings, bubbles and sheets in higher dimensions of space-time. Membranes take the shape of them all. M-theory has 11 dimensions so it is more fundamental perhaps than strings. Gravity is the geometry of space-time. “Matrix” theory is based on an infinite number of zero-branes (particles). Their coordinates are not ordinary numbers but matrices, making space-time a fuzzy concept.
A testable holistic model is the Holy Grail of science, a “theory of everything”, or T.O.E. uniting all the forces of nature, including gravity. In principle it would explain everything from the macroscopic Big Bang to the most elusive microscopic phenomena. Yet it has remained elusive. However, science is only roughly 200 years old and growing exponentially.
Article words --> A bush gathers sand --> President Bush and the Iraq-Kuwait sand war region in 1990 / 1991 ...that is the EARTH sand/ silicon dioxide ..... electron circuit wars played out on the EARTH geography surface region in Kuwait.
directions | Department of Physics | The University of Chicago 
https://physics.uchicago.edu/page/directionsThe administrative offices of the Department of Physics are located in the ... the southwest corner of East 57th Street and South Ellis Avenue at 5720 South Ellis.
Tim Wakefield - Wikipedia 
Jump to Boston Red Sox - Six days after being released from the Pirates, Wakefield was signed by the Boston Red Sox. He worked with Phil and Joe ...
Win–loss record: 200–180
Strikeouts: 2,156
Earned run average: 4.41
Tim Wakefield Statistics and History | Baseball-Reference.com 
www.baseball-reference.com › Encyclopedia of Players › W Listing
Tim Wakefield Statistics and History
Time of Death ..... funeral Wake DEMO .... Wakefield Statistics and History
Wakefield COMPUTER EARTH base registers ......
baseball (Base BALL = Basic Assembler Land Language) ... massacre - Wikipedia 
Mass Murder. Weapons. AK-47 variant,; 12-gauge Winchester 1300 shotgun, .32 caliber Retolaza pistol. Deaths, 7. Perpetrator, Michael McDermott.
The Wakefield massacre occurred on Tuesday, December 26, 2000, at Edgewater Technology ... He fired off a total of 37 rounds at humans with 37 Celsius degrees temperature ERRORS ... shooting his victims in the BACK of the head ..... creating a feedBACK systems message
Wakefield rampage 'an unforgettable event' -
The Boston Globe explains that human bio-computer ....
executable instrustions CAN cause human executions
Above word --> Soccer ball --> algebra subset codes
--> Soc BAL (computer Language ABENDS) .> .Soc --> System OC abend codes
ZOS ABEND S0C7 Data exception error in file record - MainframeTips ... 
Jun 22, 2012 - http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/iea2h734.pdf – link to ZOS MVS ... SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=0C7 REASON CODE=00000000.
0C7 Error (System Completion Code=0C7) - IBM Cobol - ibm mainframe ... 
Mar 8, 2011 - I am having a problem with a 0C7 error. This one :The system detected a data exception (System Completion Code=0C7). From compile.
Below, the Peru PER systems agent at FermiLAB ..... Pier Oddone
Valeant Pharmaceuticals Under Investigation by
Valiant agents .... Federal Prose extensions .... Prosecutors ... 
Oct 15, 2015 - Federal prosecutors asked Valeant for information on drug pricing, ... intends to cooperate with the investigations,” Valeant said in a statement.
Valeant under federal investigation for how it prices drugs - Fortune 
Valeant under federal investigation
Valeant Pharmaceuticals received subpoenas
Valeant Pharmaceuticals received sub poenas
Valeant Pharmaceuticals received sub-conscious MIND poetry nasty ....
Valeant Pharmaceuticals received sub-conscious POE ....P order entry with
Edgar Allan Poe and the SUB-conscious MIND language region ...
Poe subpoena with J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI
- Wikipedia 
J. Edgar Hoover .......
the mystery extension of Edgar Allan Poe
- Wikipedia 
John Edgar Hoover (January 1, 1895 – May 2, 1972) was the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of the United States. He was appointed as ...
J. Edgar Hoover - Government Official - Biography.com 
Shields (Star Trek) - Wikipedia 
In the Star Trek earthly parallel universe, shields refer to a 23rd and 24th century technology that provides starships, space stations, and planets with limited protection ...
First appearance: Star Trek; "Balance of ...
Function: Protects ships, space stations, ...
Deflector shield | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by Wikia 
Jeremy Roenick --> Roe -->
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia 
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people ...
Motive: Racial hatred
Target: Worshipers at a Sikh temple
Deaths: 7 (Including perpetrator)
Non-fatal injuries: 4
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people
Jeremy Roenick -->
Jeremy Roenick -->
Jeremy Roenick -->
Jeremy Roenick --> Argonne National Lab and Fed Government ERRORS create atomic social science problems ERRORS
Jeremy Wand convicted in the Argonne created ,,,,,
Argyle fire that killed 3 boys | Local News ... 
Jun 12, 2013 - Jeremy Wand convicted in Argyle fire that killed 3 boys ... to felony murder for the death of the fetus Armin's wife, Sharon Wand, was carrying.
Sharon Wand, was carrying.
Sharon Wand, was carrying ....... proper noun .. atomic codes.
Sha ron .W an ca arry.
Share electron W particle an = atomic number (VSAM Ca) control area array .....
W particle | subatomic particle rigged TRIAL
and the Department of Energy cover-up
| Britannica.com 
Sentence gives Jeremy Wand chance for parole after Argyle triple ... 
Medina called the murders “one of the most heinous offenses to occur in Wisconsin.
An 18-year-old Argyle man was convicted Wednesday ....
......18 atomic vertical columns ..the 18 families of the periodic table ...
and the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family
It was similar to the deal made in March by his brother, 33-year-old Armin Wand III, just days before his trial was scheduled to begin. The elder brother was convicted in March of killing his children Allen Wand, 7; Jeffery Wand, 5; and Joseph Wand, 3.
The elder brother was convicted in March
The elder brother was convicted in March
The elder brother was convicted in March ..........
. in the advanced organic chemistry ..... social chemistry WAR trial..
The elder brother was convicted in March of killing his children
Allen Wand, 7; Jeffery Wand, 5; and Joseph Wand, 3
--> electron sub-shell orbital numbers 3, 5, 7
of helping his older brother kill his three young children in a house fire they deliberately set last September.
Jeremy Wand pleaded guilty in a Lafayette County court
(the rigged TRIAL ... an insult to Nature's existential Alan Turing .......
SYMBOL and CONCEPT MACHINE of Grand Unified Theory and SYSTEM 370 Base 16 hexadecimal) ,, thus the EARTH SYSTEMS revenge in Grand Unified Theory military COURT ......... in Lafayette Louisania ......
The Particle Adventure | Unsolved Mysteries | Grand Unified Theory 
Today, one of the major goals of particle physics is to unify the various fundamental forces in a Grand Unified Theory which could offer a more elegant ...
Forces and the Grand Unified Theory - The Particle Adventure 
Grand Unified Theory military forces ACTION in the
rigged atomic social science TRIAL .....
the Argonne / Argyle case in the Lafayette COURT HOUSE
2012 Aurora shooting
On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. A gunman, dressed in tactical clothing, set off tear gas grenades and shot into the audience with multiple firearms. About 12 people were killed and 70 others were injured,
On July 20, 2012,
On July 20, 2012,
On July 20, 2012 ...Nature's optical nerve ...... PHOTON information processor orders
.............20, 20 --> 20/20 vision WAR ZONE
20/20 Optical Center and
Nature's ....... human Central Nervous SYSTEM 370 military defense system against citizen bull-story nonsense tricks and schemes
At 20/20 Optical Center, we take the time to get to know you, your eye care SOFTWARE data processing historyOur optometrist provides the expert care, advice on BRAIN thought development using science textbooks and exercises.
Are you and EAR HEAD with a talking mouth ...... are you a MUSIC HEAD .....convert ..
use light for the optical religious experience known as the Age of Enlightenment ....become aware of bull-shit, language schemes and other BIG BROTHER manipulations of your LAZY mind.
Cinemark Wants Color .....
Shooting Victims.
Jun 30, 2016 - Over a month after a state jury declared the nation’s third-largest exhibition chain was not responsible for the fatal Colorado theater shooting at the Aurora Century 16 multiplex,
The IRON interface LINK between the Beatle biology music ....
INTERNAL iron motor vehicles of hemoglobin and the
EXTERNAL iron automobile motor vehicle
Journal of Hepatology is published by Elsevier for the European Association for the Study of the Liver. Access this journal on ScienceDirect. Visit ScienceDirect ...
Cinemark Wants Color .....
optical nerve STATE of MIND (Color.ADO) ......Theater of WAR ...
Shooting Victims. 
deadline.com/.../cinemark-aurora-theater-shooting-legal-fees-dark-knigh...Jun 30, 2016 - Over a month after a state jury declared the nation’s third-largest exhibition chain was not responsible for the fatal Colorado theater shooting at the Aurora Century 16 multiplex,
INTERNAL iron motor vehicles of hemoglobin and the
EXTERNAL iron automobile motor vehicle
Journal of Hepatology Liver MUSIC from Liverpool
www.journal-of-hepatology.eu/Journal of Hepatology is published by Elsevier for the European Association for the Study of the Liver. Access this journal on ScienceDirect. Visit ScienceDirect ...
What is Hep ... Hepatology? - News and Medical Jive 
www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Hepatology.aspxNov 19, 2014 - Hepatology is a branch of medicine concerned with the study, prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases that affect the liver, ...
What is Hepatology with the bio-computer
subroutine CALL of Calloway? - News Medical 
www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Hepatology.aspxNov 19, 2014 - Hepatology is a branch of me ..... human meat medicine concerned with the stud ......penis stud study, prevention, diagnosis and management of SOFTWARE language diseases
that affect the liver data processing / thoughts of
of Federal atomic bio-physics humans at the LAW of Liver LABS ... in Livermore California.
Potassium channel structures : Article : Nature Reviews Neuroscience 
www.nature.com › Journal home › Archive › Review
by S Choe - 2002 - Cited by 170 - Related articles
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3, 115-121 (February 2002) | doi :10.1038/nrn727 ... The molecular basis of K+ channel function is universally conserved.
Chapter 2: Ionic Mechanisms of Action Potentials - Neuroscience Online 
Human bio-computers
Che Guevara - Wikipedia 
Ernesto "Che" Guevara also known as El Che, was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become an ...
Ernesto "Che" Guevara, also known as El Che, was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist.
known as El Che,
known as El Che,
known as El Cheese ..... Wisconsin Cheese representative
Che Guevara -
molecular PROTEIN MACHINE political science Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 
Mouth America ...
South America.
Why is IBM ,,, the big cheese in computer science ..... called 'Big Blue'? - Quora 
Blue cheese - Wikipedia
Blue cheese is a general classification of cheeses that have had cultures of the mold Penicillium added so that the final product is spotted or veined throughout with blue, or blue-grey mold and carries a distinct smell, either from that or various specially cultivated bacteria.
Code words
--> cheese implies Wisconsin
--> Swiss --> S wiss --> South Wisconsin
--> player --> p layer --> protein layers in the human molecular bio-computer
PROTEIN MACHINE (PM) and its protocol
--> back--> molecule THOUGHTs and their feedback systems
Tyrosine protein battle at Utoya, Lake Tyrosine - Wikipedia 
Chemical formula: C9H11NO3
CAS Number: 60-18-4 (L)
Molar mass: 181.19 g·mol−1
Utøya protein battle site - Wikipedia 
2011 Norway attacks at Tyrifjorden and Oslo
--> algebra subset codes Tyr + Os --> spells Tyrosine
- Wikipedia 
Desi Arnaz - Wikipedia 
Desi Arnaz - Film Actor, Television Actor - Biography.com 
www.biography.com/people/desi-arnaz-9542545Jul 8, 2014 - Desi Arnaz was a Cuban-born actor and musician who is remembered for his marriage to Lucille Ball and their TV show, I Love Lucy. ... In 1949, Arnaz developed the hit television series I Love Lucy, which ran for six years. Actor and musician Desiderio Alberto Arnaz III was born on ...
Desi Arnaz
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia 
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com 
whatis.techtarget.com › Topics › Networking › Network software
In IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM means either a human being that i...
Logical Unit (LU) Connections to ...... I love logical unit LUCY
- CA XCOM Data Transport for z/OS ... 
What is logical unit number (LUN)? - Definition from WhatIs.com 
searchstorage.techtarget.com › ... › Peripherals
LUN setup varies by system. A logical unit number is assigned when a host scans a SCSI device and discovers a logical unit. The LUN identifies the specific logical unit to the SCSI initiator when combined with information such as the target port identifier.
Logical unit number - Wikipedia 
In computer storage, a logical unit number, or LUN, is a number used to identify a logical unit, which is a device addressed by the SCSI protocol or Storage Area Network protocols which encapsulate SCSI, such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI.
Logical Unit (LU) - MSDN - Microsoft 
20 Fun Facts About 'I Love Lucy --> LU Cybernetics ' | Mental Floss 
mentalfloss.com/article/71122/20-fun-facts-about-i-love-lucyFeb 17, 2016 - When 'I Love Lucy' premiered in 1951, no one could have predicted that it would become one of television's most beloved and enduring ...
I Love Lucy
(brain systems ...... SOFTWARE INTERNALs research
...TV Series 1951–1957) - IMDb 
gets herself in the strangest situations.
gets herself in the strangest situations.
gets herself in the strangest situations.
Description of Transactional Analysis and Games
ice Hockey Games that generate data to explain the Ice-berg model of Signal Freud and the Just Ice ....Justice Department supremacy attitude
by Dr. Numeric Eric Berne MD 
The following is an introductory description of Transactional Analysis. ... While there were many theories purporting to explain human behavior before Eric Berne, the most frequently cited and known is the work of Sigmund Freud. ... Another scientist whose contributions impacted Dr. Berne ...
The following is an introductory description of Transactional Analysis. ... While there were many theories purporting to explain human behavior before Eric Berne, the most frequently cited and known is the work of Sigmund Freud. ... Another scientist whose contributions impacted Dr. Berne ...
Above and below code --> Hawks Wild --> Hawking and Jane Wilde
Code word --> Cold --> Co + 1d --> Copper base 16 Hex'1d' =29 electrons
Above table ... .... 1d --> 29
Copper atomic mass 63 --> above and below codes
Above command words --> Orange, New Jersey (new cotton jersey shirt of clothes)
..cold shooting doomed --> basketball WORDS transformed to nasty reality EVENTS -->
Orange cold shooting doomed at San Bernardino ..... Orange Show RD
San Basketball Shooting - NBC Sports News
San Bernardino Shooting Cover-up by NBC
--> Nitrogen Bio-Chemistry expression network
2015 San Bernardino shooting - Wikipedia 
On December 2, 2015, nitrogen atomic mass 14 resulted in 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured in a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, ...
On December 2, 2015, nitrogen atomic mass 14 resulted in 14 people were killed and 22 were seriously injured in a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, ...
Orange cold shooting doomed at Orlando, Florida ..... S. Orange avenue
Below, Whitewater represents hydro-electric power
Hydroelectricity - Wikipedia 
Hydroelectricity is electricity produced from hydropower. In 2015 hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity, ...
Hydroelectric Power: How it works, USGS Water-Science School 
Hydroelectricity - Wikipedia 
Hydroelectricity is electricity produced from hydropower. In 2015 hydropower generated 16.6% of the world's total electricity and 70% of all renewable electricity, ...
Hydroelectric Power:
How the energy SUPREME COURT works,
USGS Water-Science School 
water.usgs.gov/edu/hyhowworks.html"A hydraulic turbine converts the energy of flowing water into mechanical energy. A hydroelectric generator converts this mechanical energy into electricity. The operation of a generator is based on the principles discovered by Faraday.
Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand ... 
Title: Principia mathematica, by Alfred North Whitehead ... and Bertrand Russell. ... Thus " is a man" is formally equivalent to "2 is a featherless biped"; "' is an ...
Size of the VTAM request unit (RU) - IBM 
A VTAM® request unit (RU) contains system data information for a printer. An increase in VTAM RU size might increase printing rate, because processing larger ...
Command and RU types in VTAM messages - IBM 
This chapter lists the command and request/response unit (RU) types that can appear in VTAM® messages. See z/OS Communications Server: SNA Operation ...
VTAM request unit (RU)
VTAM request unit (RU) of RUTA Zandman for
.......................................................TA Z atomic number
VTAM request unit (RU)
VTAM request unit (RU) of RUTA Zandman for
.......................................................TA Z atomic number ......
failure of the myopic, arrogant Federal government and
the Department of Energy to acknowledge existence and
Nature's atomic SYMBOL MACHINE request ...
resulted in the the transactional analysis ordered .......
tragic signaling MESSAGE via the
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia 
Deaths: Tamir Elijah Rice
Cause: Gunshot
Date: November 22, 2014
Location: Cudell Recreation Center, Cle...
Mirror symmetry (string theory) - Wikipedia 
In algebraic geometry and theoretical physics, mirror symmetry is a relationship between ... In superstring theory, the version of the theory that incorporates a theoretical idea called supersymmetry, there are six extra dimensions of spacetime in ...
Supersymmetry: Looking in Nature's Mirror - The Nature of Reality - PBS 
Supersymmetric Defect Models and Mirror ... - Stanford University 
by A Hook - Cited by 9 - Related articles
to preserve half of the supersymmetries. Mirror symmetry relates the two sets of configu- rations. We discuss the implications for impurity models in 3d N = 4 QED
United States Department of Justice composed of perfect people with complete wisdom and understanding of everything in existence .......
therefore they do not need to communicate or study
the "Two Culture's" war or
the Alan Sokay " gravity field neuroscience wars" with
EM life forms that ought come down to EARTH some day
- Wikipedia 
Vishay - manufacturer of discrete semiconductors and passive ... 
Vishay. ... Passive Components ... AC Motor Drive · Electronic Energy Meter · Lighting Ballast - American Standard · Lighting Ballast - European Standard ...
Vishay - manufacturer of discrete semiconductors and passive
Vision/ human eye and S.I . Hayakawa - manufacturer of brains OPTICAL data processing systems software and thought systems
Differential Analyzer | The MIT 150 Exhibition - MIT Museum 
Professor Vannevar Bush's invention of the Bush Differential Analyzer in 1931 “ mechanized calculus.” This analog electromechanical device built with the assistance ...
Vannevar Bush's Differential Analyzer - MIT 
Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal - Wikipedia 
Differential Analyzers - Social Engineering and brain attitude Technology History Wiki 
On the Development and Use of Bush Differential Analyzers 
by D Schultes - 2004 - Related articles
Apr 28, 2004 - concludes with some improvements of the differential analyzer that were achieved by replacing .... 2.2 Bush's Differential Analyzer at the MIT.
Bush and the evolution of
Bush techology with the bio-Bush Differential Anal Analyzer
| Bit by Bit 
30 Unapproved Names For A Woman's Bush - The Frisky 
Jul 15, 2011 - There's no eloquent way to talk about bush, or for those of you who prefer to be ... Tags: bush, pubic hair, Sex, sex slang, slang, Top 10, vagina ...
bush and the MODERN differental anlyzer- The Online Slang Dictionary 
Slang words for pubic hair | Urban Thesaurus | The Online Slang ... 
onlineslangdictionary.com › ... › genitals, genitalia, privates, private parts
Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem using the modern bio-physics Bush Differental amplifier
- Phys.org 
phys.org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
Thus code words and number / dates -->
December 18, 1995 --> pointer to 18 watertown and water molecule and
potassium Highway 19
January 26 --> pointer to ferrous oxide IRON information highway 26
Complex math ..... math national secuity agent ----> Zbi
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) | Duke Pratt School of ... 
pratt.duke.edu/undergrad/degree-programs/bseBachelor of science in engineering degrees are offered in all four of our ... the manufacture of electrical and electronic devices and systems such as iPods, cell ...
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) | Prions Diseases | CDC 
Mad Cow Disease in Humans: Facts, Symptoms, Causes & Treatment 
www.emedicinehealth.com › home › infections center › infections az list
Madison INTELLECTUAL Cowards Disease in Hum humans:
Factof social science Bull-stories,
Symptoms of talking and talking and talking ,
Causes of trivial brain perceptions .... like sports and music
Treatment using algebra textbooks with PSSC physics and LAB courses, bio-chemsitry tetxtbooks, etc
www.emedicinehealth.com › home › infections center › infections az list
Mad cow disease is an infectious disease in the brain of cattle
Mad cow dis ease is an infectious disease in the brain of cattle
Madison coward ease / easy life ...... is a sub-conscious MIND language ....iinfectious SYMBOL LIFE disease in the bra / brains of women and their BEDROOM 2-legged cat errors that create MR. arrogant penis HEAD ......
HEAD of social policy and political science directives
HEAD of social policy and political science directives
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia 
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Fermilab History and Galapagos Islands extension ,,,,,
Archives Project | Pier Oddone 
Pier Oddone The Piermaria Oddone Collection (2013) consists of an oral history interview with Oddone. Additional information on Piermaria Oddone:
Fermilab History and Archives Project | Piermaria Oddone 
Cabinet (real estate BEDROOM government with kitchen cabinets) - Wikipedia 
A cabinet is a body of high-ranking state officials, typically consisting of the top leaders of the executive branch. They are usually called ministers, but in some jurisdictions are sometimes called secretaries.
Cabinet of the United States - Wikipedia 
government of the United States , who ...
...............................Unite ate/ eaters/ consumers /mouth muscle activity
VIA eating or talking on cell phones
Crystal - Wikipedia 
Solid State Structure - NDE/NDT Resource Center 
Code words --> $2 cents per pound --> Pointer to England and year 1942
EARTH LAB... atomic city of Higginsville, MO = Molecules if Missouri
- Official Website 
www.higginsville.org/Official site, containing city government information, an overview of the town's facilities and economy, and links to other government and informational sites in the ...
Board of Pub .... Beer Summit Pub /public Safety ·
Electric and bio-electric Department ·
Water molecule Department ·
New Applicants of Isaac Newton gravity field life
Electron shell - Wikipedia 
The electrons in the outermost occupied shell (or shells) determine the chemical properties of the atom; it is called the valence shell. Each shell consists of one or more subshells, and each subshell consists of one or more atomic orbitals.
Electron shell - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia 
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Some of those previously injured bikers were arrested in Waco after the shootout on May 17. ... Associated Press showed one man started shooting on the patio, at which time most bikers tried to seek safety inside, first in the bathroom, ...
The hydrocarbon WAR Road To Waco: A Deadly Biker Shooting Years In The Making : NPR 
Cracking (chemistry) - Wikipedia 
In petroleum geology and chemistry, cracking is the process whereby complex organic molecules such as kerogens or long chain hydrocarbons are broken down into simpler molecules such as light hydrocarbons, by the breaking of carbon-carbon bonds in the precursors.
Cracking and related refinery processes 
Cracking and related refinery processes
Crack / buttocks / the ass of assets and related SECRET LANGUAGE financial codes ...... refinery processes of bull-shitters and bragging people and communities
Cracking and related refinery processes
Crack/ pussy crack and the university campus system ......related INTELLECTUAL refinery processes ..........pussy stem -->
pussy real estate construction instructions
to the manipulated male PUPPET brain stem
September 11 attacks of the Solar System 11 year cycle - Wikipedia
Number of participants: 19
Date: September 11, 2
How the Sun's 11-Year
MILITARY Solar Cycle Works - Live Science 
www.livescience.com › Space
Introductory Botany, Linda R. Berg
and the existence of the Solar System,
the Sun and EARTH location Sun Prairie
Translate this page
Rating: 8.1/10 - 5,803 reviews
Introductory Botany Paperback. Clear and engaging, Linda Berg's INTRODUCTORY BOTANY: PLANTS, PEOPLE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT helps you ..
the BS arrogant , snob city and university in Madison, Wisconsin ...
Chapter 10: Introductory Botany Clothing stores, Message Plan of Plants, People of Madison and Sun Prairie Wisconsin
Chapter 10: Introductory Botany, Plants, People and the Environment,
2nd edition by Linda Berg. 28 terms by mike_mei. STUDY. STUDY ONLY. Flashcards.
2nd edition by Linda Berg. 28 terms by mike_mei. STUDY. STUDY ONLY. Flashcards.
Botany 500 ..and the Botany 500 year project of Nature and the
lies and cover-up by the University of Wisconsin
- Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botany_500Botany 500 is a brand of menswear and suits that was originally part of a firm based in New York City. The name lives on today as a licensed property by several foreign clothing ...
electromagnetic DATA stream of C = 186,000 the traveling photon information CITY in the velo.CITY of light and infra-red skin LANGUAGES
The EARTH LAB ......
2016 Ford Tau particle Taurus Sedan | Aerodynamic Car with 365 Horsepower ... 
High-tech meets high-performance with the 2016 Ford Taurus Sedan with available ... It's a car designed to respect your comfort and respond to your needs .
Ford Taurus ...as a Tay particle information display device- Wikipedia 
Model years: 1986–present
Manufacturer: Ford
Isosceles Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld 
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. In the figure above, the two equal sides have length and the remaining side has length . This property is equivalent to two angles of the triangle being equal. An isosceles triangle therefore has both two equal sides and two equal angles.
Isosceles triangle - Wikipedia 
Symmetry group: Dih2,, (*), order 2
Schläfli symbol: () ∨
Isosceles Triangle -- from Wolfram MathWorld 
Bermuda Triangle Incidents of MATH Disappearances - Bermuda 
The most bizarre plane geometry ........ plane crashes ever including the Bermuda Triangle ... 
Ax killer's fate up to Mathematics social science judge
- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 
Nov 10, 2007 - One day before he murdered her, after an out-of-town trip, Totzke ... According to court documents, the body of Gloria Jean Totzke, 59, was ...
Man Gets Life in Euclidean plane geometry AX.ioms .... Ax Murder - Free Republic 
www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1933654/replies?c=2Nov 30, 2007 - Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her son might be the most brutal, violent and gruesome criminal act he has seen
Avenue Q - Off-Broadway Tickets | Broadway | Broadway.com 
Avenue Q - Wikipedia 
Who Is Jeffrey Fowle? American Tourist Released By North Korea 
www.ibtimes.com/who-jeffrey-fowle-american-tourist-released-north-ko...Oct 21, 2014 - Jeffrey Fowle was released by North Korean authorities just prior to plans for his ... He is shown in this City of Moraine handout photo released on June 9, 2014. ... Fowle, a 56-year-old city service worker from Miamisburg, Ohio, was arrested ...
Chongjin is known as the “City of Iron” and is one of the more ...
Jeffrey Edward Fowle and his Journey to the Center of EARTH .....
the EARTH iron core and the EARTH surface expression region of the CITY of IRON and its 26 protons and atomic languages
- Wikipedia 
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Edward_FowleJeffrey Edward Fowle (born c. 1958) is an American citizen arrested in North Korea in May 2014 for leaving a Bible in a nightclub in the northern port city of Chongjin. ... Fowle is from Miamisburg, Ohio, and worked in the Moraine, Ohio municipal street department. His wife, Tatyana was born in Russia, and they have three ...
Les Misérables | Welcome to the Official Website 
The official site for the world-famous musical, with pictures, RealAudio/Video clips, and information on the worldwide productions.
Les Misérables - Wikipedia 
Publication date: 1862
Publisher: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Cie
Author: Victor Hugo
Genre: Epic novel, historical fiction
Les Misérables | Welcome to the Official Website 
Tarzan (book series) - Wikipedia 
Tarzan is a series of twenty-four adventure novels written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, followed by several novels either co-written by Burroughs, or officially ...
Edgar Rice Burroughs extensions
----> J. Edgar Hoover and Secretary of State Rice
- Wikipedia 
Notable works: Tarzan series; Barsoom ...
Nationality: American
Resting place: Tarzana, California, U.S
The Tarzan Series - Edgar Rice Burroughs 
When Tarzan was a year old ....
When Tarzan was a year old (number 1) ....
When ....... zan --> Z atomic number 1 ........
When Tarzan was a year old ....
When Tarzan was a year old (number 1) ....
When ....... zan --> Z atomic number 1 ........ agent Oddone .......
FermiLAB denies existence of Hydrogen and the Tarzan code -->
FermiLAB denies existence of Hydrogen and the Tarzan code -->
Tarzan --> T ar z an --> Thought area Z atomic number
Below, the Galapagos Islands extension agent form Peru
(center ..standing ,,the ODD ONE ..... ..study atomic number 1 mirrors of themselves )
(center ..standing ,,the ODD ONE ..... ..study atomic number 1 mirrors of themselves )
Percy Bysshe Shelley | atomic Poetry Foundation 
Act 4, written several months after Shelley had completed the first three in April ... All of nature joins the Earth and the Moon in celebrating in poetic song the ...
Percy Bysshe Shelley -
Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems - Poem Hunter 
Browse through Percy Bysshe Shelley's poems and quotes. 324 poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Phenomenal Woman, Still I Rise, The Road Not Taken, If You ...
Percy Bysshe Shelley - Wikipedia 
Poet Seers » atomic social science ...... Shelley Poems 
www.poetseers.org/the-romantics/percy-bysshe-shelley/shelleys-poems/shelley-poem. Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems. “Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divine. In one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?”.
SparkNotes: Shelley's Poetry 
www.sparknotes.com › SparkNotes › Poetry Study Guides
Shelley's Poetry
Below, shelley code words --> shelley --> shell ey(e) --> electron shell ........
Nature's human optical bio-electron microscope LOOKING at human society and its molecular social science languages and citizen/community tricks
In addition to Shelley ...
we have other agent proper nouns -->
_Tom Sawyer ...
Atom saw/sees /perceives saw / law and its errors caused
by lazy thinker citizen/ communities
above keywords and concepts .....
1802 --> implies water molecule code 18 and 2 giving mass 18 and H2O
Syon--> Sy + on --> System address space ...o to n ..subscription used for addressability
What is addressability? - Definition from WhatIs.com - IoT Agenda 
Addressability is the ability of an entity to be targeted and found. To be addressable, an entity must be uniquely identifiable, which means that it must be ...
Computer Memory & Addressability | higher computing 
Dec 7, 2011 - Addressability. Addressability is the way in which a computer identifies memory locations. The width of the address bus determines how many memory locations can be addressed: 1 bit address bus = 2 memory locations.
Studies at Eton --> eton --> electron EARTH ..tons of weight and heavy thoughts and the EARTH financial system currency ... the British pound and the American Ezra POUND poetry ...economic parallel analysis systems
What is address space using women bio-computers and cotton/ polyester dress ?
- Definition from WhatIs.com - SearchStorage 
searchstorage.techtarget.com › Data management tools › Programming
Address space is the amount of memory allocated for all possible addresses for a computational entity, such as a device, a file, a server, or a networked computer. Address space may refer to a range of either physical or virtual addresses accessible to a processor or reserved for a process.
Address space is created by nude women that add a dress to their physical biology body in the morning ......
when they wake up to go to work .....
in the COMPUTER EARTH system 370 geography surface region
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_spaceIn computing, an address space defines a range of discrete addresses, each of which may correspond to a network host, peripheral device, disk sector, a memory cell or other logical or physical entity.
The EARTH geography surface ....
................................................ face of Mother Nature sees / exchanges data EM waves / etc .............. with the face of woman ....
that exist in Louis de Broglie ............two man .. two manuscripts /outlines of existence and social activity on EARTH
Zastrozzi - Wikipedia 
Jump to Shelley's later prose fiction - In 1811, Shelley wrote a follow-up novella to Zastrozzi called St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian, A Romance, about ...
Zastrozzi, The Master of Discipline - Wikipedia 
Zastrozzi, The Master of Discipline is a play by Canadian playwright George F. Walker first produced at Toronto Free Theatre in 1977. It is loosely based upon the 1810 novel Zastrozzi: A Romance by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Zastrozzi (Hesperus Classics): Percy Bysshe Shelley, Germaine Greer ... 
Zastrozzi, Shelley's first published novel, is a work of pure Gothic fantasy. ... Zastrozzi and over one million other books are available for Amazon Kindle.
Zastrozzi, The Master of Discipline
Percy Bysshe Shelley,
Per cy Bysshe Shell --> equation ......
per = periodic table of elements and its
per = program event records of the IBM atomic computer with
cy = cybernetics by Norbert Wiener
Program event recording (PER) facility - IBM 
www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSB23S_1.../gtpp1mst67.htmlThe program event recording (PER) facility assists in problem determination for programs running in a native z/TPF environment. You can trace the following ...
Reduce Risk and Improve Security on IBM Mainframes: Volume 1 ... 
The bit positions of some of the CRs are assigned to particular facilities in the system, such as program-event recording, and are used either to specify that an ...
BISYNC (Binary Synchronous Communications) (Linktionary term) 
Binary synchronous communications, or BISYNC, is a character (byte)-oriented form of communication developed by IBM in the 1960s. It was originally designed ...
What Is Binary Synchronous (Bisync) Protocol? 
Bisync is one of the names commonly used when referring to a synchronous communications protocol introduced by IBM back in 1964 with the introduction of a ...
Binary Synchronous Communications (BSC) - Gartner IT Glossary 
Electron Definition in Science - Chemistry - About.com 
chemistry.about.com › ... › Chemistry Glossary and Dictionary
May 10, 2016 - This is the definition of an electron as the term is used in science as well as its mass and charge.
What is an Electron ?
School Chemistry - IvyRose Holistic 
www.ivyroses.com/Chemistry/GCSE/What-is-an-electron.phpWhat is a Mass Number (of an atom) ? ... This page describes electrons at the the level required for high school chemistry (GCSE to A-Level in the UK). ... An electron has a mass approximately 1/1836 of the mass of a proton, so a relative mass of 1/1836 ≈ 0.0005 ≈ zero.
WORDS ---->
ship in 123-car trains
------- --> Car trains --> Carbon 12 atomic/molecular trains
LINK to genetics/ bio-chemistry number 23
Duluth Seaway Port Authority | Port of Duluth-Superior 
Computer EARTH system 370 and existential physics ......
Duluth Seaway Port Authority | Port of Duluth-Superior 
Port of Duluth-Superior
Port of Duluth-Superior people and their superior DEATH messages
Port of Death ..... entry to the base 16 Hex"AF" = 175 ....... the AFterlife dimension of M-theory and string theory
Port of Du --> Samuel Du
Shooting of Samuel DuBose and his superior SPERM molecules that attack EARTH systems- Wikipedia
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia 
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Date: July 19, 2015
Filmed by: Tensing's bodycam
Port of Duluth-
Captain James Lu(Logical Unit bio-computer) Lutz,
Waukesha Police Department, Wisconsin
computer science ERRORS and social science Bull-story schemes
www.odmp.org › ... › Wisconsin › Waukesha Police Department
Pabst Farms -
EARTH LAB Base 16 Hexadecimal Highway 16 ......
protected data fields .... farm field --> protected data fields ATTACKED
by citizens of the city of Milwaukee and its universities
A Rare Way Of Life 
Back then the 1,500 acre Pabst Farms development was the stomping ground for prize-winning Holstein as well as champion Percheron and Hackney horses.
The glory days of Pabst Farm Holsteins - Wisconsin State Farmer 
Jan 31, 2013 - In 1907, after seeing that dairying was an expanding industry in Wisconsin, Fred Pabst began raising Holstein cattle. ... A dairy plant was built on the farm in 1918 that processed the Pabst Farms milk and the milk from over 300 other dairy farms.
United Nations .........
Un .. edna ...
unconscious MIND + extended DNA
Federal Reserve System of carbon 12 atomic mass:
carbon 12 Regional Banks with the 12 Tribes of Israel and 1 Central Power ... 
Nitrogen atmosphere secret INPUT code to Lee Daniel LUNGs and his output cryptology
Einstein Field Equations for Data Field ... Field Museum in Chicago
- YouTube 
▶ 2:06:23https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foRPKAKZWx8
Jun 22, 2013 - Uploaded by DrPhysicsA
Einstein's Field Equations for General Relativity - including the Metric Tensor, Christoffel symbols, Ricci ..
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