Book-204 Part 1 .... analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible messages.
Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION books referred to Hari Seldon and math equations / science concepts ..... that can be used to sometimes help explain society and various social science events ..... thus my thanks to his ideas.
Isaac Asimov FOUNDATION books referred to Hari Seldon and math equations / science concepts ..... that can be used to sometimes help explain society and various social science events ..... thus my thanks to his ideas.
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.
keywords and concept codes --> X-wing --> information pointer to
math military functions of X used in the human eye/optical nerve SOFTWARE photon wars
for control over your brain thoughts and perceptions.
The above book cover picture .... .represents the photon LIGHT optical database battles
the television usage of attack photons by some TV shows and their advertising optical tricks and schemes.
List of topics covered ......
* the human eye photon language WARS......
known as photon torpedos (of optical words and pictures )..
* Joe Stack Austin Texas and the Hierarchy problem
* Cole Hall ocean class shooting by a Pole-American MR.K .....
the George Orwell Oceania language / linguistic wars
* the murder/cover-up of Junior Seau
* Star Wars name...Captain Tycho --> ace.TYCHO,line neurotransmitters
* MR.CHO at Virginia Tech shooting /
* Gavin Long as Star Wars Gavin Darklighter in Baton Rouge
* John Dalton and the shooting of Alton Sterling
* Oxygen
* Mylan Labs and the human myoglobin PROTEIN MACHINE with Puerto Rico adult female protein SOFTWARE
* Devon Avenue Chicago and Devonta Dorsey of South Shields Avenue ......
STAR WARS shield battle zone
* STAR WARS General Airen Cracken and EARTH atmosphere air molecules .....
and the hydrocarbon refinery crack process MODEL
* sugar molecule evolution explained by Mark Zuckerberg code --> Zucker -->.sugar
* Package of sugar ...... brand name CH --> P CH --> secret agent code Priscilla CHAN
* Pulse nightclub shooting
* Utoya shooting and OSLO job execution OS/JCL
* the Labor Party votes for more pregnancy LABOR
* Copper atomic mass 63 and Emmet Till at the 63rd Street station LINK to the
Township of EMMET murder/ cover-up of Travis Zoellick
* Nikola Tesla standing waves..EARTH vibrations and buildings ..Stevens building
* Monica Lewinsky explains bio-physics harmonic oscillators and
STANDING waves with standing President Clinton
* quadratic equation
* Nairobi Kenya and Obi-wan Kenobi
* array and matrices
* the murder of Boy Scout ..... Sam Hengel of Porterfield and the I/O Port ...
the name change of a COMPUTER EARTH protected data field .... proper noun ...
name ....... Marshal Fields in Chicago and its
military FIELD Marshals at Marshal Wisconsin ......
with farm field of corn and corn kernels using the Linus kernel processor
* Germanwings plane crash
* Star Wars ..... Mirax ...... and Tamir Rice gets axed /shooting
* the White House BEER Summit on the inverse universe ......
the BEER SUMMIT meeting at the EARTH geography surface level of consciousness at
the ROSE garden ...... and the Rose-Einstein communications bridge to -->
the Paul Dirac underground ..... atomic DATABASE in a wormhole/grave
at Roselawn Cemetery
* the BOOK of the DEAD in Tallahassee
* Erwin Schrodinger cat/box ..... coffin as a computer box
* Martin Luther...... Diet of Worms
* Cassius Clay and the geology clay LEVEL of underground atomic life ... THOUGHT energy forms
* 1933 Nobel prize and the Schrodinger & Dirac experiment
in Tallahassee explained in year 2017 .....
Schrodinger subset letter code--> SCH --> Florida State University .......
code --> Flo --> information FLOW from and between various Floors / levels of existence
...such as the Paul Dirac coffin information level at Roselawn ...... the grave/wormhole .....that uses IBM IMS data segments .... that is .....
an IBM wormhole of IMS data worm segments.
* data pipelines
* Beer Summit and the tale of 2 cities named Rose ......
the Rose garden and the inverse at Roselawn
* Book of Dead
* movie Dawn of the Dead ..... and the DEAD of the Everest Metro Police
in Wisconsin .. Jason Weiland
* dire movie director Zack Snyder and the performance by Steven Timothy Snyder explained by Wisconsin State Patrol Troopers
* Snyder Hall shooting in Oregon UMPQUA college. .....
the Roseburg Oregon LINK to Roselawn cemetery and the Paul Dirac atomic electron orbitals COFFIN database ....... that is the Schrodinger dead/alive MODEL .... as explained by the Dawn of the living DEAD movie .......
the living electron THOUGHT orbitals contained in the
DEAD physical biology body of Paul Dirac .... the movie RISE of the DEAD .....
explains that Paul Dirac thought mechanics //// RISE up at Roselawn per the theory
of Rose- Einstein communications bridges using Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration signal systems
* Dirac matrices and data packages
* Beer Summit and Henry Louis Gates . ... secrets
* the Underground railroad explained and the Maryland math array
* Goland Heights
* DeForest Wisconsin and Statz Brothers farm ... radio technology secrets
* Wisconsin sin waves
* the Sinai Peninsula sin wave wars
* STARS Shields ..... Township of Shield carbon 12 battle site ......
Watertown Tire Recycle Fire at RiCH Roads ........
the organic chemistry formula and its RCH reactive ... expression site
* tyrosine proteins
* the Oshkosh, Wisconsin ...... Oscill.Oscope LINK code ...
COPE and OS --> string theory to rope theory of euROPE ................. copenhagen and Oslo
* acetylcholine political science party ...AceH party of Indonesia and its LINK to the
Galapagos Islands/ Peru EARTH LAB specimen Pier Oddone sent to FermiLAB
for examination by atomic / molecular RD
* Pier Oddone explains the Max Born neo-cortex LINK to the Borneo Orangutan
* FBI James Comey explains human eye ....... photon political systems.... eye
rods/cones SOFTWARE crimes and battles ......and the eye RODS of
Hillary ROD Clinton ..... and the Isaac Newton WHITE HOUSE
* the CLI instruction of Clinton eyeballs
* Duality Laws of Nature
* David Hilbert and Hillary Clinton bio-optical-math interceptor agent
* Orthogonal math bases battle at Fort Hood
* James Comey and his eye cones explain the TV show Coneheads
* the Carl Jung music instrumental music collective and the trumpet ...
influence on the election of Donald Trump
* EAR people
* Stephen Hawking explains the casino VIEW of reality ...
the Sino-Japanese WAR and the Sino-French sin wave .... energy wars
* Kathryn Stalbaum generates data about the feedback control loop structure of Nature and society
* Congressman Sense code agent ... Sensenbrenner
* Planck Time and number 43
* the IBM 8100 DPCX evolution to the bio-computer B100D data processing systems
* James Lutz
* social forces equation
* IBM 3380 disk storage tracks and data fields
* I-43 Milwaukee ... the Max Planck TIME HIGHWAY WAR
* electron guns can CAUSE war
* Oxygen
* Galileo and year 1616 ......... the base 16 HEX project
* the 16th President ...Lincoln and lines/columns ...matrices President
* Plato
* Time magazine and blood circulation
* electron shell problems of Shelby, North Carolina
* Ferguson meltdown and Michael Brown 4-hour meltdown
* Osama Bin Laden computer science codes
* Pakistan and packed decimal numbers
* ballot votes and IBM bal
* Nitrogen ..... DNA and genetics .... author Silver ...DNA direction
* L. Ron Hubbard and book Battlefield EARTH
* Hubbleton Wisconsin
* Dianetics and the death of Princess Diana in Paris
* the Ritz Hotel
* Diane Borchardt and her estranged husband's murder .....
* math neighborhoods
* estranged husband ...Waiting for Godot murder with Estragon
* Samuel BECKETT and the Kettle Moraine High School of Kathryn Stalbaum
explains the BEC link to Moraine (Molecular brain earth)
* Fort hood and the math neighbor.HOOD shooting
* Water molecule continuum
* Watertown, Mass and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev LINK to
Watertown, Wisconsin and the airplane that lands on 12th Street and Boomer Street
.....Boomer CODE LINK to Battlestar Galactica
and the LINK to
white sand beaches of the Far Horizons Resort, Longboat Key, Sarasota ....
* Franz Kafka and the finish line at the Boston Marathon race
* the Phantom Cave at Cavendish Labs
* Nero and the neuroscience war of 64AD ...brain burn-out
* Mayor Jane burn Byrne explains brain burn-out
code word --> Stackpole---> Stack ....Pole
Remember When Andrew Joseph Stack Flew a mathematical Plane expression device Into the Austin Texas .......
May 15, 2013 - Joseph Stack, the 53-year-old software engineer who crashed his small plane into a seven-story office building in Austin, Texas, was part of a .
The Hierarchy Problem. An important feature of nature that puzzles scientists like myself is known as the hierarchy, meaning the vast discrepancy between aspects of
Feb 12, 2009 - We were told that Steven Kazmierczak, who killed five students and then himself at Northern ... Parks a couple hundred feet from Cole Hall.
Sep 7, 2015 - Get an answer for 'Explain the war between Oceania, Eurasia, and ... What are the 12 most important events of 1984 by George Orwell, ordered ...
Junior Seau Inducted in Pro Football Hall of Fame ......
Aug 9, 2015 - On May 2, 2012, the 43-year-old Seau died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in his Oceanside, California home, a death that sent shock waves ...
Captain Tycho --> Captain Ty + cho
--> Captain Technology (at Virginia TECHology school) Mr. Cho
Oct 14, 2014 - Student Seung-Hui Cho shot and killed 32 people on Virginia Tech's campus in 2007. The mass murder ended when he turned the gun and shot himself in the head. ... On April 16, 2007, Cho began his rampage by killing two students in a dormitory after 7 a.m.
Gavin Darklighter was a Human male from Tatooine born during the Imperial ... Around this time, Darklighter may have also received a promotion to lieutenant.
... Less than two weeks later, the 29-year-old black man from Kansas City, Missouri ..
Star Wars manuscript orders implanted into the James Joyce STREAM of Consciousness
..... LINK to word --> Darklighter) ......
On July 17, 2016, Gavin Eugene Long shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling. Three died and three were .
No federal charges against the John Dalton atomic table WAR .....
Jun 27, 2017 - (CNN)After 10 agonizing months hoping two officers would be charged for Alton Sterling's death, the Louisiana man's relatives didn't get the news they wanted. Federal prosecutors announced Wednesday that there isn't enough evidence to warrant civil rights charges against Baton .
... Other features include color guides to Mylan’s Institutional, Pharmaceutical and Specialty portfolios. ... GBR® is a registered trademark of Mylan Pharmaceuticals, Inc ...
....... Carl Jung collective GROUP
Nature's social engineering systems and its formation of
keywords --> Devaron) --> Dev + ar + ron--->
Devon Avenue .... area ...... human bio-elect.RON structures in Chicago
Jan 5, 2011 - Although mainly Indian focused, Devon is the most intriguingly multicultural ... 75 percent of the area's residential population is Jewish (predominantly Orthodox), but everyone in this ethnic melting pot gets along just fine.
Deflector shields, also known as deflector screens, deflectors or simply shields, were translucent or transparent energy fields produced by deflector shield ...
Thus we have the LANAGUAGE source domain
of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping
to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
get mapped / get transformed into the physical reality EVENTS with people.
23-year-old Devonta 'Freaky Molly' Dorsey ........ in the 4400 block of South Shields, according to Chicago Police
May 15, 2017 - Devonta Brownlee was driving Sunday afternoon in the Far South Side ... vehicles started shooting, the 19-year-old suffered a fatal wound to the neck. ... Chicago Police and the Cook County medical examiner's office said.

General Airen Cracken
---> Air energy .... Crack energy ......
---> EARTH atmosphere air energy molecules (oxygena nd nitrogen) for the
2-legged standing .... vertical human body /LUNG
that is like a hydrocarbon cracking TOWER
Social refinement -- Find potential answers to this crossword clue at
Brilliant Social Media:
Brilliant Social Media: How to Start, Refine & Improve Your Social Media Business Strategy (Brilliant Business) [Adam Gray] on *FREE* shipping ...
1 : the act or process of improving something or
bringing something to a pure state refinement of sugar. 2 : excellence of manners or tastes a person of refinement.
1 : the act or process of
improving something or
bringing something to
a pure state refinement of sugar.
2 : excellence of manners or tastes a person of refinement.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar VIA Zucker.
Zucker translation english, German - English dictionary, meaning, see also ' Kandis(zucker)' ... ein Stück Zucker a lump of sugar, a sugar lump (esp Brit) or cube
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar
VIA Nature's EARTH LAB thought molecule specimen
in humanoid format ---> Zucker.
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's
Aug 1, 2015 - Mark Zuckerberg just announced that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are expecting a child.
Here's a look back at their 12-year relationship
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet ..... They included Zuckerberg's Social Security number, his parents' home address, and his girlfriend's
..... I was raised Jewish and then I went through
a period (his periodic atomic table thoughts)
where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.
The carbon 12 .... Twelve Tribes of
The Tribes of Israel are the traditional divisions of the ancient Jewish people. Biblical tradition holds that the twleve tribes of Israel are descended from the sons ...
Aug 1, 2015 - Mark Zuckerberg just announced that he and his wife, Priscilla Chan, are expecting a child. Here's a look back at their 12-year relationship.
Mark Zucker --> Mark my Words ...... says the SOLAR SYSTEM
Mark Zucker / sugar agent ........ who was created INDIRECTLY via Nature's photosynthesis process / food system ............
.........Zucker and P,,,,, Ch relationship
P CH (package of CH brand name sugar in humanoid

Utøya: At least 110 (33 by gunfire, including 1 later fatality). Total: At least 319. Perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik (lone wolf). Motive, Far-right extremism. The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli), the date of the ...... A second shooter at Utøya was described by several youths as having thick ...
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.
math military functions of X used in the human eye/optical nerve SOFTWARE photon wars
for control over your brain thoughts and perceptions.
The above book cover picture .... .represents the photon LIGHT optical database battles
the television usage of attack photons by some TV shows and their advertising optical tricks and schemes.
List of topics covered ......
* the human eye photon language WARS......
known as photon torpedos (of optical words and pictures )..
* Joe Stack Austin Texas and the Hierarchy problem
* Cole Hall ocean class shooting by a Pole-American MR.K .....
the George Orwell Oceania language / linguistic wars
* the murder/cover-up of Junior Seau
* Star Wars name...Captain Tycho --> ace.TYCHO,line neurotransmitters
* MR.CHO at Virginia Tech shooting /
* Gavin Long as Star Wars Gavin Darklighter in Baton Rouge
* John Dalton and the shooting of Alton Sterling
* Oxygen
* Mylan Labs and the human myoglobin PROTEIN MACHINE with Puerto Rico adult female protein SOFTWARE
* Devon Avenue Chicago and Devonta Dorsey of South Shields Avenue ......
STAR WARS shield battle zone
* STAR WARS General Airen Cracken and EARTH atmosphere air molecules .....
and the hydrocarbon refinery crack process MODEL
* sugar molecule evolution explained by Mark Zuckerberg code --> Zucker -->.sugar
* Package of sugar ...... brand name CH --> P CH --> secret agent code Priscilla CHAN
* Pulse nightclub shooting
* Utoya shooting and OSLO job execution OS/JCL
* the Labor Party votes for more pregnancy LABOR
* Copper atomic mass 63 and Emmet Till at the 63rd Street station LINK to the
Township of EMMET murder/ cover-up of Travis Zoellick
* Nikola Tesla standing waves..EARTH vibrations and buildings ..Stevens building
* Monica Lewinsky explains bio-physics harmonic oscillators and
STANDING waves with standing President Clinton
* quadratic equation
* Nairobi Kenya and Obi-wan Kenobi
* array and matrices
* the murder of Boy Scout ..... Sam Hengel of Porterfield and the I/O Port ...
the name change of a COMPUTER EARTH protected data field .... proper noun ...
name ....... Marshal Fields in Chicago and its
military FIELD Marshals at Marshal Wisconsin ......
with farm field of corn and corn kernels using the Linus kernel processor
* Germanwings plane crash
* Star Wars ..... Mirax ...... and Tamir Rice gets axed /shooting
* the White House BEER Summit on the inverse universe ......
the BEER SUMMIT meeting at the EARTH geography surface level of consciousness at
the ROSE garden ...... and the Rose-Einstein communications bridge to -->
the Paul Dirac underground ..... atomic DATABASE in a wormhole/grave
at Roselawn Cemetery
* the BOOK of the DEAD in Tallahassee
* Erwin Schrodinger cat/box ..... coffin as a computer box
* Martin Luther...... Diet of Worms
* Cassius Clay and the geology clay LEVEL of underground atomic life ... THOUGHT energy forms
* 1933 Nobel prize and the Schrodinger & Dirac experiment
in Tallahassee explained in year 2017 .....
Schrodinger subset letter code--> SCH --> Florida State University .......
code --> Flo --> information FLOW from and between various Floors / levels of existence
...such as the Paul Dirac coffin information level at Roselawn ...... the grave/wormhole .....that uses IBM IMS data segments .... that is .....
an IBM wormhole of IMS data worm segments.
* data pipelines
* Beer Summit and the tale of 2 cities named Rose ......
the Rose garden and the inverse at Roselawn
* Book of Dead
* movie Dawn of the Dead ..... and the DEAD of the Everest Metro Police
in Wisconsin .. Jason Weiland
* dire movie director Zack Snyder and the performance by Steven Timothy Snyder explained by Wisconsin State Patrol Troopers
* Snyder Hall shooting in Oregon UMPQUA college. .....
the Roseburg Oregon LINK to Roselawn cemetery and the Paul Dirac atomic electron orbitals COFFIN database ....... that is the Schrodinger dead/alive MODEL .... as explained by the Dawn of the living DEAD movie .......
the living electron THOUGHT orbitals contained in the
DEAD physical biology body of Paul Dirac .... the movie RISE of the DEAD .....
explains that Paul Dirac thought mechanics //// RISE up at Roselawn per the theory
of Rose- Einstein communications bridges using Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration signal systems
* Dirac matrices and data packages
* Beer Summit and Henry Louis Gates . ... secrets
* the Underground railroad explained and the Maryland math array
* Goland Heights
* DeForest Wisconsin and Statz Brothers farm ... radio technology secrets
* Wisconsin sin waves
* the Sinai Peninsula sin wave wars
* STARS Shields ..... Township of Shield carbon 12 battle site ......
Watertown Tire Recycle Fire at RiCH Roads ........
the organic chemistry formula and its RCH reactive ... expression site
* tyrosine proteins
* the Oshkosh, Wisconsin ...... Oscill.Oscope LINK code ...
COPE and OS --> string theory to rope theory of euROPE ................. copenhagen and Oslo
* acetylcholine political science party ...AceH party of Indonesia and its LINK to the
Galapagos Islands/ Peru EARTH LAB specimen Pier Oddone sent to FermiLAB
for examination by atomic / molecular RD
* Pier Oddone explains the Max Born neo-cortex LINK to the Borneo Orangutan
* FBI James Comey explains human eye ....... photon political systems.... eye
rods/cones SOFTWARE crimes and battles ......and the eye RODS of
Hillary ROD Clinton ..... and the Isaac Newton WHITE HOUSE
* the CLI instruction of Clinton eyeballs
* Duality Laws of Nature
* David Hilbert and Hillary Clinton bio-optical-math interceptor agent
* Orthogonal math bases battle at Fort Hood
* James Comey and his eye cones explain the TV show Coneheads
* the Carl Jung music instrumental music collective and the trumpet ...
influence on the election of Donald Trump
* EAR people
* Stephen Hawking explains the casino VIEW of reality ...
the Sino-Japanese WAR and the Sino-French sin wave .... energy wars
* Kathryn Stalbaum generates data about the feedback control loop structure of Nature and society
* Congressman Sense code agent ... Sensenbrenner
* Planck Time and number 43
* the IBM 8100 DPCX evolution to the bio-computer B100D data processing systems
* James Lutz
* social forces equation
* IBM 3380 disk storage tracks and data fields
* I-43 Milwaukee ... the Max Planck TIME HIGHWAY WAR
* electron guns can CAUSE war
* Oxygen
* Galileo and year 1616 ......... the base 16 HEX project
* the 16th President ...Lincoln and lines/columns ...matrices President
* Plato
* Time magazine and blood circulation
* electron shell problems of Shelby, North Carolina
* Ferguson meltdown and Michael Brown 4-hour meltdown
* Osama Bin Laden computer science codes
* Pakistan and packed decimal numbers
* ballot votes and IBM bal
* Nitrogen ..... DNA and genetics .... author Silver ...DNA direction
* L. Ron Hubbard and book Battlefield EARTH
* Hubbleton Wisconsin
* Dianetics and the death of Princess Diana in Paris
* the Ritz Hotel
* Diane Borchardt and her estranged husband's murder .....
* math neighborhoods
* estranged husband ...Waiting for Godot murder with Estragon
* Samuel BECKETT and the Kettle Moraine High School of Kathryn Stalbaum
explains the BEC link to Moraine (Molecular brain earth)
* Fort hood and the math neighbor.HOOD shooting
* Water molecule continuum
* Watertown, Mass and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev LINK to
Watertown, Wisconsin and the airplane that lands on 12th Street and Boomer Street
.....Boomer CODE LINK to Battlestar Galactica
and the LINK to
white sand beaches of the Far Horizons Resort, Longboat Key, Sarasota ....
* Franz Kafka and the finish line at the Boston Marathon race
* the Phantom Cave at Cavendish Labs
* Nero and the neuroscience war of 64AD ...brain burn-out
* Mayor Jane burn Byrne explains brain burn-out
code word --> Stackpole---> Stack ....Pole
Remember When Andrew Joseph Stack Flew a mathematical Plane expression device Into the Austin Texas .......
Echelon office building in the Echelon / hierarchy levels / stack & tier wars known as the Hierarchy Problem in the Federal government ..
The Hierarchy Problem | Of Particular Significance
NIU Shooting Back Story - Pole-American Steven Kazmierczak and School Shootings
Northern Illinois University and the George Orwell "Oceania" shooting - Wikipedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101),
where an oceanography class was in session
where an oceanography class was in session
Explain the war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia in 1984 ... › Homework Help › 1984
Junior Seau Inducted in Pro Football Hall of Fame ......
his murder and the cover-up about the Oceania WARS ...
Captain Tycho --> Captain Ty + cho
--> Captain Technology (at Virginia TECHology school) Mr. Cho
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia
Coordinates: 37°13′37″N 80°25′19″W / 37.227°N 80.422°W / 37.227; - 80.422 ... Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks (another six people were injured ...
Weapons: Glock 19 pistol; Walther P22 pistol;
Non-fatal injuries: 23 (17 by gunfire):92
Deaths: 33 (including the perpetrator):127
Location: Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S
Seung-Hui Cho - Mass Murderer, Murderer -
Birth Date: January 18, 1984 .....
George Orwell messages for the Virginia TECH English department and its INTELLECTUAL bragging nonsense,
EVENT data omissions and cover-ups,
and incomplete explanations of the tragic event
George Orwell messages for the Virginia TECH English department and its INTELLECTUAL bragging nonsense,
EVENT data omissions and cover-ups,
and incomplete explanations of the tragic event
Lieutenant Gavin Darklighter Visits Baton Rouge
| Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Gavin Long, who ambushed Baton Rouge police last summer, left a ...
Jun 30, 2017 - The military veteran who killed three law enforcement officers in Baton Rouge last summer left behind a suicide note, a prayer from an Islamic holy book and an online trail of his rage against police.
Star Wars manuscript orders implanted into the James Joyce STREAM of Consciousness
the consequent Darwin selection ......
by the living English language ..... of a human proper noun that best approximates the STAR WARS name ..... Gavin Darklighter .......
that human name being Gavin (black person implies dark
..... LINK to word --> Darklighter) ......
thus Nature's system selection of a STAR WARS military action figure ----
humanoid Gavin Long
...... 2016 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers - Wikipedia
in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling. Three died and three were .
Shooting of Alton Sterling - Wikipedia
On July 5, 2016, Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, was shot several times at close range while held down on the ground by two Baton Rouge Police ...
No federal charges against the John Dalton atomic table WAR .....
assigned to atomic, bio-physics humanoid officers
in Alton Sterling death
Products | Mylan and Lieutenant Myn Donos
Mylan is a global healthcare company focused on making high quality medicines available to everyone who needs them.About Us | Mylan
....... Carl Jung collective GROUP
,,,,, and its human PROTEIN MACHINE equation .....
My + lan --> Myoglobin Protein Local Area Network
Our heritage of being a provider of generic pharmaceuticals goes back to our founding in West Virginia in 1961. Today, we are passionate champions for bettermylan laboratories inc Jobs in Caguas, Puerto Rico |,-pr.aspx
Currently, there are no mylan laboratories inc jobs available in Caguas, Puerto Rico. You may wish to explore jobs in nearby locations on the mylan laboratoriesFDA sends Mylan Puerto Rico plant a GMP warning letter
Nov 23, 2011 - The US FDA has sent Mylan a warning letter after inspectors found GMP ... appropriatelaboratory determination of satisfactory conformance to final ... Mylan first built a plant in Puerto Ricoin the 1980s as it expanded sales in ...Mylan Puerto Rico plant
The GMP Letter - FDA news about
Nature's social engineering systems and its formation of
molecule social economic equations into groups ....
using human information display devices ......
the GMP = Group Machine (of) Proteins › Subscriptions
keywords --> Devaron) --> Dev + ar + ron--->
Devon Avenue .... area ...... human bio-elect.RON structures in Chicago
Devon Avenue (Chicago) - Wikipedia
Devon Avenue /dᵻˈvɒn/ is a major east-west street in the Chicago metropolitan area. It begins ... A view of Devon Avenue's "Little India". ... The street has been settled by many Asian immigrant groups, which is perhaps ... as "F.R.E.E. of Chicago") is headquartered in the Orthodox-Jewish section of Devon. .... Languages.
The Melding of Cultures in Rogers Park: West Devon Ave - Medium
Mar 1, 2015 - West Ridge/Rogers Park in relation to the rest of Chicago. ... When I arrived in this Indian neighborhood of West Devon Avenue, the ... a certain racial/ethnic group, and the juxtaposition between them. ..... Communities and Enclaves: Where Jews, Christians, Hindus, and Muslims Share the Neighborhoods.
A Guide to Devon Avenue | Chicago magazine | January 2011
Devonta Dorsey, 23, Shot Dead While Standing Outside In Fuller Park ...
Jun 6, 2017 - The shooting happened in the 4400 block of South Shields Avenue. ... CHICAGO — Devonta Dorsey, 23, was shot and killed in Fuller Park on ...23-year-old Devonta 'Freaky Molly' Dorsey shot to death in Fuller Park ...
Jun 7, 2017 - Devonta Dorsey was shot to death Monday evening in the Fuller ... in the 4400 block of South Shields, according to Chicago Police and the ...
South Shields
South Shields
S ....... Shields
Star Wars .... Shields
Shields | X-Wing Miniatures Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Shields allow a ship to suffer damage without the risk of being dealt faceup Damage. ... 3, T-70 X-Wing ... Why is Star Wars Shifting the Focus to Women?
Shield Upgrade | X-Wing Miniatures Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping
to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Thus, source domain words from STAR WARS books/movies
get mapped / get transformed into the physical reality EVENTS with people.
Source domain words ........ then use Darwin selection to find close approximation WORDS .....
..... thus ...... Devonta South Shields is selected for Nature's creation of
tragic signaling message about the Chicago region STAR WARS.23-year-old Devonta 'Freaky Molly' Dorsey .... a hyperdrive humanoid
23-year-old Devonta 'Freaky Molly' Dorsey ........ in the 4400 block of South Shields, according to Chicago Police
SYMBOL MACHINE military analysts and the ...
19-year-old Devonta Brownlee shot to death by people in other ...
General Airen Cracken
---> Air energy .... Crack energy ......
---> EARTH atmosphere air energy molecules (oxygena nd nitrogen) for the
2-legged standing .... vertical human body /LUNG
that is like a hydrocarbon cracking TOWER
Social refinement -- Crossword clue | Crossword Nexus
Brilliant Social Media:
How to Start, Refine & Improve Your Social molecules ...
Refinement | Definition of Refinement by Merriam-Webster
bringing something to a pure state refinement of sugar. 2 : excellence of manners or tastes a person of refinement.
Refinement | Definition of Refinement by Merriam-Webster
improving something or
bringing something to
a pure state refinement of sugar.
2 : excellence of manners or tastes a person of refinement.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar VIA Zucker.
sugar translation German | English-German dictionary | Reverso
sugar translation german, English - German dictionary, meaning, see also 'barley ... sugar. 1 n. a Zucker m. b inf (=term of affection) (meine) Süße, (mein) Süßer, ...
Zucker translation English | German dictionary | Reverso
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar.
a pure state refinement of sugar
VIA Nature's EARTH LAB thought molecule specimen
in humanoid format ---> Zucker.
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's
,,,,,,,, carbon 12 atomic/molecular 12-year relationship in photos ...
Here's a look back at their 12-year relationship
Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia
..... I was raised Jewish and then I went through
a period (his periodic atomic table thoughts)
where I questioned things, but now I believe religion is very important.
The carbon 12 .... Twelve Tribes of
Is (Information systems ) of Jewish Israel
Mark Zuckerberg -
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's 12-year relationship in photos ...
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's 12-year relationship with the English living language and the Alan Turing molecular SYMBOL MACHINE
Mark Zucker --> Mark my Words ...... says the SOLAR SYSTEM
Electro-Magnetic FIELD of energy/sunlight and its role in the creation of
Nature's BOTANY germination system /photosynthesis ......
and its Germanic language used by some humanoids
Mark Zucker / sugar agent ........ who was created INDIRECTLY via Nature's photosynthesis process / food system ............
thus the
primordial energy origins of thought and instincts of sugar molecules of cookies EATEN by Mark Zuckerberg
..... thus his primordial instinct ........ the reverse photosynthesis DESIRE within the sub-conscious MIND of Mr. Zucker to seek his origins ......
thus his primordial quest for sunshine in his life .......
thus this sunshine quest is shifted to an alternative source of sunshine .....
a young adult female with a smile ........
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's relationship
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's relationship
.........Zucker and P,,,,, Ch relationship
--> Harvard University secret codes translated--->
Zucker (sugar molecules in humanoid container)
P CH (package of CH brand name sugar in humanoid
format wearing a cotton bra + dna )
2011 Norway attacks and U = Utoya Island - Wikipediaøya: At least 110 (33 by gunfire, including 1 later fatality). Total: At least 319. Perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik (lone wolf). Motive, Far-right extremism. The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli), the date of the ...... A second shooter at Utøya was described by several youths as having thick ...
The 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July (Norwegian: 22. juli),[14] the date of the events, were two sequential lone wolf terrorist attacks by Anders Behring Breivik against the government, the civilian population, and a Workers' Youth League (AUF)-run summer camp. The attacks claimed a total of 77 lives.
The first attack was a car bomb explosion
in OS /JCL region of Oslo
within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST).[3] The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil[15][16] and placed in the back of a van.[17] The van was placed next to the tower block housing the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.[18] The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve of them seriously.[10][11][12]
JES2 in z/OS 2.2 includes statements for defining a concept called a job group. ... JOBGROUP JCL statement (JOBGROUP statement); GJOB JCL statement ...
Execution/ death Control Statements issued by Oslo in the
The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp
on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification,[19][20] took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 68 of them outright,[7][8] and injuring at least 110 people, 55 of them seriously;[11][12] the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.[9] Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.
The first attack was a car bomb explosion
in OS /JCL region of Oslo
within Regjeringskvartalet, the executive government quarter of Norway, at 15:25:22 (CEST).[3] The bomb was made from a mixture of fertiliser and fuel oil[15][16] and placed in the back of a van.[17] The van was placed next to the tower block housing the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg.[18] The explosion killed eight people and injured at least 209 people, twelve of them seriously.[10][11][12]
IBM OS/JCL .... JES2 Execution Control Statements - IBM
Execution Control Statements
Execution/ death Control Statements issued by Oslo in the
COMPUTER EARTH Basic Assembler Language (BAL) region
of the Baltic Sea
The second attack occurred less than two hours later at a summer camp
on the island of Utøya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP). Breivik, dressed in a homemade police uniform and showing false identification,[19][20] took a ferry to the island and opened fire at the participants, killing 68 of them outright,[7][8] and injuring at least 110 people, 55 of them seriously;[11][12] the 69th victim died in a hospital two days after the massacre.[9] Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.
Date: 22 July 2011; Oslo: 15:25 CEST; Utøya: ...
Target: Labour Party .. .....
the bedroom penis party and the
pregnancy ( 9 month labor process of fetus/ baby)
the bedroom penis party and the
pregnancy ( 9 month labor process of fetus/ baby)
Copper has two naturally occurring isotopes. Cu-63 has a mass of ... › Chemistry › Matter › Isotopes
Nov 26, 2016 - You can find the average atomic mass of copper, Cu , by looking at its element box in the Periodic Table of Elements. The average atomic mass is added at the bottom of the element box; in copper's case, you have an average atomic mass of 63.546 u .
Atomic Masses
Here are some measured isotope masses (using a mass spectrometer). (Link to a simple diagram ... If the atomic weight of 63Cu is 62.93 amu and 65Cu is 64.93 amu, what is the average atomic weight for natural copper? (0.6909)(62.93 amu ...
atoms - Atomic mass of Copper-63? - Physics Stack Exchange
where Emmett Till said goodbye to Chicago | 63rd Street Metr… | Flickr
Mar 13, 2014 - "August 20, 1955: Mamie Till rushesher son Emmett to the 63rd Street station in Chicago to catch the southbound Illinois Central train to Money ...
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station
........ a human bio-electronic radio n and TV station
........ a human bio-electronic radio n and TV station
her son Emmett
her son Emmett
her son Emmett
her son Em met
hertzian son ...... Em + met ......
Electro-magnetic Metabolism WARS
Electro-magnetic Metabolism WARS
Emmett Till - Wikipedia
Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was a 14-year-old African- American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after offending a white woman ...
The death of Emmett Till - Aug 28, 1955 -
her son Emmett
her son Emmett
her son Emmett
her son Em met
hertzian son ...... Em + met ......
Electro-magnetic Metabolism WARS repeated
Electro-magnetic Metabolism WARS repeated
UPDATE: Student Murdered - NBC 15
Sep 7, 2009 - Zoellick killed Khan and stole the vehicle. ... of 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, ... numerous agencies, Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD,
Town of Emmett PD, ...
Town of Emmett PD, ...
FCC EM field Trial set in murder aftermath | Regional news |
Police believe Travis W. Zoellick
Police believe Travis W. Zoellick
Police believe Travis W. Zoellick was programmed with
bio-electronic instructions ... via the equation
bio-electronic instructions ... via the equation
Emmet Police believe Darwin selection of a proper noun profile .........
selection of message Location name
and Travis W. Zoellick name .....
E(z,t) --> application --> Emmet (Zoellick, Travis)
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street station
her son Emmett to the 63rd Street stationary ...... standing waves of Nikola Tesla office buildings vibrations in Chicago
Tesla's oscillator - Wikipedia
At the 1935 party Tesla also claimed the mechanical oscillator could destroy the Empire State Building with "Five pounds of air pressure" if attached on a girder and that he expected to earn $100 million from the oscillator within two years.
Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
Charles A. Stevens Building - Chicagology
Charles A. Stevens & Bros. to Begin Erection of 22 Story Structure at Once. COST BE ... From Chicago Central Business and Office Buildings, 1922 tobey
Stevens Building, Chicago
as an example of a standing stationary wave building
of atoms / stone materials and iron and glass .... that contain
copper wire mass 63 and its city of electricity ....
alternating cycle vibrations .......
with Nikola Tesla vibrations
| 116669 | EMPORIS
Stevens Building, 17 North State, Chicago - THE CHICAGO
Standing Waves with an harmonic oscillator .....
Nature's bio-physics experiment with
harmonic oscillator expression agent ......
..... monic..
......monica Lewinsky ...with
EARTH LAB standing specimen .......
President Clinton
President Clinton
Oct 11, 1999 - The lowest standing wave frequency is called the fundamental or first harmonic. ... As we move along the string, the amplitude of oscillations at each position we look at changes, but the frequency of oscillation is the same. Near a node, the oscillation amplitude is very small.
The lowest standing wave frequency
The lowest standing wave frequency
The lowest standing wave frequency
The lowest standing wave frequency message letters
..he lo west st
..he lo .........wes.......... t st --->
Hello west wing of the White House Test
Hello west wing of the White House Test ......
Special incomplete and biased Report:
The Starr Report Narrative .... a BS explanations for science idiots
she performed oral sex on him.
she performed oral sex on him.
she performed orbital (message) sex on him.
R2-series astromech droid | Wookieepedia | Fandom powered by Wikia
R2-series astromech droid ...... people named Richard ....
are eligible
"An extremely well-put-together little droid, Your Highness. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives." The most notable R2-series astromech droid was R2-D2. He participated in numerous battles during both the Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War.
R2 series astromech droid | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
R2 series astromech droids, also known as R2 units, were a very popular series of astromech droids produced by Industrial Automaton. They stood at around 1 meter in height, and were programmed to perform a variety of tasks.
R2-D2 | Wookieepedia | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Wikipedia
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Ken n obi --> kenya Nairobi ..... STAR WARS battle site
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-W --> West Gate mall shooting
Westgate shopping mall attack - Wikipedia
On Saturday 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked Westgate shopping mall, an upscale mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resulted in at least 67 deaths, and more than 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting.
Mysteries linger over the programming of the human brain computer
..... with STARS instructions ........ Westgate Mall attack
- Al Jazeera English
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School ...... Interceptor student who ... - NY Daily News
Nov 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece ...
Nov 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular 30, 2010 - Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. ...
Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield
was a large sign that said, "
Boy Scout, popular
Boy Scout, popular .......
........ SC ...... out --> Sub-conscious MIND..... output data stream at the I/O PORT of Porterfield .....
Port er Field .......... I/O port error fields
I/O port error fields
I/O port error fields
I/O port error fields ..... errors at Marshal Fields in Chicago ..
the rename problem as outlined by the SYMBOL MACHINE ..
Vietnamese NAME wars ..... ...... PROPER NOUNS ..... NAME WARS
Marshall, Wisconsin parallel and farm fields
COMPUTER EARTH data fields
The Village of Marshall Parks & Recreation Department is looking for feedback from the ... Please email with any questions.
Marshall, WI - Marshall, Wisconsin Map & Directions
on BS technology - MapQuest
MapQuest Marshal Wisconsin seeking .......
Field Marshal - Military Power
Field marshal - Wikipedia
On-Farm Grain Storage Bins for corn kernel / computer sceince
- Brock® Systems for Grain ...
For on-farm grain storage, Brock's broad line of wide-corrugation and narrow- corrugation bin choices helps you to get the right grain storage bin for the job.
Sioux Steel › Farm corn storage Bins for
COMPUTER EARTH Binary systems
Sioux Steel Farm Storage Grain Systems protect grain from all weather conditions. The strong roof stands up to northern snow loads and high winds. Sioux Grain ...
codes--> Interceptors wings---> Germanwings
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia
Jump to Crash site - The crash site is within the Massif des Trois-Évêchés, three kilometres (2 mi) east of the settlement Le Vernet and beyond the road to ...
Germanwings Flight 9525 (4U9525/GWI18G)[5][a] was a scheduled international passenger flight from Barcelona–El Prat Airport in Spain to Düsseldorf Airport in Germany. The flight was operated by Germanwings, a low-cost carrier owned by the German airline Lufthansa.
On 24 March 2015, the aircraft, an Airbus A320-211, crashed 100 kilometres (62 mi) north-west of Nice in the French Alps. All 144 passengers and six crew members were killed. It was Germanwings' first fatal crash in the 18-year history of the company.
Germanwings crash: What happened in the final 30 minutes - BBC News
French accident investigators released their final report into Germanwings Flight 4U 9525, which crashed in the Alps in March 2015, about a year later.
Mirax's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG
Mar 16, 2017 - Check out Mirax's Characters and Stats from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!!Mirax's Profile
Mir ax's Profile ... TA application to
--> TA _ Mir + ax --> Tamir gets axed /killed
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old African-American boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio.
Tamir Rice Shooting: Newly Released Interview Reveals Cop's ...
The White House 'beer summit' regarding Inverness Scotlnad
James C. Crow represented by inverse universe special agent .....
James Crowley
- Wikipedia
Dr. James C. Crow - WikiVisually
Beer Summit (BS) - The New York Times BS code--->
Bull-shit newspaper report filled with incomplete explanations
Jul 30, 2009 - The much-anticipated “beer summit” of President Obama, the Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge ...
What I Saw at the Beer Summit - The Daily Beast
and its nonsense LOGIC GATES test with Henry Gates
Born in Inverness, Doctor James C. "Jim" Crow ...... MAX BORN and
Sgt. James Crowley of the Cambridge equation ......
C bridge ........ Communications bridge .
Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia
meeting in a courtyard near the White House Rose Garden
meeting in a courtyard near the White House Rose Garden
meeting in a courtyard near the
White House Rose Garden --> Rose
--> the Rosen-Einstein communications bridge to
the Roselawn Cemetery ...
Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin
and its COMPUTER EARTH links to the
secret underground geology world of coffins ....
and coffin data languages explained
by Erwin Schrodinger ......
known as the BOOK of The DEAD ....
White House Rose Garden --> Rose
--> the Rosen-Einstein communications bridge to
the Roselawn Cemetery ...
Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin
and its COMPUTER EARTH links to the
secret underground geology world of coffins ....
and coffin data languages explained
by Erwin Schrodinger ......
known as the BOOK of The DEAD ....
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery.
Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
The Paul Dirac earth soil/grave hole is known by another name
...... an earth VERTICAL wormhole that describes the mathematical-physics features of
a grave hole ........ theoretical physics people are inspired by the use of ....
...... an earth VERTICAL wormhole that describes the mathematical-physics features of
a grave hole ........ theoretical physics people are inspired by the use of ....
Martin Luther's Life: The Imperial Diet of Worms .......
taught to young men in the 1940's and 1950's in Sunday school ...... who becomes mathematicians and scientists ...... thoughts and CAUSE and EFFECT
Luther at the Imperial Diet of Worms (1521). Background. Luther, who through the church's excommunication was practically declared a heretic, was invited to ...
...... an earth VERTICAL wormhole that describes the mathematical-physics features of
a grave hole ..... with 2 levels ...
the EARTH geography level
and 6 feet underground ,,,,,,,, the clay people level explained
by the coffin BOX of BOXER ..Cashus Clay
Before Muhammad Ali:
Who Was the Original Cassius Clay BOXER and his final resting state
..... Clay peopleand the coffin BOX ?
Jun 10, 2016 - But Cassius Clay would not be the greatest for long. Weeks after that Feb. 25, 1964, win, the champ had a new religion, Islam, and a new name, ...
Below, the Paul Dirac body ....... a body of knowledge .....
an atomic electron orbital DATABASE placed inside a data container
an atomic electron orbital DATABASE placed inside a data container
..... a Base 16 coffin with equation
--> Co + FF + in -->
Code ........ Hex'ff'= 255 = High-Values ....... input
--> Co + FF + in -->
Code ........ Hex'ff'= 255 = High-Values ....... input
Schrödinger's cat in a box - Wikipediaödinger%27s_cat
Schrödinger's cat in a box
Schrödinger's cat in a box --> coffin computer box of Paul Dirac
Schrödinger's SYS1.catalog and the Dirac, Paul (DP) ......
data processing ......... Nature's systems expression ....
atomic electron orbital COMPUTER box / coffin .......
.............................. bit
.................... data bits of Dirac and his serious thoughts ......
thus the IBM parallel .....
the Paul Dirac atomic IMS database
of data segments ......
modeled after Martin Luther Theory of Worms and
actual earth worms and Earth worm segments ..........
the Paul Dirac atomic IMS database
of data segments ......
modeled after Martin Luther Theory of Worms and
actual earth worms and Earth worm segments ..........
The earthworm is made of about 100-150 segments. The segmented body parts provide important structural functions. Segmentation can help the earthworm move. Each segment or section has muscles and bristles called setae.
Earthworm concepts adapted by IBM IMS computer software people
- Penn Arts and Sciences
Earthworm segement concepts adapted by
IBM IMS computer software people ...
for usage at the Roselawn cemetery Paul Dirac grave hole/ wormhole
and its Paul Dirac segments of knowledge contained in the earth wormhole .....
thus wormhole data segments ..... data packages that can travel using Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations
Thus the underground data pipeline ................
from Roselawn to the Rose Garden summit meeting
Henry Louis Gates arrest controversy - Wikipedia
in a courtyard near the White House Rose Garden; this became known colloquially as the "Beer Summit"
The Paul Dirac coffin wormhole with vertical and horizontal components (one vertical end of the wormhole at Roselawn Cemetery...... underground data pipeline .....other vertical end at the Rose Garden) ...... the the Beer Summit message about the inverse universe (underground life formats)
Above, the earth surface VISIBLE information display
of the James C.Crow inverse universe ..... also described by Charles Dickens
of the James C.Crow inverse universe ..... also described by Charles Dickens
A Tale of Two Cities ......
Roselawn (earth underground coffin dimension ........ the BOOK of the Dead)
and Rose Garden (earth surface with human information display agents)
- Wikipedia Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of the ...
Book of the Dead - Wikipedia
The Book of the Dead is an ancient Egyptian funerary text, used from the beginning of the New Kingdom (around 1550 BCE) to around 50 BCE. The original ...
Egyptian Book of the Dead ....... brain dead replay
- Ancient History Encyclopedia Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. ... The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a term coined in the nineteenth century CE for a body of texts known to the Ancient Egyptians as the Spells for Going Forth by ...
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells
Spelling Bees - A Spelling Game for Kids - ABCya!
Spelling Practice. ... Spelling Bees is an educational multi-player activity for word spelling practice. Students build beehives by correctly spelling the given computer-voiced words.
Spelling bee can establish a LINK to the BOOK of the Dead
or the living DEAD
- Wikipedia
Night of the Living Dead (1968) - IMDb
Dawn of the Dead (2004) - IMDb
zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall. .
zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall. .
zombies, take refuge in a mega Midwestern shopping mall ..... Omaha, Nebraska ...... the classic horror film 'Dawn of the Dead.
Westroads Mall .....
Nature's systems versus human zombies ......
consequently the shooting
- Wikipedia
Dawn of the Dead (2004 film) - Wikipedia
located in the fictional town of Everett, Wisconsin
surrounded by swarms of zombies ---> mapped to ......a movie script is transformed into a reality script ---> Everest Metro Police, Wisconsin
surrounded by swarms of zombies ---> mapped to ......a movie script is transformed into a reality script ---> Everest Metro Police, Wisconsin
Shooting spree leaves police, community reeling - Wausau Daily Herald
Detective Jason Weiland was killed .... The Merrill Police Department posted a USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin photo
Shooting spree leaves police, community reeling
---> the fictional town of Everett, Wisconsin (source domain words and commands)
--> mapped to EARTH reality site and real humans
..... Everest Metro Police
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer new studio performances with the Metro Police
- Wikipedia
WAUSAU - Hundreds of mourners flooded into the Saint Andrew Lutheran Church on Saturday to remember the life of Wausau lawyer Sara Quirt Sann, who was one of four people killed in a string of shootings in the Rothschild area on March 22.
WAUSAU - Hundreds of mourners flooded into the Saint Andrew Lutheran Church
on Saturday to remember the life of Wausau
on Saturday to remember the life of Wausau
lawyer Sara --> and her performance as Sarah Polley
Dawn of the Dead is a 2004 American horror film
directed by Zack Snyder in his feature film directorial debut
directed by Zack Snyder in his feature film directorial debut
directed by Zack Snyder
directed by Zack Snyder
directed by Zack Snyder
Trevor Casper - Wikipedia
Jump to Death - Casper located the second vehicle as it was being driven ... 2016 that Casper would be inducted into the State of Wisconsin Fire & Police ...
“Trevor stay with me!” DOJ releases videos, 911 calls of incident that ...
FOND DU LAC -- On his first day on solo duty with the Wisconsin State Patrol, Trooper Trevor Casper tragically lost his life in a shootout with an armed robbery suspect. Saturday, May 20th he was memorialized as hundreds of law enforcement, friends and family gathered in Fond du Lac.
The robbery suspect, Steven Timothy Snyder of Michigan, also died in the confrontation Tuesday with Trooper Trevor Casper in Fond du Lac, in eastern Wisconsin.
The FBI said late Wednesday
it was looking at Snyder as a possible suspect in two bank robberies Tuesday in Wisconsin as well as other unsolved robberies inside and outside the state.
Snyder was also considered a suspect in the death of the motorist, Thomas C. Christ, 59, of Wausaukee, who was found shot to death not far from the site of Tuesday's first bank robbery.
it was looking at Snyder
it was looking at Snyder
it was looking at Snyder
At 10:38 a.m. PDT, the first 9-1-1call was made from Snyder Hall on the school campus reporting gunfire. Students reported that the shooting began in Classroom 15, where English and writing classes are conducted.[
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Seven to nine others were injured. Roseburg police detectives responding to the incident engaged Harper-Mercer in a brief shootout.
Roseburg police detectives
Roseburg police detectives
Roseburg police detectives
Roseburg police detectives ......
Roseburg and general relativity -
Why I cannot cross the Einstein-Rosen bridge unless you
LINK Roseberg to Roselawn wormhole of Paul Dirac ...
The Einstein Rosen bridge and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox ...
Umpqua Community College shooting
Umpqua Community College Roseburg
Um pq --> Universal Mind p --> q logic links
to information DATA fabrics
constructed by string theory
Umpqua Roseburg --> LINK to -->
......pq --> SYMBOL MACHINE and information data strings ....... -->
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity: An Elementary Introduction to ...
Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto - 2014 - Science
Paul Dirac (2001) Let us have a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space (of arbitrary dimension). We describe the
Umpqua Roseburg --> LINK to -->
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac Facts - Biography - YourDictionary › Reference › Biography › Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac facts: The English physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac ...
h is Planck's constant and p and q some canonically conjugate variables. › Reference › Biography › Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity: An Elementary Introduction to ...
Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto - 2014 - Science
Paul Dirac (2001) Let us have a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space (of arbitrary dimension). We describe the
a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space
a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C
where C is the COFFIN configuration space .......
where C is the COFFIN configuration space .......
the Erwin Schrodinger catalog / coffin BOX
Henry Louis Gates arrest ........
arr + est--> array estimators --> array or Dirac matrices .......
traveling data packages controversy - Wikipedia
A brief guide to Clinton scandals from Travelgate to Emailgate
Apr 12, 2015 - Hillary Clinton entered the presidential race under a cloud of scandal, from foreign contributions to the Clinton family foundation to her use of a ...
White House travel office controversy - Wikipedia
Date: Originating events 1993; investigations 1...
Location: Washington, D.C., United States
Charges: Improper direction of government bu...
Also known as: Travelgate
Underground Railroad and Nature's underground atomic energy .....
signaling systems as outlined by Nikola Tesla
- Wikipedia
The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early-to-mid 19th century, and used by African-American slaves to escape into free states and Canada with the aid of abolitionists and allies who were sympathetic to their cause.
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Underground Railroad -
Black soil...
Black earth underground SECRET data tunnel History explained by the visible action of Black people
Travel gate --> traveling data packages (such as Dirac matrices)
at some underground geology level
Maryland Is Dropping Wiretap Case Against Tripp - The New York Times
May 25, 2000 - The chief state prosecutor of Maryland decided today to drop criminal wiretap charges against Linda R. Tripp, the Pentagon employee whose ...
Jurors in Maryland Indict Linda Tripp In Lewinsky Tapes - The New ...
Maryland ....... COMPUTER EARTH and its various systems
M ary lan d --> Math array ..... local area network .... data
Baltimore --> city of BAL ..... Basic Assembler Language
Jurors in Maryland Indict Lin da Tri pp
--> Lines data ..... trip/travel ...... parallel processing
Golan Heights - Wikipedia
The Golan Heights or simply the Golan or the Syrian Golan, is a region in the Levant. The western two-thirds of the Golan Heights are occupied and ...Golan Heights profile - BBC News
The Golan Heights, a rocky plateau in south-western Syria, has a political and strategic significance which belies its size. Israel seized the Golan Heights from ...Golan Heights profile
Chicagoland - Wikitravel
Chicagoland consists of the Chicago metropolitan area in northeastern Illinois, including Chicago and its surrounding suburbs. Broader definitions also includeWelcome to Visit Chicagoland
Welcome to Visit .........goland and Chicago Heights
Visit Chicagoland provides attractions, events, travel packages and itineraries ideas in and around the many communities of Northeast Illinois.keywords --> Port shield--> information pointer to Portland and nearby Shields Township in Wisconsin
How do shields work in the Star Wars universe? : StarWars - Reddit
Jan 4, 2016 - 2 posts - 1 author
Meanwhile, Star Wars shields work more like a literal handheld shield. ... to the exhaust port and not just go straight at it from above: when they're in .... their shields to front to catch turbolaser fire, I can't remember off the top of ...The X-Wing Series: Star Wars Legends 9-Book Bundle: Rogue Squardon, ...
Michael A. Stackpole, Aaron Allston - 2012 - Fiction
Rogue Squardon, Wedge's Gamble, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War, Wraith Squadron ... The first eight torpedoes detonated against the station's top-port shield.Isard's Revenge - Page 6 - Google Books Result
Michael A. Stackpole - 1999 - Fiction
It massed more than an opol Star Destroyer and, while it wasn't as heavily armed, the proton torpedo launchers gave it ... The first eight torpedoes detonated against the station's top-port shield.
Consequently --->
Massive Tire Fire Near Watertown, Wisconsin Visible for Miles
Jul 19, 2005 - Smoke billows from building at fire at Watertown Tire Recyclers, Tuesday, July 19Star wars ..... battle site Profile - Watertown Tire Fire - EPA OSC Response
On July 19, 2005, a tirefire broke out at the Watertown Tire and Recycling facility which is on the northwest side of Watertown, Wisconsin
in the town of Shields.
106 Departments Battle Wisconsin Tire Fire | Firehouse
Sep 1, 2006 - Jay K. Bradish describes a five-day fire at a tire-recycling plant that would become the ...Watertown Tire Recyclers LLC, located at the intersection of Provimi and Rich roads in the Town of Shield, operated on 12 acres of land. .... to contain the fire until the suppression agent arrived at 6 P.M. After a company ...Fire Department - Watertown Historical Society
Fire Chief Henry Butts said the department was extremely busy that day having .... Watertown Tire Recyclers operated on 12 acres of land and the facility ... efforts continued to contain the fire until the suppression agent arrived at 6 p.m. The ...operated on 12 acres of land
operated on 12 acres of land
operated on 12 acres of land --> the carbon 12 organic chemistry continuum .... battle site
located at the intersection of Provimi and Rich roads in the Town of Shield,
located at the intersection of Provimi and Rich roads in the Town of Shield,
located at the intersection of Provimi and Rich roads
Rich roads .... organic chemistry
Rich roads
R i ch -->
Reactive interface (site) carbon hydrogen
......... molecular WAR ZONE
on the earth geography surface
code word
--> tryrant --> tyr + ant
--> tryrosine proteins (social) anthropology
Tyrosine - Wikipedia
Tyrosine (Tyr or Y) or 4-hydroxyphenylalanine is one of the 20 standard amino acids that are used by cells to synthesize proteins. It is a non-essential amino acid ...Structure and properties:
Refractive index (n), ...
Molar mass: 181.19 g·mol−1
Chemical formula: C9H11NO3
CAS Number: 60-18-4 (L)
Molar mass: 181.19 g·mol−1
Chemical formula: C9H11NO3
CAS Number: 60-18-4 (L)
T yr o sin e --> Time Year (2000) ....
set COMPUTER EARTH time for parallel systems project to 0 = zero
Tyrosine ...... Nature's systems project
T yr o sin e --> Time year 0 (new project year Y2k)
Wisconsin earth ......
............sine wave functions for
............sine wave functions for
OS = OScillations at Oshkosh
Oshkosh, Wisconsin - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Oshkosh is a city in Winnebago County, Wisconsin, United States, located where the Fox River enters Lake Winnebago from the west. The population was ...Aceh National Party ...... neurotransmitter political science expressions-
the split of the Aceh Party ... that is ACE molecule and its atomic component particles ....
and their atomic neuroscience communication problems at FermiLAB ... and the atomic STATES of MIND perception VOIDS.
Acetylcholine - Wikipedia
Acetylcholine (ACh) is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body of many types of animals, including humans, as a neurotransmitter—a chemical ...
Acetylcholine (ACh) is an organic chemical that functions in the brain and body of many types of animals, including humans, as a neurotransmitter—a chemical ...
11.1 Introduction. Acetylcholine, the first neurotransmitter discovered, was originally described as "vagus stuff" by Otto Loewi because of its ability to mimic the ...
Acetylcholine Neurotransmission
Pier done - Wikipedia
PierOddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Born in Peru in 1944
Born in Peru in 1944
Born in the Galapagaos Islands / Peru region of brain evolution language .
....... in 1944
and his brain atomic desire to study physics ....... of Max Born, Paul Dirac, Schrodinger
.... thus the
Max Born neo-cortex ..... of organic molecules in human brain ... origins
..........Borneo ...................... orangutan ... and its SKULL organic thought circuits
that entered the WORLD-WIDE ... Galapagos /Peru data stream of atomic/molecular conscious of evolution of thoughts abilities ......
thus Darwin selection of a communications interface specimen
from the primordial region of Galapagos / Peru ..... who is at FermiLAB
...... that is located near ST. Charles (Darwin) Illinois i
Born in Peru in 1944
Born in the Galapagaos Islands / Peru region of brain evolution language .
....... in 1944
and his brain atomic desire to study physics ....... of Max Born, Paul Dirac, Schrodinger
.... thus the
Max Born neo-cortex ..... of organic molecules in human brain ... origins
..........Borneo ...................... orangutan ... and its SKULL organic thought circuits
that entered the WORLD-WIDE ... Galapagos /Peru data stream of atomic/molecular conscious of evolution of thoughts abilities ......
thus Darwin selection of a communications interface specimen
from the primordial region of Galapagos / Peru ..... who is at FermiLAB
...... that is located near ST. Charles (Darwin) Illinois i
Pier Oddone explains his brain molecule software
Pier Oddone neo-cortex education VIA Max Born :
Nature News on the Borneo neo-cortex LANGUAGE influence
..... Indonesia ......Galapagos Islands/Peru interface connection code ---> One out of many human monkeys .......
Jul 30, 2008 - Pier One .. the ODD ONE selection The director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Illinois, talks to Eric Hand about the uncertain future of particle physics messages ...
E pluribus unum - Wikipedia
E pluribus unum Latin: )—Latin for "Out of many, one" (alternatively translated as "One out of many" or "One from many")...
Pier Oddone to step down as
the Borneo EARTH LAB SITE ---> Fermilab BRAIN director
- Fermilab neuron activity and thought news
Pier Oddone's neurotransmitters
and his MIT university education of his brain cell Mitochondria
is Named Fermilab Director/leader of the
Batavia ROC (Region of Convergence) .....
of humanoid Brain cells - Fermilab news
James B. Comey, September 4, 2013 - May 9, 2017 — FBI -
F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump - The New York Times
May 9, 2017 - President Trump often publicly pushed back against the now-fired director of the F.B.I., James Comey, including over Hillary Clinton's emails ...F.B.I. Director James Comey
F.B.I. Director James C --> James Clerk Maxwell representative
The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye - HyperPhysics Concepts retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods ... The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye's color sensitivity and they are much more ...
F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump - The New York Times
May 9, 2017 - President Trump often publicly pushed back against
the now-fired director of the F.B.I., James Comey,
including over Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails ...
May 9, 2017 - President Trump often publicly pushed back against the now-fired director of the F.B.I., James Comey,
including over Hillary Rodham Clinton's emails ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton |
Hillary Rodham Clinton | whitehouse
Hillary Rodham Clinton | white house ......
Isaac Newton and the Solar System sunlight
electro-magnetic field WHITE HOUSE .......
The photon database WHITE HOUSE ..........
the traveling optical information CITY of proper nouns
such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (SYMBOL LIFE forms) ,
ideas, concepts ........ the living English language in optical alphabet words and optical pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, ........ exiting in the traveling optical data stream
the traveling optical information CITY of proper nouns
such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson (SYMBOL LIFE forms) ,
ideas, concepts ........ the living English language in optical alphabet words and optical pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, ........ exiting in the traveling optical data stream
within c = 186,000 velo.CITY of light.
A Tale of Two Cities - Wikipedia
A Tale of Two Cities (1859) is a novel by Charles Dickens, set in London and Paris before and during the French Revolution. The novel tells the story of the ...
SparkNotes: A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two White Houses
,,,,,, the Solar System sunlight and Thomas Edison incandescent
.... EM field WHITE HOUSE
the EARTH physical geography location in Washington DC...White House
Hil lary Rod .......Compare Logical instruction
Basic Assembler Language software for the human eyeball
Hil lary Rod .......Compare Logical instruction
Basic Assembler Language software for the human eyeball
..ll Rod --> parallel optical software systems
with Louis de Broglie DUALITY
Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7e duc de Broglie (/dəˈbrɔɪ/; French: [dəbʁɔj][2][3] or [dəbʁœj] (
listen); 15 August 1892 – 19 March 1987) was a French physicist who made groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory. In his 1924 PhD thesis he postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties. This concept is known as the de Broglie hypothesis, an example of wave–particle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.

Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature ..... NOW, includes social engineering and
the study of bull-stories and nonsense from LAZY citizen thinkers
Hillary Rod
Hil l ary Rod
Hilbert Light array ..... .eye Rods and Cones ..... data arrays
Rods and Cones - www . askabiologist . asu . edu - Arizona State ...
Cornea: is the clear outer surface of the eye the covers the iris, pupil, and the outer chamber of the eye... more; Epithelium: the layer of cells found lining the ...
David Hilbert - Wikipedia
David Hilbert (German: [ˈdaːvɪt ˈhɪlbɐt]; 23 January 1862 – 14 February 1943) was a German mathematician. He is recognized as one of the most influential and universal mathematicians of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
David Hilbert rodes and cones ...... The Story of Mathematics
and FBI optical Director ...... SYMBOL MACHINE profile codes
James Clerk Maxwell
..................... Max ... Maximize Cone eye ---> Darwin selection of
James Cone Eye ---> best human proper noun approximation
James Com ey ---
James Comey ...... and Hilbert ..... and Hillary eye rod Rodham
performances in Washington DC
as explained around year 1600 with
Federal Bureau of Investigation of William Shakespeare
and modern citizen BS systems - Wikipedia
FBI Jobs
As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII [All the world's a stage] by William ...
... in other words .. in year 2017
As You Like It, Act II, Scene VII [All the world's a stage] by William ...
All the world's a social and political stage in Washington DC And all the men with mental acyivity
and women merely players ( p layer ...processing layers of language levels) They have their exits and their entrances in Various government THEATER ROLES ,
And one man (such as James Comey optics or Donald Trump music ) in his time plays many parts,
His acts being ...
His acts being ...
But he was an extremely important and respected ...
A glimpse of Cantor's paradise |
The FBI James Comey explains the optical information world .....
Hidden Reality .....
the Hilbert Bases for Orthogonal Arrays battle at Fort Hood, Texas › math
by E Carlini - 2006 - Cited by 8 - Related articles
Nov 9, 2006 - This problem can be theoretically solved by means of Hilbert bases which form a finite generating set for all the elements in in the infinite set OA ...
Mathematical Research and Modeling for the Army
and BS explanations about the FORT HOOD math battle
long-term goal of the Army's mathematical research programs is to help the. Army develop .... mobility and protection requirements for U.S. forces. Advanced ...
U.S. Army Mathematics Salaries in the United States | › U.S. Army › Salaries
the Hilbert Bases for Orthogonal
the Hilbert Bases ..... Ort ho --> assigned to Fort Hood base
2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
Bases for Orthogonal
Military Bases for Ort ho gonal
Bases for Orthogonal fun and pleasure
Bases for Ort ho gonal ...... Bedroom military actions
Penis bio-math Bases for Orthogonal hole gonads language
F.B.I. Director James Comey
Is Fired by Trump
President Trump often publicly pushed back against the now-fired director of the F.B.I., James Comey, including over Hillary Clinton's emails ..F.B.I. Director James Comey
F.B.I. Director James Comey
F.B.I. Director James .........eye cones
.... human interceptor agent for
Nature's optical military defense systems
F.B.I. Director James Comey
F.B.I. Director James Comey
F.B.I. Director James .........eye cones explain
Coneheads - Wikipedia
The Coneheads | TV Series | 1983 -
Coneheads (1993) and the eye cone SOFTWARE language wars
- IMDb
F.B.I. Director
James Comey (representing serious eye people with science textbooks)
Is Fired by Donald Trump
(representing the Carl Jung collective group of EAR people of music and /or big mouth)
Free Trumpet Sheet Music, Lessons & Resources for
political science analysts
and the Washington Post song and dance newspaper
Free trumpet Sheet Music, free lessons, trumpet downloads and resources.
Free Trumpet Sheet Music ·
Jazz Trumpet ·
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Easy Trumpet for the Republican party musicians
Free trumpet Sheet Music, free lessons, trumpet downloads and resources.
Free Trumpet Sheet Music ·
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Easy Trumpet for the Republican party musicians
Jazz Trumpet ·
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Easy Trumpet for the Republican party musicians
Intermediate Level Free Trumpet Sheet Music - Intermediate Level Free Trumpet Sheet Music sheet music pieces to download from Donald Duck Playing the Trumpet and 50 similar items
Walt Disney Donald Duck Playing the Trumpet
The Carl Jung collective group of millions of people (top level)
and the selection of one spokes person
for the collective group (bottom level ...Donald Trump)
and the selection of one spokes person
for the collective group (bottom level ...Donald Trump)
Walt Disney Donald Duck Playing the Trumpet
Walt Disney Donald Duck collective ..the viewing audience
Wallet (money) Disney system --> routed to a human represntative -->
best name approximation
--> Donald Duck Playing the Trumpet ---
---> Donald Trump (advanced poker cards ..Nature's TRUMP card)
Donald Trump & His History Of Casinos -
History Of Casinos -
Nodes and Anti-nodes ..... the string theory ..... anti-node battles played out on the EARTH geography surface
- The Physics Classroom › Physics Tutorial › Waves
Six-Day SIN WAVE War in the Sinai mathematical-physics region
....ends - Jun 11, 1967 -
Missing teen found alive in Chicago - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Nov 8, 2013 - Kathryn J. Stalbaum, the 15-year-old Town of Genesee girl whose disappearance prompted media attention, has been found in Chicago.
UPDATE: Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn ...
Nov 7, 2013 - Prior to being safely located in Chicago, Stalbaum was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5th at her Town of Genesee ...
Kathryn Stalbaum Update: Missing Wis. girl, 15, found safe in Chicago ...
Chicago Loop and the
Kathryn Stalbaum feedback loop codes ... K S
- Wikipedia
The K S represented by -->
codes --> H(s) --> Kettle Moraine High School
Sensor -->
human bio-electronic-sensor SPECIMEN -->
human bio-electronic-sensor SPECIMEN -->
Let's translate some articles in newspapers.
number 43 --> exponent 43 and number 143
The human bio-computer usage of number 143 explains
the year 2000 Y2K human brain problems ......
failure to upgrade brain computer software.
the year 2000 Y2K human brain problems ......
failure to upgrade brain computer software.
mathematics and bio-math
......hematology and its blood equations ......
......hematology and its blood equations ......
thus number 143 -->
100 plus 43 ....... gives equation SOFTWARE
B100D puls ....pulse with the DNA codon equation
100 plus 43 ....... gives equation SOFTWARE
B100D puls ....pulse with the DNA codon equation
DNA-RNA-Protein -
It was early realised that the only way codons for the 20 amino acids could be ... was to use combinations of at least three bases, codons
(43 = 64 combinations).
It was early realised that the only way codons for the 20 amino acids could be ... was to use combinations of at least three bases, codons
(43 = 64 combinations).
IBM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
DPCX (Distributed Processing Control eXecutive) was an operating system for the IBM 8100 small computer system. IBM hoped it would help their installed base ...
IBM 8100 - Wikipedia
IBM 8100 DPCX for the human body /brain bio-computer
...number 8 --> graphic arts shape --> capital letter B
IBM B100 D PC X --> B100D person-computer X
Waukesha police honor James Lu (Logical Unit) Lutz .....
20 years after his computer science killing
Apr 28, 2014 - James A. Lutz was killed 20 years ago while chasing James and ... In a solemn ceremony Monday morning, Waukesha police named a training ...
Reflections for Captain James Lutz,
Waukesha Police Data processing Department ...
BASE TWO ..even integer suspects
who had robbed Bank One (odd integer) ........... as explained by
FermiLAB Batavia Illinois (FBI .... atomic financial systems) agent .....
Pier Oddone
BM Basic assembly language and baseBAL (l) successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes.
IBM 8100 screen output display ...... is called a panel display
Computer EARTH and disk storage tracks with data fieldsIBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device
Missing: track field
zOS JCL (Job Control Language) - Page 117 - Google Books Result
Gary DeWard Brown - 2002 - Computers
For fixed blocked records, the block size must be an even multiple of the record ... The basic unit ofstorage on disk is a track, like that on a CD. ... If you have 80-
Optical data stream for the human eye education data fields
with number 185.5 implies--> light c= 186,000 velocity
code name --> Foerch--> F order entry
number 22.37 --> pointer to 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature of people living in the 2200 block of a city ...... such as the 2200 block of West Charleston street in Chicago.
2006 Falk Corporation ........
Planck TIME Forces split by Interstate Highway I-43......
thus the consequent explosion - Wikipedia
The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley ...
The Falk Corporation explosion refers to a large and fatal propane gas explosion at a Falk Corporation building in the industrial Menomonee River Valley neighborhood of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, on December 6, 2006. Three people were killed and forty-seven others injured. Cars were reportedly flipped through the air and debris scattered over several blocks.[1] An investigation of the cause of the disaster uncovered leaks in a pipe running below the building, which supplied propane to the heating system for the complex.
Three people were killed and forty-seven ---> numbers
3 4 and 7 --> possible clue to 43
How does the electron gun inside a TV work, and why is it called ... › ... › Home Audio & Video › TV Technology
If you have read How Television Works or watched What If I Shot My TV?, then you have heard aboutelectron guns. They sound a little bit like something out ofElectron gun - Wikipedia
An electron gun (also called electron emitter) is an electrical component in some vacuum tubes that produces a narrow, collimated electron beam that has a ...
code --> Obituary--> Obit U ary -->
Oxygen (data) bit information SET buried in a coffin UNION math array
Oxygen (data) bit information SET buried in a coffin UNION math array
Oxygen (data) bit information SET buried in a coffin
with existing underground COFFINS data sets and the earth math array
Thus the SYMBOL WORLD ..concept word--> Obituary explains the importance of Dirac matrices in the Paul Dirac atomic DATABASE coffin in Tallahassee.
First, we need some background about EARTH and its existential software and architecture.
Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents - SHiPS Resource Center
Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents -
Galileo Trial || 1616 Documents - the base 16 hexadecimal project
Galileo Trial || 16 16 --> Nature's project of formating EARTH space / time existence anf its human contents, the magnetic field, the gravity field, and EARTH land surface of latitude and longitude, and EARTH underground geology layers ...... into earthly
Base 16 HEX space components ...... and Base 16 HEX time components
The Base 16 President with Basic Assembler Language (BAL) agent
.. HanniBAL Hamlin ..
and the LinColn linear algebra equation ....... Lin + Coln
--> Horizontal Lines and Vertical columns ......
Thus the geography State of Illinois was formated into a base 16 array by Nature's systems per 16th President Lincoln.
Other array places......
Baltimore and Maryland .....
Bal....................Mary --> ma + ary --> Math array ........
Thus keyword --> Obituary
--> Obit U ary ... the UNION of 2 information sets --->
Orbit UNION array (the earth land/soil information matrix structure) -->
Paul Dirac BODY of Knowledge ...
an atomic DATABASE of electron orbitals
............................................................... bits of data ......
placed in a grave hole / wormhole .......
a coffin 6 feet underground ...... containing Dirac matrices Software that can LINK
into the EARTH vast coffin continuum of obituary elements in array FORMAT
...... somehow the Dirac matrices are an upgrade.
Dirac Matrices -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Interactive Entries › Interactive Demonstrations
by EW Weisstein - 2008 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
matrices which arise in quantum electrodynamics. There are a variety of different symbols used, and Dirac matrices are also known as gamma matrices or Dirac ...Representation-independent manipulations with Dirac matrices and ...
by PB Pal - 2007 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
May 14, 2015 - Dirac matrices, also known as gamma matrices, are defined only up to ... important identities involving Dirac matrices and spinors have been ...quantum mechanics .... Dirac matrices -
quantum mechanics - Invertibility of Dirac matrices - Physics Stack ...
code words--> One platoon ---> Plato military
Key word--> Eric-->
pointer to Num.eric ............ Am.eric.ans
pointer to Num.eric ............ Am.eric.ans
key name---> Becherer --> subset code ---> Bec
21 Natural Ways to Improve Blood Circulation - HealthyLine™
What is Blood Circulation? In simplest terms, circulation is the constant movement of blood throughout the body. This is made possible by the pumping of the ...
What is Blood Circulation? In simplest terms, circulation is the constant movement of blood throughout the body. This is made possible by the pumping of the ...
21 Natural Ways to Improve Time magazine circulation VIA
Blood Circulation information displays (shootings, war, blood flow accidents)
s - HealthyLine™ is Blood Circulation? In simplest terms, circulation is the constant movement of blood throughout the body. This is made possible by the pumping of the ...
code --> Shelvy --> Shel + v + y --->
Pointer to electron shell vectors and functions f(y) and its 1st derivative dy --->
Pointer to electron shell vectors and functions f(y) and its 1st derivative dy --->
thus the derivative dy ---> dylann roof and Shelby North Carolina
What Happened in Ferguson with
parallel Columnist Ferguson? - The New York Times
Aug 9, 2014 - Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, was shot and killed on Aug. 9, 2014, by Darren Wilson, a white police officer, in Ferguson, Mo., ...Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia
Timeline for a Body ..... the Ferguson meltdown DEMO ....
4 Hours in the Middle of a Ferguson Street - The ...
Aug 23, 2014 - 9, Michael Brown was shot dead by a police officer on Canfield Drive.
For about four hours,
in the unrelenting summer sun,
his body remained ...
Nation States | Union of Communist Regions --> Com Rg
Osama bin Laden - Wikipedia
Osama bin Laden - Facts & Summary -
Os map ..binary
UNPK (Unpack) - IBM Mainframe Assembly - Google Sites
the purpose of it is to convert Packed decimal format to Zoned Decimal format..... here ........."AZONED DS ZL4" and "APK DC PL6'7893023' ". here........."AZONED ...
IBM PK97320: PACK and UNPK assembler instruction syntax errors in ...
Receiving errors on the PACK and UNPK instructions in the LPEX editor when editing Assembler source files.
IBM PK97320: PACK and UNPK assembler
Secret Ballot with secret Basic assembler language (Bal) - Wikipedia
The secret ballot is a voting method in which a voter's choices in an election or a referendum is anonymous, forestalling attempts to influence the voter by intimidation, blackmailing, and potential vote buying. The system is one means of achieving the goal of political privacy. ... The original ballot box, sealed in wax with a liquorice stamp, is held at ...
Ballot box - Wikipedia
Bal ..... computer box comprised of human bio-computer groups
Politics portal · v · t · e. A ballot box is a temporarily sealed container, usually a square box though sometimes a ... Part of the Politics series · Vote icon Voting.
Register to Vote and Confirm or Change Registration
| USAGov and human bio-computers a assembler registers to Check or Update Your Voter Registration: How, When, Why - If you've recently submitted a voter registration application, wait a few weeks for your .
Numbers 47 and 7.47 --->
4 DNA nucleotides with nitrogen bases with atomic number 7
Telephone number ---> 1-800-435 --> 435 ............
4 DNA nucleotides and molecular direction 3 ---> 5
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research, Scientology & Dianetics ... › FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research,
eLect Ron Reagan ......President for the reality version of the book .....
Battle Field Earth ....
the earth geography surface wars in the United States over EARTH LANGUAGE errors by 2-legged humans and their big mouth
..... inaccurate explanations of situations
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research,
L. Ron Hubb ..... Work, Research .....
eLect.RON (telescope) Hubble(ton) astronomy site
Coordinates ---> 43 (year 1943) ....... SKU11 ..... 37 Celsius temperature
LINK to year 1943 region from
Fish Hatchery Road Madison Wisconsin ....
Hubbleton to Milwaukee
Hatchery Road Madison Wisconsin ..
Hatchery Road Madison Wisconsin ..
Hatchery --->
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...
Geopoliticus Child
Geopoliticus Child .... Isaac Asimov equation
founder of the Scientology religion, his military life, research on
the human mind and spirit and the discovery of Dianetics.
Learn --->
the human mind and spirit and the discovery of Dianetics.
Learn --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia net tactics --->
Diameter neighborhood (information) net
...... data processing military tactics
...... data processing military tactics
discovery of Dianetics.
discovery of Dianetics.
discovery of Dianetics by
.....................Dian (information( net) war in
Paris ........ Par + is
---> Parallel information systems WAR
Death of Diana, Princess of Wales - Wikipedia,_Princess_of_Wales
10 Truly Strange Facts Surrounding Princess Diana's Death - Listverse
went to leave the Ritz Hotel
shortly after midnight on the morning of August 31, 1997,
a different Mercedes was sent to ...
the Ritz Hotel
the Ritz Hotel
the .... z Hotel .....
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research,
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research,
L. Ron Hubbard's Life, Work, Research ...... Jefferson Wisconsin,
founder of the Scientology religion, his military life, research on
the human mind and spirit and the discovery of Dianetics.
Learn --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia net tactics --->
Diameter neighborhood (information) net
...... data processing military tactics
the human mind and spirit and the discovery of Dianetics.
Learn --->
...... data processing military tactics
Diane --->
Diane --->
Diane Borchardt | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of rigged information ....
murder trial
Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/study hall monitor at Jefferson High School in Wisconsin. She was convicted of hiring three of her students to murder her estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994. ... The three, who had been students at Jefferson High ...
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
Date of birth: 1949
Date of arrest: September 29, 1994.
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
Date of birth: 1949
Diane Borchardt - Killers Without Conscience -
Diane Borchardt - Killers WisConsin ....... .... science WARS
Jul 2, 2014 - Mother Manipulated Sophomore Boys into Murder ... Fister moved around the country and eventually, 29-year-old Diane settled in Jefferson, Wisconsin, a picturesque little town. ... number two, becoming Mrs. Diane Borchardt.
Dia ne tics --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia net tactics --->
Diameter neighborhood (information) net
...... data processing military tactics
...... data processing military tactics
Dia ne tics --->
Dia ne tics --->
Dia net tactics --->
Diameter neighborhood (information) net
...... data processing military tactics ..
Symbol Machine analysis of code words and
Darwin selection of a human proper noun ... to generate data ... per William Feller ..
moment generating / data generating functions
...... data processing military tactics ..
Symbol Machine analysis of code words and
Darwin selection of a human proper noun ... to generate data ... per William Feller ..
moment generating / data generating functions
Feller-An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications ...
elementary proof of this famous theorem see W. Feller, On Miintz' theorem and ....
moment generating function,
but in reality it is the generating function of the
moment generating function,
Diameter neighborhood
Diameter neighborhood
Dia ....................bor --> selection of
Diane.................Borchardt ......
thus Nature's system creation of a
event DATABASE for
criminal string theorists ...
per Hawking and earthly applications of
...... the edge ......
tragic social science signaling EVENTS
.... the edge
of bull-stories, bragging, and
newspaper incomplete explanations
Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/study hall monitor at Jefferson High School in Wisconsin. She was convicted of hiring three of her students
to murder
her estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994
thus Nature's system creation of a
event DATABASE for
criminal string theorists ...
per Hawking and earthly applications of
...... the edge ......
tragic social science signaling EVENTS
.... the edge
of bull-stories, bragging, and
newspaper incomplete explanations
to murder
her estranged husband ..... Easter morning
her estranged husband.....Easter morning
her estranged .... Easter---> Estragon
Waiting for Godot - Wikipedia
Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, ...
Waiting for Godot -- Act 1 -
VLADIMIR: We're waiting for Godot. ESTRAGON: (despairingly).
Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here? VLADIMIR: What? ESTRAGON: That we were to wait.
Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here? VLADIMIR: What? ESTRAGON: That we were to wait.
Waiting for Godot -- Act 1
Waiting for Godot -- Action 1 --> Activate human action figure
Diane Borchardt to generate a feedback signal with ......
nouns, concepts, proper nouns ..... pointed back to the BECKETT
BEC play
Jefferson High School
Jefferson High School
Jefferson High School .. theater performances ... LIVE
estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994.
estranged husband, Ruben
estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994.
Vladimir and Estragon
Vladimir and Estragon
..........mir and Estragon
..........mirror ...Estragon ... super-symmetry / Sartre existential physics
Waiting for Godot -- Act 1 -
Waiting for Godot -- Act 2 ......................Kettle Moraine High School .....
in the 50 mile radius of the neighborhood of Diane Borchardt
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn ...
Nov 7, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5th at her Town of ...
Sam..... BEC ....... UPDATE:
Sample Space BEC UPDATE:
Diameter neighborhood
Diameter neighborhood
Diameter ne --> Nebraska battle ..Omaha West Road mall shooting
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, at a Von Maur department store in Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska.
Details · Prior to the shooting · Shooting · Aftermath
Details · Prior to the shooting · Shooting · Aftermath
Diameter neighborhood
Diameter neighborhood Diameter .............. hood --> Fort Hood shooting year 2009
2009 Fort Hood shooting and
approved by Army mathematics and
their lack on HONOR and INTEGRITY to mathematics
- Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
The Watertown boat that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev hid in was shot over 126 ... 16, 2015 - 126 times and he walks away? were they just shooting the edges of the ... /10/15/six-months-later-man-who-found-dzhokhar-tsarnaev-his-boat- ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat was shot over 126 times ...
Mar 16, 2015 - BOSTON -- Jurors in the trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev learned that the Watertown boat that he took refuge in was shot ...
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network software
IBM LU6.2 - Wikipedia
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat was shot over 126 times ...
Mar 16, 2015 - BOSTON -- Jurors in the trial of Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev learned that the Watertown boat that he took refuge in was shot ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat was shot over 126 times ...
.........khar ..... rna trial: Watertown, Wisconsin
................... and Long.Boat Key, Sarasota, Florida ...........
and code ...... 126 times --> 12th Street and Highway 26 and the
Watertown Daily TIMES newspaper
Plane lands on 12th Street
Plane lands on 12th Street
Plane lands on 12th Street
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a catastrophic engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a catastrophic engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a cat astroph engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street ........ catalog .... astrophysics ......
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
Boomer Street
Boomer Street
Boomer Street
Boomer Street message ....... feedback systems
Lieutenant Boomer - Wikipedia
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street .... data generated regarding theBattle site star Galactica
Battlestar Galactica (TV Series 1978–1979) - IMDb
After the destruction of the
Twelve Colonies of Mankind, the last major fighter carrier ...
Battlestar Galactica Poster. After the .... Battlestar Galactica (1978
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, New Mexico, USA - Marloes ...
Monocytes. They have a longer lifespan than many white blood cells and help to break down bacteria. Lymphocytes. They create antibodies to defend against bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful invaders.
What Are White Blood Cells? - Health Encyclopedia - University of ...
What is the living EARTH cell and its defense?
They create antibodies and living LANGUAGE antibodies ......
to defend against bodies of bull-shit and talking human SOFTWARE bacteria, music and art viruses,
harmful TELEVISION and RADIO wave EM picture and word command invaders that
attack Nature's human bio-electron structure and
the Solar System sunlight EM section of
the brain st.EM and brain t.EM.ple.
What Are White Blood Cells? ..White Sands at the Far Far Horizons
What Are White Blood Cells? .. White Sands far-reaching tools built by thinking scientists ....... that need to upgrade their perceptions
of earth existence and its happenings
scientists ....... that need to upgrade their perceptions
of earth existence and its happenings ...... and messages
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat was shot over 126 times ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev trial: Watertown boat ...... 126 times ...
.........khar ..... rna trial: Watertown, Wisconsin
................... and Long.Boat Key, Sarasota, Florida ...........
and code ...... 126 times --> 12th Street and Highway 26 and the
Watertown Daily TIMES newspaper
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a catastrophic engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a catastrophic engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street after suffering a cat astroph engine failure
Twelfth Street near Boomer Street ........ catalog .... astrophysics ......
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
catalog .... astrophysics ......
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is one of the largest and most diverse astrophysical institutions in the world, where scientists carry out a
catalog .... astrophysics ..... COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal .....
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
catalog .... astrophysics ......
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics ... failure- Wikipedia–Smithsonian_Center_for_Astrophysics
catalog .... astrophysics ..... COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal .....
SYMBOL and CONCEPT intellectual engine failure
Bottom line --> load of watermelons -->
Load of human people (water molecules) working at the Mellon bank
Mellon Financial - Wikipedia
Mellon Financial Corporation was one of the world's largest money management firms. Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it was in the business of institutional and ... The next year, Mellon National Corporation became Mellon Bank ...
Founded: 1869
Industry: Financials
Headquarters: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Successor: The Bank of New York Mellon
Mellon Bank in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with Reviews -
code words --> finish
Franz Kafka - Wikipedia
Jump to Novels - Novels. He began his first novel in 1912; its first chapter is the story "Der Heizer" ("The Stoker"). Franz Kafka called the work, which remained unfinished, Der Verschollene (The Man Who Disappeared or The Missing Man), but when Brod published it after Kafka's death he named it Amerika.
Parent(s): Hermann Kafka; Julie Kafka (née Löwy)
Citizenship: Austria, Czechoslovakia
Franz Kafka called the work, which remained unfinished, The Missing Man
Franz Kafka called the work, which remained unfinished, The Missing Man
Franz Kafka called the work, which remained unfinished, The Missing Man
Franz Kafka called the work, the Boston race FINISH line .... MIS Man
Franz Kafka called the work, the Boston race FINISH line .... MIS Man
Franz Kafka called the work, the Boston race FINISH line .... MIS Man
Franz Kafka called the work, the Boston race FINISH line .... MIS Man
Franz Kafka called the work, the Boston race FINISH line .... MIS Man
.... MIS Man
.... MIS Man
.... MIS --> Management Information Systems
F ran z
F --> Base 16 Hex"f" = 15 ----> April 15, 2013
...... ran 26 miles on 2-human legs .... in the vertical Z-axis dimension
...... ran 26 miles on 2-human legs .... in the vertical Z-axis dimension
code words --> finish ...... Caveny
The History of the Cavendish - Cavendish Laboratory - University of ...
The Cavendish Laboratory has an extraordinary history of discovery and innovation in Physics since its opening in 1874 under the direction of James Clerk ...
Cavendish Laboratory - Wikipedia
The Cavendish Laboratory is the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge, and is part of the School of Physical Sciences. The laboratory was ...
Cavendish Professor of Physics: Richard Friend
Established: 1874
Head of Department: Andy Parker
Affiliation: University of Cambridge
Britain's most important historic laboratory is under threat | Boris ... › Science › Architecture
Sep 1, 2015 - The original Cavendish Laboratory – the crucible of modern science – is under threat. Boris Jardine explains why it's important and why it ...
code words --> Bellowing
Saul Bellow - Wikipedia
Saul Bellow was a Canadian-American writer. For his literary work, Bellow was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal ...
The five essential Saul Bellow novels | Books | The Guardian › Arts › Books › Saul Bellow
Apr 17, 2015 - This is the novel in which Bellow found his voice. Augie, its picaresque hero, declares himself “a Columbus of those near-at-hand”, by which he ...
code words --> ..... nero
Nero and his neuron community problems - Wikipedia
Nero (15 December 37 AD – 9 June 68 AD) was the last emperor of the Julio- Claudian dynasty. He was adopted by his great-uncle Claudius and became ...
Nero - Ancient History - the most infamous of Rome's emperors, Nero Claudius Caesar (37-68 A.D.) ruled Rome from 54 A.D. until his death by suicide 14 years later. He is best ...
Great Fire of Rome - Wikipedia
the year AD 64. It caused widespread devastation, before being brought under control after six days.
Nero's Rome burns - Jul 18, 64 - Ancient.
Nero's Rome burns - Jul 18, 64 - Ancient.
Nero's Rome burns - Jul 18, 64 - An = Atomic number .....
modern BRAIN HISTORY by Route 64 .......
FermiLAB and the
Double-word 64 (32 +32) computer science
Double-Cross of human bio-computer in
Double-Page processing ..... DuPage County
Word (computer architecture) - Wikipedia
Former Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne - NBC Chicago
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