Topics covered in sequences
- The State of the Union .... set theory violations of Massachusetts legal system
- the atomic ARTICLES of the Constitution
- gravity man Isaac Newton Gingrich of Georgia
- President Clinton CLI instructions
- Vang at Rice Lake and Gibbs entropy
- Gibbs Free energy
- Einstein field theory and field separators
- Base 16 hexadecimal
- the Mexican jail escape of 29 copper wire agent / prisoners of the city of elctri.CITY
- the Mexican 120 foot tunnel implies 120 volts copper wire current WARS
- quantum electron tunnel wars
- electron transport chains of the Mexican prisoners
- nitrogen inversion DEMO signals
- Marshal Fields and Pabst Farms ERRORS
- the cover-up of the bio-computer murder software technology that killed FFA member Matt Anderson
- Nikola Tesla
- Margaret Mead
- Herbert Spencer
- the Nicolas Herbert equation of Nature .....nitrogen cycles and photosynthesis
- Magnetic field wars in Milwaukee with policemen Norberg and Kunisch
- John T. Scopes
- Fellini movie 8 1/2
- copper isotopes
- Milwaukee Mayor Barrrett receives targeted therapy across the blood brain barrier
- Bush's baked beans equation
- Mini-max theorem
- secret codes ----> Luma Idwar
- Anwar Sadat
- Pakistan standard model
- brain and water molecule codes
- George Orwell language
- electron per shell
- James Joyce .. book Ulyssess and year 1904 LINK to Leopold and Loeb year 1924
- Bloomsday and the May 1924 murder instructions that killed Bobby Franks
- the amino acid TIME MACHINE between year 1904 and 1924
- Carl Jung
- Railroad track site of 1924 murder
- sodium
- SunHawk house codes
- Linus Pauling molecule blankets and Charles Schultz PEANUTS
with Linus and peanut farmer President Jimmy Carter
- Matt Anderson Base 16 HEX
- the Christoper Columbus AUG 1492 ..... project START codon AUG
- Z DNA and A B DNA
- Sara and Sarasota and Sarjevo year 1914
- year 1914 and the EARTH atmosphere nitrogen atomic mass 14 wars
- the Sam Shepard murder trial in year 1954
- IRON-54 and year 1954
- Dr. Martin Luther King
- cascade amplifier
- Daniel Parmenter death parmeters
- potatoes
- NASA and their BEDROOM pussy codes
- Che Guevara and his cheese codes
- Hannah Graham
- Tamir Rice killed in mirror wars
- Jeff WOODS computer science
- electron flow
- Pulse nightclub shooting
- optics/ eye battle in Colorado
- brain temple
- diesel fuel equations
- potassium and iron and blood
- parallel existences
- Dylann Roof and the phosphate hate crime
- sugar molecule
- Solomon organic chemistry
- FBI math equations and the SALT treaty
- Bush differential amplifier
- Paul Sereno helps explain dinosaur codes
- William Struck and English language codes
- the Milwaukee acetylcholine neurotransmitter war and the rigged Badger guns trial
- Star Trek and Jamie Kirk Hahn
- Nitrogen atomic number 7 ....... 7 days a week calendar
- Einstein field theory and field separators
- Base 16 hexadecimal
- the Mexican jail escape of 29 copper wire agent / prisoners of the city of elctri.CITY
- the Mexican 120 foot tunnel implies 120 volts copper wire current WARS
- quantum electron tunnel wars
- electron transport chains of the Mexican prisoners
- nitrogen inversion DEMO signals
- Marshal Fields and Pabst Farms ERRORS
- the cover-up of the bio-computer murder software technology that killed FFA member Matt Anderson
- Nikola Tesla
- Margaret Mead
- Herbert Spencer
- the Nicolas Herbert equation of Nature .....nitrogen cycles and photosynthesis
- Magnetic field wars in Milwaukee with policemen Norberg and Kunisch
- John T. Scopes
- Fellini movie 8 1/2
- copper isotopes
- Milwaukee Mayor Barrrett receives targeted therapy across the blood brain barrier
- Bush's baked beans equation
- Mini-max theorem
- secret codes ----> Luma Idwar
- Anwar Sadat
- Pakistan standard model
- brain and water molecule codes
- George Orwell language
- electron per shell
- James Joyce .. book Ulyssess and year 1904 LINK to Leopold and Loeb year 1924
- Bloomsday and the May 1924 murder instructions that killed Bobby Franks
- the amino acid TIME MACHINE between year 1904 and 1924
- Carl Jung
- Railroad track site of 1924 murder
- sodium
- SunHawk house codes
- Linus Pauling molecule blankets and Charles Schultz PEANUTS
with Linus and peanut farmer President Jimmy Carter
- Matt Anderson Base 16 HEX
- the Christoper Columbus AUG 1492 ..... project START codon AUG
- Z DNA and A B DNA
- Sara and Sarasota and Sarjevo year 1914
- year 1914 and the EARTH atmosphere nitrogen atomic mass 14 wars
- the Sam Shepard murder trial in year 1954
- IRON-54 and year 1954
- Dr. Martin Luther King
- cascade amplifier
- Daniel Parmenter death parmeters
- potatoes
- NASA and their BEDROOM pussy codes
- Che Guevara and his cheese codes
- Hannah Graham
- Tamir Rice killed in mirror wars
- Jeff WOODS computer science
- electron flow
- Pulse nightclub shooting
- optics/ eye battle in Colorado
- brain temple
- diesel fuel equations
- potassium and iron and blood
- parallel existences
- Dylann Roof and the phosphate hate crime
- sugar molecule
- Solomon organic chemistry
- FBI math equations and the SALT treaty
- Bush differential amplifier
- Paul Sereno helps explain dinosaur codes
- William Struck and English language codes
- the Milwaukee acetylcholine neurotransmitter war and the rigged Badger guns trial
- Star Trek and Jamie Kirk Hahn
- Nitrogen atomic number 7 ....... 7 days a week calendar
Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
Translate and Test MIRROR
News analysis by Herb Zinser using the periodic atomic table elements and their atomic MASS database as the accurate source of information needed to analyze MASS COMMUNICATIONs.
Mass Communications - Virginia State University to VSU's Department of Mass Communications. ... in film, television, broadcast news, audio and music, radio, public relations and print media.
Virginia State UniversityProgram: Mass Communication: Radio/TV/Film - Joliet ... Degree Planner | Print-Friendly Page. ... Bachelor's degree programs in mass communication encompass four major program areas: advertising/public relations, radio/TV/film, journalism/news editorial/ photojournalism, and multimedia.Mass communication - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia the United States, the study of mass communication is often associated with the practical applications of journalism (Print media), television and radio ...
Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic human expressions and their idenifers
--> Nitrogen and the 7th Day Adventists religious group
--> The Nitrogen 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet
--> Oxygen 16 with Pope Benedict XVI
To understand Nature's system ...we look at the IBM BAL instruction ..... translate and test.
370 Instructions, Reference Guide - SimoTime
TRT, Translate and Test.
UNPK, Unpack ...
Branch and Link Register, BALR, 05, R1,R2 .....
BAL, Branch and Link Instruction, the format is R1,D2(X2,B2) ...
What is the use of TRT instruction and how it is working?
TRT is used to scan a string of characters, searching
for the occurrence of any the characters which are
specified in a translate table.
TRT also sets the condition code to indicate the results
of the scanning operation as follows:
Condition Code Indications
0 ( Zero ) All function bytes
encountered were X�00�.
1 ( Minus ) A nonzero function byte
was found before the end of operand 1
2 ( Positive ) A nonzero function byte
was found at the end of the operand 1
The condition code can be tested using BZ, BNZ, BM, BNM,
BP, or BNP.
The above instruction is used by Basic Assembler Language used on copper-wire main frame computers.
The sequence is .... TRANSLATE and then TEST.
In Nature's COMPUTER EARTH social engineering system ..... variant of that occurs.
A human activity, a human situation is TESTED ..... the results may be okay or the result may involve murder, suicide, crime, war, accident, etc. The nasty results are considered social process control FEEDBACK ERROR signals ...... that need to be translated / analyzed to be understood ..... at the deeper levels of REALITY ...conflicts/anger at levels of subconsciousness that rose to a level of visible display using human display devices.
Hence, the Earth Lab TEST activity is first ... then the newspaper report ...and then the TRANSLATE of the report using basic math, physics, biochemistry college textbooks, etc. Thus the newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Herb Zinser provides some data about Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we understand Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities".
Let's look at some news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Hertz - Wikipedia
The hertz (symbol Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as one cycle per second. It is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves.
In SI base units: s−1
Unit of: Frequency
Unit system: SI derived unit
Named after: Heinrich Hertz
Hertz's Experiments (1887)
How Heinrich Hertz Discovered Radio Waves - Famous Scientists
In November 1886 Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive controlled radio waves. Considering how indispensable his wireless.
To form a more perfect Union
The phrase "to form a more perfect Union" has been construed as referring to the shift to the Constitution from the Articles of Confederation.[71] In this transition, the "Union" was made "more perfect" by the creation of a federal government with enough power to act directly upon citizens, rather than a government with narrowly limited power that could act on citizens (e.g., by imposing taxes) only indirectly through the states.[72] Although the Preamble speaks of perfecting the "Union,"the Preamble speaks of perfecting the "Union,"
the Preamble speaks of perfecting the "Union,"
the Preamble speaks of perfecting the "Union,"
the Preamble speaks of perfecting the "Union,"
Massachusetts ... violations of the laws
.................set theory systems
Example of sets .......
the SYMBOL WORLD of the living English language
of the living Constitution and
its BODY of knowledge and wisdom.....
information fabric code ...key word violations by the rigged Boston Marathon trial.
Watertown Mass ------> Watertown Wisconsin ...
...... atomic mass relationship ot ......................sin functions
Boat in TRIAL -------> Longboat Key, Sarasota Florida
26 mile race --> ferrous oxide IRON atomic number 26 atomic alphabet LINKs to Highway 26 Watertown, Wisconsin
Nature's Fe= Ferrous oxide interceptor agents at
earth casino / bet .... Bethesda Lutheran Home ....
Fe = Feeble minded agents with their LOST farm/agriculture links to the BES project ....
the Bose-Einstein Statistics component of S.I. Haywaka's brain language LAWS / abstraction ladder
the Bessie the Cow necessary relationship for the Feeble minded to retain their DOWN-TO-EARTH mental frame of reference.
The 7 Articles of the US Constitution - dummies
In year 1776, Thomas Jefferson was composed of atomic particles and biochemistry molecules ....
along with his social science studies and experiences .....
the combination enable him to write the Artlces ..
which included thoughts of the atomic Particles.
Today, in year 2017, we can upgrade our peceptions of the Constitution as an atomic social engineering document ......
for example .....
Nitrogen President N = Nixon
Carbon President C = Carbon
Oxygen President O = Obama
Gravity interacts with brain mass THOUGHTS ..... .thus the evolution of this interaction over thousands of years GIVES ..... gravity field thoughts ...and gravity field sub-routine LIFE forms
G = Gravity field and
G = Georgia's carbon 6th congressional district - Wikipedia's_6th_congressional_district
Newton Gingrich, former Representative for Georgia's 6th ... - GovTrack
Newton Gingrich,
Human bio-computer President CLI (Clinton) who was located at the EARTH geography ....
BASE 16 hexadecimal address space location --> 1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue.
Human bio-computer President CLI (Clinton) ....
breathed EARTH atmosphere oxygen into his LUNGS and B100D stream
...... giving his body the Isaac Asimov bio-math equation .....
oxygen 16 multiply decimal B100D ,,,,,,,,,, that is .... numbers
............. 16 multiply................. 100 --> pointer to --> 1600 Pennsylvannia Avenue
Vang - Wikipedia Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people
Atomic Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting : NPR
Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.
MPR: Hunter kills six, wounds two after tree-stand dispute
Nov 22, 2004 - Vang allegedly shot and killed five hunters and wounded three ... Many of the victims were related - all from around Rice Lake, Wisconsin
The Pentagon - Wikipedia
G.I. (GIBBS military soldiers ) - Wikipedia
G.I. Joe and his counterpart in the air, the navy, and the Merchant Marine of every one of the United Nations.".
G.I. is a noun used to describe the soldiers of the United States Army and airmen of the United States Army Air Forces—and for U.S. Marines and sailors—and also for general items of their equipment.[1] The term G.I. has been used as an initialism of "Government Issue" or "General Issue", but it originally referred to "galvanized iron", as used by the logistics services of the United States Armed Forces.[2] The letters "G.I." were used to denote equipment made from galvanized iron, such as metal trash cans, in U.S. Army inventories and supply records.[2][3]
During World War I, " G.I." started being interpreted as "Government Issue" or "General Issue" for the general items of equipment of soldiers and airmen. The term "G.I." came into widespread use in the United States with the start of the Selective Service System ("the draft") in 1940, extending into 1941.
During World War I, " G.I." started being interpreted as "Government Issue" or "General Issue" for the general items of equipment of soldiers and airmen. The term "G.I." came into widespread use in the United States with the start of the Selective Service System ("the draft") in 1940, extending into 1941.
Next, the use of "G.I." expanded from 1942 through 1945.
Free Energy - Chemical Forums › ... › Physical Chemistry Forum
[PDF]answers homework # 5
the energy and enthalpy changes in expanding an ideal gas. How much ... (b) What is the Gibbs free energy change? (a). ΔS = ∫ dqrev.
The American Five-star General Dwight D. Eisenhower said in 1945 that "the truly heroic figure of this war [is] G.I. Joe and his counterpart in the air, the navy, and the Merchant Marine of every one of the United Nations."[4]
"G.I." was also used as an adjective for anything having to do with the Army or Army Air Force.[2]
"G.I." was also used as an adjective for anything having to do with the Army or Army Air Force.[2]
"G.I." was also used as an adjective for anything having to do with the Army
"G.I." was also used as an adjective for anything having to do with the Army
"G.I." ..Gastro-Intestinal tract was also used as an adjective for anything having
to do with the Arm + my ---> Arm/elbow/ hand ..... myoglobin muscles used to EAT food at a dinner table
to do with the Arm + my ---> Arm/elbow/ hand ..... myoglobin muscles used to EAT food at a dinner table
Mathematical-physics Arrest Made in
Wisconsin Hunting Massacre |
Fox News 22, 2004 - Meanwhile, Vang, who escaped from the shooting scene, came upon ... wounded were well-known members of the community in Rice Lake.
Massachusetts ....
................. set -->
set changing control characters
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia
In 2009, she was nominated to the position by ...
Sixteen ...base 16 HEX inmates are loose
after escape
from Mexican prison | Daily ...
1 day ago - Sixteen suspected drug cartel members are on the run after escaping Thursday by digging a 120-foot long hole under the wall of a prison in Mexico.
after escape
after escape ......... IBM base 16 hexadecimal
a f ..... escape --> Hex'a' = 10 to Hex'f' = 15 ' agents escape
a 120-foot long hole under the wall of a prison in Mexico. ...
A Mexican jail experienced a massive escape on
A Mexican jail experienced a massive escape on
Thursday when 29 inmates tunneled
(electron tunnel wars)
Copper metal .... atomic Mass 63 escape:
atomic number 29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico ...
4 days ago - On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of ...
quantum tunneling - If an electron tunnels and loses amplitude, but ...
May 2, 2015 - I'm assuming the 'amplitude' is kind of like the MeV it has on it, so could be seen as a product of the voltage applied to that electron in a field.
Quantum Mechanical Effect of Electron Tunneling
Wave and particle properties of electrons according to quantum mechanics. Electrons tunnel through thin barriers. The resulting current is used for STM ...
How long does it take an electron to tunnel? - › Physics › General Physics
Aug 25, 2015 - Thus, electrons tunnelling at different times will tunnel in different directions. This link between time and direction of electron motion is what ...
How long does it take an human electron package to tunnel in Mexico?
Mexico: Nitrogen 14 quantum information tunnels
..... 14 inmates at large after tunnel prison break -
Quantum Tunneling - Nitrogen Chemical Forums › ... › Physical Chemistry Forum
Jun 30, 2008 - 13 posts - 4 authors
Quantum Tunneling. ... "Nitrogen atom in the ammonia molecule actually inverts and ... Why do ammonia want to tunnel through the barrier?
Quantum physics ..... EARTH LAB ...Mexico
Coherence in molecular nitrogen : Article : Nature ... › Journal home › Archive › News and Views
by M Arndt - 2005 - Cited by 3 - Related articles
Quantum physics: Coherence in molecular nitrogen ... indicated the existence of a finite-coupling tunnelling barrier between the two cores of the molecule, which
Ammonia Flip, Quantum Tunneling and Oscillations - Quirky Science
Nitrogen inversion DEMO in Mexico
In chemistry, nitrogen inversion is a fluxional process in compounds with a nitrogen atom that has a pyramidal geometry, such as ammonia (NH3), whereby the molecule "turns inside out". It is a rapid oscillation of the nitrogen atom from one side of the plane formed by the substituents to the other side,[1] passing through a planar transition state.[2]
Field separator ....... COMPUTER EARTH ...... Pabst Farms fields ....
dictionary definition | field separator defined › Dictionary Definitions › field separatorA character used to mark the separation of fields in a record. See CSV and tab delimited. Computer Desktop Encyclopedia THIS DEFINITION IS FOR ...
The human brain bio-optical bio-audio computer and the brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR ....
with the software commands described above .....
used for copper wire ..electricity computer hardware /software
your brain ..... and the data fields in your sub-conscious MIND ......
fields filled with with BS instead of accurate factsMatt Anderson computer science murder ......... and the Base HEX organization ... the FFA cover-up schemes
Key codes
--> Farm Mishap .........
......Fa + Rm --> Base 16 Hex'fa' = 250 room
--> Farm Mis ......... Management information systems
Nikola Tesla on His Work with Alternating Currents(AC)
and their influence on the living English language words ...
Nikola Tesla, Leland I. Anderson - 2002 - Biography & Autobiography
An Extended Interview Nikola Tesla Leland I. Anderson ... speeds; another one was to adapt them to the then existing alternating circuits of supply of 133 cycles.Nicholas Herbert (physicist)
Herbert studied Engineering Physics at the Ohio State University, graduating in 1959. He received a Ph.D. in physics from Stanford University in 1967 for work on nuclear scattering experiments. After a one-year teaching job at Monmouth College in Illinois, Herbert held a number of posts in industry. The most illustrious of these was senior physicist at Memorex Corporation in Santa Clara, California, where he developed new magnetic materials, as well as magnetic, electrostatic and optical measuring devices, and carried out theoretical work on Lorentz microscopy. He was also senior physicist at Smith-Corona Marchant Corporation in Palo Alto, California where he developed a new theory of xerographic process and worked on early developments in ink jet printing.[1][2]
Isaaac Asimov explains the
Nicholas HerBert equation
Nicholas --> Ni + Cho + last (Fermat's last theorem)
Earth Fer --> Ferrous oxide IRON core and the North Pole magnetic field flow lines that LINK to EARTH geography surface ... iron objects
(motor vehicles and skyscrapers) and
human IRON blood and
its atomic alphabet of 26 letters
--> FerMat last --> las ---> EARTH existence
--> FerMat last --> las ---> EARTH existence
--> Fer Mat last
-> Fer Mat last
-> Ferrous oxide .... Mathematical-physics structure ... atlas with BOOK:
HerBert equation --> magnetic field
H....B .............. interaction
HerBert equation --> magnetic field
H....B .............. interaction ........
WAR ZONE at Bradley High (BH) in Milwaukee ......
Milwaukee policemen NORBERG ..... and age 26 Kunish wounded in the EARTH magnetic field battle ....
NORBERG --> codes --> Nor + berg -------> information pointer to geography region
--> North Pole Arctic ice-berg
age 26 Kunish --> atomic number 26 of IRON and its alphabet
John T. Scopes - Wikipedia
John Thomas Scopes (August 3, 1900 – October 21, 1970) was a teacher in Dayton, Tennessee, who was charged on May 5, 1925 with violating Tennessee' s ...
The Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case in May 1925 in which a substitute high school teacher, John T. Scopes, ...
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is IBM's proprietary networking architecture, created in 1974. It is a complete protocol stack for interconnecting computers ...
What is Systems Network Architecture (SNA)? - IBM
Systems Network Architecture (SNA) is a data communication architecture established by IBM to specify common conventions for communication among the wide array of IBM hardware and software data communication products and other platforms. Among the platforms that implement SNA in ...
IBM SNA Protocols - Cisco
Dec 8, 1999 - IBM SNA-model components map closely to the OSI reference model. The descriptions that follow outline the role of each SNA component in ...
Above word
-->moved to France 16 -->
-->moved two France 16 -->
-->moved 2 .....F 16 -->
-->moved base 2 F and base 16 --> manipulation schemes
MVC Instruction Instructions. The MVC instruction copies data from the second operand to the first operand. The value of the second operand is unchanged. The number of ...
Move Instructions
Move Instructions for blood bio-computer software Ins tructions Ins destructions
Example usage ..Blood target therapy and ERRORS
Example usage ..... police targets
Example usage
Example usage ....... THE ADDRESS BEGINNING
2016 ..... Base 16 shooting of Baton Rouge police officers - Wikipedia
Deaths: 4 (including the perpetrator)
Date: July 17, 2016; 8:42 a.m. – c. 8:48 a.m. (CDT)
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United Stat...
Example usage ..... police targets
Example usage
Example usage ....... THE ADDRESS BEGINNING
2016 ..Base 16 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia
On July 7, 2016, Micah Xavier Johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers and injuring nine others.
Five Dallas Officers Were Killed as Payback, Police Chief Says - The ...
Jul 8, 2016 - Two witnesses to the shooting at a march against police brutality on Thursday evening in Dallas described the moment gunfire and panic broke ...University of Illinois ,,, Chicago Circle math around year 1972..1974
Above...Minnie driver --> Min + nie + driver
--> Min--Max Theorem
...... Nietzsche DECISION THEORY of earth and its geography skin/dermatology surface
....... COMPUTER EARTH ......
Nature's decision theory ..... application sub-routine drivers
IBM Basic assembly language and successors - Wikipedia
Milwaukee - Wikipedia .. the SYMBOL MACHINE perception levels
State of the Union - Wikipedia
State of the Union - Wikipedia
Logical units (LU) - IBM
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a ...
Defining the Logical Unit (LU) Name - IBM
Defining the Logical Unit (LU) Name. The topology server can communicate with the NetView environment through an LU 6.2 conversation. To communicate ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM
IBM Systems Network Architecture - Wikipedia to Logical Unit (LU) - SNA defines several kinds of devices, called Logical Unit types: LU0 provides ...
LU2 devices are IBM 3270 display terminals (copper wire metal)
AND the human bio-computer version .......
. LU2 LUNG devices are age 32 to 70 .... human MODEL 3270 display terminals.
code --> IDwar --> Idea Wars ,,,the Science wars
The Science Wars and brain neuroscience wars
– Harry Collins - Cardiff University
The `science wars' began in the early 1990s with attacks by natural scientists or ex-natural scientists who had assumed the role of spokespersons for science.
Missing: battlefield
You can't follow the science wars without a LANGUAGE battle map - The Economist
Dec 11, 1997 - In the ever angrier debate about the scope and authority of science, both sides should pause for breath and notice how much they agree upon.
Assassination of Anwar Sadat - Wikipedia
The assassination of Alpha/numeric WAR agent --> Anwar Sadat, 1981 - Rare Historical Photos
Paul Dirac - Wikipedia
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
2051 E Paul Dirac Dr, Tallahassee, FL, 32310 - Maps - Apple,%20Tallahassee,%20FL...
A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt
2051 E Paul Dirac Dr, Tallahassee,
Paul Dirac ............ Nature's atomic computer subroutine DRIVERS for the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family of the periodic atomic table and its
OUTPUT expression format ... atomic social sciences
using human information display devices
ISL = Information systems Land (Existential Language Levels)
Paul Dirac atomic subroutine Drivers Tallahassee .........
ISL...............amic (Islamic) ..................... ...allah
Who are the Tallahasee Taliban?
- BBC .... British Bio-Chemsitry News
May 26, 2016 - The hardline Islamic Taliban movement has proved to be a formidable fighting force in Afghanistan and a major threat to its government.
Islamic Taliban
Isl amic Taliban
Isl atomic Tallahassee interface band/group of people for Nature's systems
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) - Wikipedia
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) was an American multinational information technology ... Electronic Data Systems was founded in 1962 by H. Ross Perot.
Ross Perot - Wikipedia
Political party: Republican (2000–present)
Other political affiliations: Independent (before ...
Bottom ...4th line ..... a key factor is top rotate ..... brain LANGUAGE word definitions to create problems
Above words .....soil applied herb --> Herbert Spencer philosophy
applied to the EARTH soil / real estate housing and farm bullshit songs and dances
Herbert Spencer - Wikipedia
Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher , biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political ...
Spencer, Herbert | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
All Products of Maybelline | All Cosmetics Wholesale
ADDED TO CART. MAYBELLINE Baby Lips Dr Rescue Balm - Soothing Sorbet 50 ... 2 pcs MAYBELLINE Fit Me Foundation Stick - Coconut 355 ...
Maybelline - Wikipedia
Maybelline LLC, branded as Maybelline New York, is a major American makeup brand sold worldwide and a subsidiary of French cosmetics company L'Oréal.
Founder: Thomas Lyle Williams
Headquarters: New York City, New York, United ...
Founded: 1915
Parent: L'Oréal
Maybelline Cosmetics | Walgreens
Maybelline Cosmetics |
The Cosmic Perspective
... secrets of cosmetics and women undercover agents
- Jeffrey Bennett
This book tells the story of modern astronomy and the new perspective — The Cosmic Perspective — with which it allows us to view ourselves and our planet.
Cosmic Origins ..... Cosmetics data sources |
Below ..war/conflict ........ Maybe --> Maybelline codes
Shooting of Tamir Rice and the Condoleezza RICE information cover-up
- Wikipedia
Tamir Rice shooting: A breakdown of the STATE DEPARTMENT errors ..... events that led to the carbon 12 .... 12-year ...
IBM Basic assembly language and COMPUTER EARTH successors - Wikipedia
is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used
on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes
....... the EARTH 360 degree orbital around the SUN every year
....... the Solar System 360 main frame with the existential physics successor .......
COMPUTER EARTH system 370 with 37.0 Celsius life human bio-computer forms.
A Look Back at EDS:
From Ross Perot to Cowboys Herding Cats - U.S.
A Look ahead at Nature's atomic EDS and
Nature's evolution of electron social science software USING
EDS computer science ideas and experiences:
Decimal number 8 --> 1000
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device
IBM Archives: Exhibits: IBM Storage: IBM 3380 direct access storage device. ... integrated into two head/disk assemblies to improve reliability and efficiency.
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device - page 3
At the time, the CJ2 was IBM's lowest price 3380 disk storage subsystem for many customers, especially those with intermediate systems. The new 3380 ...
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device - page 2
The Stephen Hawking Building | Gonville & Caius
Leopold Bloom - Wikipedia
Leopold Bloom is the fictional protagonist and hero of James Joyce's Ulysses. His peregrinations and encounters in Dublin on 16 June 1904 mirror, on a more ...
Bloomsday - Wikipedia
Bloomsday is a commemoration and celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce, during ... The name is derived from Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Ulysses. The English compound word Bloomsday is usually used in Irish as well, ...
Leopold Bloom And Bloomsbury-
Leopold Bloom And Bloomsbury- Wikipedia
Leopold Bloom is the fictional protagonist and hero of James Joyce's Ulysses. His peregrinations and encounters in Dublin on 16 June 1904 mirror, on a more ...
Bloomsday - Wikipedia
Leopold Bloom And Bloomsbury-
Leopold and Loeb - Wikipedia
Nathan Freudenthal Leopold Jr. (November 19, 1904 – August 29, 1971)[1] and Richard Albert Loeb (/ˈloʊb/; June 11, 1905 – January 28, 1936), usually referred to collectively as Leopold and Loeb, were two wealthy students at the
University of Chicago
who in May 1924 ..........
kidnapped and murdered 14-year-old Robert Franks in Chicago. They committed the murder—widely characterized at the time as "the crime of the century"[2]—as a demonstration of their perceived intellectual superiority, which, they thought, rendered them capable of carrying out a "perfect crime", and absolved them of responsibility for their actions.
After the two men were arrested, Loeb's family retained Clarence Darrow as counsel for their defense. Darrow's 12-hour-long summation at their sentencing hearing is noted for its influential criticism of capital punishment as retributive rather than transformative justice. Both men were sentenced to life imprisonment plus 99 years
Leopold Bloom And Bloomsbury-
Leopold ..... Botany flowers Bloom in springtime
in the sunshine in May 1924
at the University of Chicago
The pair put their carefully crafted plan ..... a Botany and English department plan in motion on the afternoon of May 21, 1924 .......
University of Chicago information FLOW devices
...... flowers
..... flowers BLOOM on the day of May 21, 1924 ......
................... -->
Bloomsday |...... 16, 1904, Bloomsday, is surely the most famous single day in literature, a day .
Bloomsday and the BOTANY amino acid communication wars
......... with Leopold and Loeb caught in the middle - Wikipedia
Bloomsday is a commemoration and celebration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce, during which the events of his novel Ulysses are relived. It is observed ...
Bloomsday 2016: Real History of James Joyce and Ulysses |
Jun 16, 2016 - To fans of James Joyce's Ulysses, June 16 is a "sacred day" known as Bloomsday, a chance to celebrate the book—which traces ad salesman ...
Origins of Bloomsday | The Complete Ulysses
University of Chicago information FLOW devices
...... flowers
..... flowers BLOOM on the day of May 21, 1924 ......
................... -->
Bloomsday |..... June 16, 1904, Bloomsday, is surely the most famous single day in literature, a day .
year 1904 + 20 amino acids --> year 1924
Leopold and Loeb and the TIME MACHINE with HG Wells
- Wikipedia
Chicago watch manufacturer Jacob Franks.Chicago watch manufacturer Jacob Franks.Chicago watch manufacturer Jacob Franks,
Nature's systems, and the TIME MACHINE wars.
..... flowers BLOOM on the day of May 21, 1924 --> 24 ......
................... --> code number 24 hours per 1 day
Bloomsday |..... June 16, 1904, Bloomsday, is surely the most famous single day in literature, a day --> number 16 and 04 -->
codes IBM Base 16 hexdecimal consciousness
and 04 DNA Nucleotides ...... subset letter codes
...............................leo tides (of bio-time time waves)
--> information WORD feedback pointer to DARWIN selection of living language ..... proper noun Leo --> Leopold to represent Nature's DNA and amino acids and their molecular language OUTPUT messages
Thus the equation Jacob Franks and H.G. Wells ..... Time Equation clues
Year 1904 and year 1924 --> 20 --> 20 standard amino acids and their LINK to the human Central Nervous System 370 biological computer LOCATED
on the EARTH geography surface in the Central Standard TIME ZONE in Chicago.
20 amino acids plus /add 4 DNA nucleotide time wave units = 24 hours a day
(physical biology clock of 24 hours used by the heart and lung,etc .....
while the brain AWAKE clock is 16 hours and 8 hours asleep
.... those 8 hours used by the hidden, background bio-computer for data processing
..... 8 hours implies 8 bits (1 byte)
.... those 8 hours used by the hidden, background bio-computer for data processing
..... 8 hours implies 8 bits (1 byte)
20 amino acids minus/subtract 4 DNA nucleotide time wave units = 16 hours a day
(James Joyce code on June 16 implies 16 hours of consciousness/ awake/ eyes open
............ the brain awareness, alert, active THINKING MACHINE and its clock )
(James Joyce code on June 16 implies 16 hours of consciousness/ awake/ eyes open
............ the brain awareness, alert, active THINKING MACHINE and its clock )
The University of Chicago English department states:
Twenty - four hours = 24 hours in 1 day of the EARTH rotation
.... 20 minus 4 hours = 16 hours used by algebra students
Thus the communication PROBLEM .....
Twenty-fours hours is both 24 and 16
...a contradiction/paradox
that the universities refuse to help fix in year 2017
...a contradiction/paradox
that the universities refuse to help fix in year 2017
The Chicago Crime Scenes Project: Bobby Franks' Home
Loeb-Leopold Murder of Franks in Chicago May 21 1924
by R Loeb - 1925
[The kidnapping and murder of Robert Franks by Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold .... placed body in large drain pipe under railroad tracks. When Leopold's ..... buried. Loeb found belt. Turned same over to Chief Hughes, Dectective Bureau.
. placed body in large drain pipe under railroad tracks.
. placed body in large drain pipe under railroad tracks.
. placed body in large d... rain pipe under railroad tracks.
. placed body of knowledge
..... in large data pipeline under
railroad tracks of 2 parallel lines of IRON metal and
Euclidean geometry and Sartre existentialism
..... in large data pipeline under
railroad tracks of 2 parallel lines of IRON metal and
Euclidean geometry and Sartre existentialism
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of bull-shit and incomplete explanations of signaling EVENTS
Buy The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos on ... Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory by Brian Greene ... The Hidden Reality:
Earthly Parallel LANGUAGEs / Dictionaries .....
Universes of words, musics, etc and the Deep Laws ..... DEEP secrets of PBS television tricks ...
Deepak Chopra's Super Brain Super Plan, Pt 1 | The Dr. Oz Show
Deepak Chopra's Super Brain Super Plan, The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep ...
The Hidden Reality - Wikipedia
Above number 1927 --- > base 3 number -->
words... 120 yards of concrete ---> pointer to -->
SunHawk code pointers -->
Hydro-Carbon molecules that cover the EARTH geography land surface ......
thus the organic chemistry continuum that blankets the EARTH land as predicted
by Linus Pauling, Charles Schultz PEANUTS and the PEANUT communications extension via molecular social chemistry agent ...
President Jimmy Carter
(car + ter --> carbon tiers/ hierarchy levels of molecule social administrative systems) -->
Humans as parallel to molecule levels
Above code word --> Busloads --> Bus + load
A data bus is a system within a computer or device, consisting of a connector or set of wires, that provides transportation for data. Different kinds of data buses have evolved along with personal computers and other pieces of hardware.
What is a Data Bus? - Definition from Techopedia
Databus - Wikipedia
PCI bus :
bus between motherboard ......and
bus between mother EARTH .... and..
bus between mother ROAD
A Brief History of America's "Mother Road," Route 66 - TIME,8599,2000095,00.html
Route 66
Route 66 and gravity interaction with DNA atomic mass 99
Above code word --> Busloads --> Bus + load
Above code word --> Busloads --> Bus + load
Above code word --> Busloads --> Bus + load library
What is a load library? - IBM
A load library contains programs ready to be executed.
A load library can be any of the following:
- System library
- Private library
- Temporary library.
System library
The system looks in the libraries for a member with a name or alias that is the same as the specified program-name. The most-used system library is SYS1.
University of Wisconsin System .....
The most-used system library is SYS1 --> sy --> syria war/conflict zone by Iraq ...
Unless a job or step specifies a private library, the system searches for a program in the system libraries when you code:
//stepname EXEC PGM=program-name
The system looks in the libraries for a member with a name or alias that is the same as the specified program-name. The most-used system library is SYS1.LINKLIB, which contains executable programs that have been processed by the linkage editor.
What is a base 16 HEX organization ... Hex'FF' America ......
Future Farmers of America(FFA) .... load library? - IBM
A load library contains programs ready to be executed.
University of Wisconsin System .....
with arrogance and supremacy schemes,
information cover-ups,
incomplete explantions,
bullshit and bragging,
nonsense BRAIN manipulation tricks of sports, music, media, social sciences
A collection of 26 campuses and the statewide UW-Extension, the University of Wisconsin System is one of the largest systems of public higher education in the ...
The system looks in the libraries for a member with a name
The most-used system library is SYS1 --> sy --> syria war/conflict zone by Iraq ...
a data generating zone.
A load library contains programs ready to be executed --> Darwin selection words
....driving an END LOADER .
....driving an END LOADER .
Year 1495 ...... Gutenburg printing and Christopher Columbus activity DATABASE
The Gutenberg Press - Oregon State University Special Collections
Johannes Gutenberg - Inventor -
with which he printed “Forty-Two-Line” ...
and a message to year 42 .....
such as year 1942 people in the University of Cambridge intellectual PRISON .....
Columbus sets sail - Aug 03, 1492 -
HISTORY of project START codon ----> AUG
Christopher Columbus - Wikipedia
Above article words --> Electric START 5.5 kw diesel 1,495 --> Translated
around year 1495 ...the EARTH atomic geography surface ........
as an electron PLATFORM ( like a year 2017 printed circuit board) .....
Nature's THOUGHT molecules and EM photons THINKING subroutines .... as social engineers and brain engineers began / STARTED the 500 year project
year 1500 to year 2000 ...known as the S&P 500 on the Wall Street stock market.
Thus the magazine article refer-back to Columbus and his signal
..... START codon AUG 1492
AND the Gutenberg codes .......
AND <--------> DNA mirror word of the 2-legged, 2-arm human being ....
hAND, wrist. arm and myoglobin INTELLECTUAL proteins with oxygen and iron THOUGTH atoms ..............
with atomic Z .... DNA .....
the atomic DNA alphabet of 26 letters .... A, B thru Z
The Gutenberg Press ..... year 1435 to 1453 to 1492 to 1500 -
The Gutenberg ..... photon, bio-optical THOUGHTs ...START command .... -
The Gut + ten + en + berg
--> START Grand Unified Theory PROJECT
with modern SYMBOL MACHINE military defense abilities
TENSOR space/time PROJECT for earth surface and human activities
and en equation ....
en = energy and the power of english words
Agent code name --> Sara --> S ara --> System area -->
Sara --> Sarasota year 1960 pointer to year 1914 Sarajevo
Sarasota High School - Wikipedia
Sarasota High School is a public high school of the Sarasota County Public Schools in Sarasota, Florida, a city on the Gulf of Mexico coast south of Tampa. The school colors are black and orange and the
mascot is a sailor.
mascot is a sailor.
Schedule - Sarasota Sailors Football | MaxPreps › High School Football › FL Football › Sarasota Football
Sarasota High School - Class of 1960 -
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
On June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosnia was in the very south-east corner of the ...
Sarajevo, June 28, 1914
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
Jun 28, 1914 - HISTORY
Jun 28, 1914 - HISTORY of EARTH atmosphere wars with LUNGS
Jun 28......14 - HISTORY of earth ATMOSPHERE ..... nitrogen molecules
Above name --.> Lucius Shepard --> pointer
Sam Sheppard - Wikipedia
Cause of death: Liver failure
Conviction(s): Murder (overturned)
Criminal penalty: Life imprisonment (overturned)
Children: 1
Samuel Holmes "Sam" Sheppard, D.O. (December 29, 1923 – April 6, 1970) was a Bay Village, Ohio neurosurgeon initially convicted for the 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard. The case was highly controversial from the beginning, with extensive and prolonged nationwide media coverage. The U.S. Supreme Court determined that the "carnival atmosphere" surrounding Sheppard's first trial had made due process impossible; after ten years in prison he was acquitted at a second trial.
The murder of Marilyn Reese Sheppard
On the night of July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993)[1] on Lake Erie at 28944 Lake Road[2] in Bay Village, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, just west of the city. The property itself abutted the shore of Lake Erie, near the west end of Huntington Reservation. While they were watching the movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954, Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her bed with an unknown instrument. The bedroom was covered with blood spatter and drops of blood were found on floors throughout the house.
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4.--> 4 DNA nucleotides military actions ....
English word /number code.........
July 4, 1954,
July 4, 1954,
July 4, 1904 ...... book setting in Dublin --> Du + Blin --> Double blind statistical test
for the human retina, cornea , rods and cones,
IRIS Hexadecimal Base 16 optical system ..... assigned to the
IRISH peoples in the Great Britain islands region
Bloomsday: The True James Joyce Story Behind the Famous Date ...
The True James Joyce Story
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954 --> message ........... data generating/moment generating event per William Feller
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954 --> message ..... .codes of 4 DNA nucleotides / time waves and tides of social engineering ERROR reports
July 4,
July 4,
J uly 4 --> Joyce (author) ulysses (book) year 1904 ..... with base 16 HEX of June 16
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, ....54 --> IRON-54 with 28 neutrons used in
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON life forms
Fe = Female adults and their blood IRON and blood bio-computer software languages
Menstruation and the IRON-54 with 28 neutrons ..... 28 day menstrual cycle |
Some items from the house, including Sam Sheppard's wristwatch, keychain and key, and fraternity ring, appeared to have been stolen.[3] They were later found in a canvas bag in shrubbery behind the house.[3] According to Sheppard, he was sleeping soundly on a daybed when he heard the cries from his wife. He ran upstairs where he saw a form in the bedroom and then he was knocked unconscious.
When he awoke, he saw the person downstairs, chased the intruder out of the house down to the beach where they tussled and Sheppard was knocked unconscious again. He awoke with half his body in the lake.
James Clerk Maxwell and agent James Earl Ray - Wikipedia
James Earl Ray (March 10, 1928 – April 23, 1998) was a convicted murderer who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Ray was convicted on his 41st birthday after entering a guilty plea to forgo a jury trial.
James Earl Ray - Murderer -
James Earl Ray was born in Alton, Illinois, on March 10, 1928. A confirmed racist and small-time criminal, Ray began plotting the assassination of revered civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. in early 1968. He shot and killed King in Memphis on April 4, 1968, confessing to the crime the following March.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King I Have a Dream Speech - American Rhetoric
Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech August 28 1963 < 1951 ...
will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for ...
will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for ...
will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for ...
will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for ...
keyword --> Forest laws ......
the decision trees made by the human cells of agent Douglas
Forest Hills tennis laws:
New life for forgotten home of US tennis? -
Sep 29, 2016 - Forest Hills has suffered since the US Open left 39 years ago, but World Team Tennis is giving the historic New York venue a new lease of life.
Lee de Forest - Wikipedia
Lee de Forest (August 26, 1873 – June 30, 1961) was an American inventor, self- described .... With radio research his main priority, de Forest next took a night teaching position at the Lewis Institute, which freed him ..... He called this a " cascade amplifier", which eventually consisted of chaining together up to three Audions.
Lee de Forest | American inventor |
Audion - Wikipedia
He called this a "
He called this a "
He called this a "
which eventually consisted of chaining together up to three
which eventually consisted of chaining together up to three
which eventually consisted of chaining together up to three doors at Norris Hall
Virginia Tech shooting - Wikipedia
The Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks (another six people were injured escaping from classroom windows), approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide.[6]:92[7][8]:78
Cho entered Norris Hall, which housed the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and
chained the three main entrance doors shut.
He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors,
claiming that attempts to open the door ...would cause a cascade event
..... a bomb to explode .......
such as the bombastic BOSTON bomb site of April 15, 2013
chained the three main entrance doors shut.
He placed a note on at least one of the chained doors,
claiming that attempts to open the door ...would cause a cascade event
..... a bomb to explode .......
such as the bombastic BOSTON bomb site of April 15, 2013
.. He called this a " cascade amplifier", which eventually consisted of chaining together up to three Audions.
Boise, Idaho - Wikipedia,_Idaho
Boise Cascade Wood Products Building Materials - Boise Cascade
Boise Cascade Wood Products ....... President Wood year 1914
Boise Cascade Lumber Products --> Lu = Logical units
Boise Cascade Forest Products --> with Lee De Forest communications theory of Sartre existentialism ... code
.... Sar tree --> System area tree .. Nature's SYMBOL WORLD messages
... pointer to Sarajevo 1914 with Arch Duke Ferrous oxide agent Ferdinand and President Wood ..... Woodrow Wilson
JOBPARM statement - IBM
The TIME parameter is ignored; If RESTART=N, the parameter is ignored; If RESTART=Y, JES2 fails the job; For SYSAFF, the system on which the job is being ...
The TIME parameter ...DEATH TIME .....
COMPUTER EARTH parm-field ---> Daniel Parmenter + Evans FIELD house (below)
Continuing JCL statements - IBM
For all other JCL statements, you can continue the parameter field or the comments field on the JCL statement.
if you continue
both the parameter field and the ..
For all other JCL statements, you can continue the parameter field or the comments field on the JCL statement.
if you continue
both the parameter field and the ..
Potatoes - The World's Healthiest Foods
Potatoes - The World's Healthiest Foods
A theory of everything (ToE), final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe. :6. Finding a ToE is one of the major unsolved problems in physics.
NASA - Wikipedia
Preceding agency: NACA (1915–1958);
Agency executives: Robert M. Lightfoot, Jr. ...
Formed: July 29, 1958; 58 years ago
Employees: 17,345+
NASA for Students 
Current Opportunities for Students ... Apply for NASA internship ...
NASA for Stud ...Mr.Penis HEAD 
Current Op port u nities for Stud ,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip ...
Current Op port u nities for Stud ,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip
Current Op port u nities for Stud ,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip
Current Op port u nities for Stud ,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip ..
secret government bio-computer pussy code .. = systems for advanced LANGUAGE thinkers
secret government bio-computer pussy code .. = systems for advanced LANGUAGE thinkers
Current Open (input) port uterus nities for Stud
,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip
,,,, ... Apply for NASA interns hip
Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem - Physics for NASA .org › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
NASA Telescope Reveals ... 
NASA Telescope Reveals Largest Batch of Earth-Size, Habitable ...
Above and below ... the doors/windows to the universe open ......
Above, the male telescope/ penis its its cotton package
Below, NASA bio-telescopes
Che Guevara - Wikipedia
Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author , guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban ...
Che Guevara - Wisconsin CHEESE ...Dairy industry Facts & Summary -
Che Guevara was a prominent communist figure in the Cuban Revolution (1956– 59) who went on to become a guerrilla leader in South America. Executed by .
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster : the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible
Gruyere is named after a Swiss village. It is traditional, creamery, unpasteurised, semi-soft cheese. The natural, rusty brown rind is hard, dry and pitted with tiny holes. The cheese is darker yellow than Emmental but the texture is more dense and compact. Slightly grainy, the cheese has a wonderful complexity of flavours - at first fruity, later becomes more earthy and nutty. To make Gruyere, raw milk is heated to 93 degrees F and liquid rennet is added for curdling. The resulting curd is cut into small pieces which release whey while being stirred. Curd is cooked at 110 degrees F and raised quickly to 130 degrees F. The pieces become shriveled which is the cue to place the curd in molds for pressing. The cheese is salted in brine for 8 days and ripened for two months at room temperature or a quick method: 10 days at 50 degrees F. Curing lasts from 3 to 10 months (the longer the curing period the better the cheese).
- Made from cow's milk
- Country of origin: Switzerland
Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a Cuban Citizen
by Ángel Rodríguez Álvarez
by Ángel Rodríguez Álvarez ........ agent codes
by Áng el Rod ..... angstrom/wavelengths of light elements eye ROD/cones
Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a Cuban Citizen
Ernesto “Che” Guevara, a Cuban Citizen
Ernesto “Cheese” Guevara, a Cuban sandwich expression agent
Grilled Cuban Sandwich (Sandwich Cubano)
Ernesto “Cheese”
nest o “Cheese”
nest of “Cheese” in a sandwich per food systems military officer .... General Carter HAM
Penatgon ..... Ham Radio Outlet
What is Ham Radio - ARRL
What is Ham --> Hydrogen atomic mass Radio - ARRL
What is Ham Radio VS
Hannah Graham bio-radio - ARRL
How police closed in on the Hannah Graham murder › Latest News › Local News › Hannah Graham Murder
How police closed in on the HannaH murder
How police closed in on the Han naH and Tamir Rice murder/cover-up
Han --> Hydrogen atomic number 1 = one .......
communication problems of the Federal government
Piermaria Odd one problems with Hydrogen one
- Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts ...
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab dire director |
UChicago rigged, biased, and incomplete News
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight ... Oddone will continue to serve as Fermilab director until July 1, 2013, ...
Fermilab History --> H __> Hydrogen stories and
atomic social science bull-shit
and Archives Project | Piermaria Oddone
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a carbon black ... carbon 12 ... 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
Shooting · Police officers involved · Aftermath · See also
Archie Bunker - Wikipedia
Archibald "Archie" Bunker is a fictional character from the 1970s American television sitcom All in the Family and its spin-off Archie Bunker's Place, played by ...
All in the Family - Wikipedia
All in the Family is an American sitcom TV-series that was originally broadcast on the CBS television network for nine seasons, from January 1971 to April 1979. The following September, it was replaced by Archie Bunker's Place, which ...
Arch i bal d
Architecture interface Basic Assembler Language version D
.....for human bio-computer with the BALD feature that come from the EARTH geography computer .... land as a chip region
...Chippewa Falls
...Chippewa Falls
IBM Assembly agent ..... Assembly's Jeff Wood arrested again for OWI - Jsonline
COMPUTER SCIENCE Assembly following two arrests in his Base 2 RD experiments
All in the Family with Jeff Wood (TV Series 1971–1979) - IMDb
Nations of Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia
Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia are the three fictional superstates in George Orwell's satirical dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia
Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel published in 1949 by ... The heroine of the novel, Julia, is based on Orwell's second wife, Sonia Orwell. As literary ..... In 1984, there is a perpetual war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia, the superstates which emerged from a global atomic war.
1984 - Why is Oceania at war with Oceanside, California ? - Science ... 11, 2014 - Eastasia and Eurasia have both, at times, been at war with both other nations. Oceania, however is always at war with only one. Why is this so?\
NFL legend Junior Seau found dead at his Oceanside, California home
..a war casualty of 1984
May 2, 2012 - Former NFL linebacker Junior Seau was found dead Wednesday morning at his Southern California home. ... The ex-linebacker's girlfriend found the NFL legend with a fatal gunshot wound to the chest. ... Officers found Seau in a bedroom with a gunshot wound to the chest, and efforts to revive ...
Above numbers...1963 --> 63 ..... and 65 underwater habits
Cu = Copper atom for electricity
Above copper numbers 63 . .... and 65
underwater habits .....
electron flow
underwater habits .....
underwater habits .....
...........water bits .....
water molecule continuum .... DATA bits of orbitals
Northern Illinois University OCEAN wars - Wikipedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. Central Standard Time.
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students,
where an oceanography class was in session.[7][3]
where an oceanography class was in session.[7][3]
announced by President Nixon in year 1972 and the Watergate
..water molecule message
2012 Aurora shooting - Wikipedia
Colorado .............. and optical nerve STATES / software ..... color processor
codes --> rocket-pro ---> ROC protons .....
Com --> carbon + oxygen molecule--> C O O --> CO2
Soldier Field - Chicago |
military Schedule,
Seating Chart / hospital medical charts,
Dire Direcctions Soldier Field tickets at Find Soldier Field venue concert and event schedules, venue information, directions, and seating charts.
Soldier Field ..Einstein's data field FIELD THEORY battleground - Wikipedia
Jump to Chicago Bears move in - Soldier Field was used as a site for many sporting events and exhibitions. The Chicago Cardinals used it as their home ...
Schedule - Sarasota Sailors Football | MaxPreps › High School Football › FL Football › Sarasota Football
USS Cole bombing and shooting - Wikipedia
The USS Cole bombing was a terrorist attack against the United States Navy guided-missile destroyer USS Cole (DDG-67) on 12 October 2000, while it was ...
USS Cole Bombing Fast Facts -
code --> pro --> atomic proteins OR the human Protein Machine
code --> six --> 6 --> carbon atomic number 6 .....
molecules with approximate numbers 17 and 30
diesel molecules RANGE ...with approximate numbers 17 and 30
Codes ...19 April --> pointer to the
OC = Organic Chemistry battle at OC = Oklahoma City on April 19,1995
Oklahoma City bombing - Facts & Summary -
Above/below ..Lebanon --> pointer to-->
Lebanon, Wisconsin - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Article number 158 --> 100 + 58 --> B100D with Iron-58
About the UN | United Nations collective of unconscious peoples
Article number 54,000 --> pointer to Iron-54 and 28 neutrons -
-> pointer to b100d information flow and the 28 day
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron atom biology ...
Fe = Female menstruation cycle
Menstrual IRON-54 bio-physics message cycle - Wikipedia
The blood IRON war zone ....Lebanon, Oconomowoc, Beaver Dam and Water100/ Watertown DATABASE .....
Fe = ferrous oxide military tool ...kni.Fe .....murder of Haroon Khan and his blood information flow
by Watertown/ Township of Emmet
and the Cozy D, McNeal signal ...driving 100 miles over the speed limit by Beaver Dam
and the blood ax murder of Gloria Totzke by Oconomwoc Wisconsin
Boston ran 26 miles for Iran ........ atomic number 26 IRON
Earth iron core and Earth surface of Boston
..... and the 26 mile IRON race alphabet SECRETS of the rigged Boston Marathon trial
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Jsonline
Aug 16, 2009 - Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett gets a little emotional when he speaks to the ... West Allis Police Chief Mike Jungbluth described Peters as a ... charged Sunday in the mayor's beating, but detectives were questioning him. He is ...
Peters charged with beating Milwaukee mayor - Jsonline
Aug 20, 2009 - Peters then "freaked out" on Tom Barrett, punching him in the face and ... he and his family members were leaving State Fair Park in West Allis.
Milwaukee mayor beaten with pipe (symbol of oil pipeline in IRAQ)
while defending baby and the babylon war region in IRAQ ... › US News › Wisconsin
Aug 17, 2009 - The mayor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tom Barrett, was beaten bloody on Saturday ... The assault occurred in West Allis, a Milwaukee suburb.
Role of Potassium DATABASE in Maintaining Healthly INTELLECTUAL thoughts and concepts
| Periodic Paralysis Intl.
Jul 17, 2011 - Functions: Potassium is very important in the human body. Along with sodium, it regulates the water balance and the acid-base balance in the blood and tissues. ... Potassium is very important in cellular biochemical reactions and energy metabolism; it participates in the synthesis of protein from amino acids in the cell.
[PDF]Potassium in Biochemistry and
Physiology (English with the
Harry Potter potassium books on Potty training)
Potassium in Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants. H.J. Evans and R.A. Wildes. Potassium and its Role in Enzyme Activation 13. Charlotte Hecht-Buchholz.
V-A theory of weak interaction .....
VA = Valentine's Day shooting ..... the interaction at Cole Hall in DeKalb, Illinois with approval by Fermi agents at fermiLAB.
V-A: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction - Sudarshan: Seven ...
In the mid-fifties nuclear beta decay was characterized by scalar and tensor interactions. But with this, no universal Fermi Interaction governing nuclear beta ...
[PDF]VA: Universal Theory of Weak Interaction - ResearchGate
the world Nylon --> NY
--> 2 Fe = Female hot legs
--> and 2 Fe = Ferrous oxide HOT iron tower legs
Mary Shelley .... electron shell output writer - Wikipedia
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (née Godwin; 30 August 1797 – 1 February 1851) was an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and ...
Mary Shelley - Author of electron social science ...
physics book ..Frankenstein -
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and travel writer, best known for her Gothic novel Frankenstein:
Frankenstein - Wikipedia
Jump to Shelley's sources - Shelley incorporated a number of different sources into her work, one of ... Mary is likely to have acquired some ideas for ...
Frankenstein SYMBOL LIFE evolution
F rank enstein
F rank einstein
Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus is a novel written by English author Mary Shelley that tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist who creates a grotesque but sapient creature in an unorthodox scientific experiment. Shelley started writing the story when she was 18, and the first edition of the novel was published anonymously in London in 1818, when she was 20. Her name first appeared on the second edition, published in France in 1823.
Shelley travelled through Europe in 1814, journeying along the River Rhine in Germany with a stop in Gernsheim which is just 17 km (10 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where, two centuries before, an alchemist was engaged in experiments.[1][2][3] Later, she travelled in the region of Geneva (Switzerland)—where much of the story takes place—and the topic of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her lover and future husband, Percy Shelley. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made; her dream later evolved into the novel's story.
Shelley's sources -
Shelley incorporated a number of different sources
into her work, .....
such as --> Shel byte --> Shelby North Carolina
Dylann Roof's arrest: How a small-town police foiled the accused ...
Shelby electron physics forensic scientists ,,,,,,,
Jan 10, 2017 - Dylann Roof was sentenced to death Tuesday for killing nine black church members. He is the first to get the death penalty for federal hate ...
Shelley travelled through Europe in 1814, journeying along the River Rhine in Germany with a stop in Gernsheim which is just 17 km (10 mi) away from Frankenstein Castle, where, two centuries before, an alchemist was engaged in experiments.[1][2][3] Later, she travelled in the region of Geneva (Switzerland)—where much of the story takes place—and the topic of galvanism and other similar occult ideas were themes of conversation among her companions, particularly her lover and future husband, Percy Shelley. Mary, Percy, Lord Byron and John Polidori decided to have a competition to see who could write the best horror story. After thinking for days, Shelley dreamt about a scientist who created life and was horrified by what he had made; her dream later evolved into the novel's story.
Shelley's sources -
Shelley incorporated a number of different sources
into her work, .....
such as --> Shel byte --> Shelby North Carolina
Dylann Roof's arrest: How a small-town police foiled the accused ...
Jun 22, 2015 - SHELBY, N.C. ... Dylann Storm Roof is accused of mercilessly shooting nine African-American people with a semiautomatic handgun equipped with laser sights on Wednesday evening inside a historic church in Charleston, S.C. ... Shelby police Chief Jeff Ledford was setting up for a cookout and ...
Shelby electron physics forensic scientists ,,,,,,,
forever changed after Dylann Roof ,,,,, PROOF arrest | WSOC-TV
He is the first to get the death penalty for federal hate ... molecule laws
He is the first to get the death penalty for federal hate ...
He is the first to get the death penalty for fed/food hate ...... phosp..hate
Below ...... the hate of the phosphate
molecule (via carrier Dylann Roof)
molecule (via carrier Dylann Roof)
..below .... the
phosphate information pathway
phosphate information pathway
from the molecule level (Charleston)
to the
atomic electron shell data byte level
.. Shelby, NC and its links to Nature's
version of Mary Shelly ......
Mary Shelly mathematical-physics ...
atomic social science software
Mary Shelly mathematical-physics ...
atomic social science software
Above code --> routine cho --> sugar molecule with number 122 ......
sugar molecule with number 122 ......equation translated per Isaac Asimov
122 --> implies subset symbols 12
122 --> number 12 implies 6 + 6 --> thus we have the 3 numbers --> 6 and 12 and 6
Above code word
--> cholangiograms --> cho + lang + i/o + grammar ......
the sugar THOUGHT molecule CHO language input/output grammar with
Harvard University and MR Zucker (germanic word Zucker = sugar)
and his Facebook secret molecular INTERNET system
Above code name --> Dr. Way --> Milk Way universe messenger
.....> number 2003 --> 20 + 03 --> 20 standard amino acids and 03 codons
Low values and High values - IBM Cobol - IBM Mainframe Forum
Feb 20, 2008 - 11 posts - 1 author
Hi, I have a query about low values and high values in cobol..what exactly will be stored in a variable to which low or high values are moved.
IBM MAINFRAME: What is High values and Low values in cobol › COBOL Programming
Jul 25, 2006 - 6 posts - 5 authors
Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:38 pm Post subject: What is High values and Low values in cobol.above words ..bottom paragraph ---> teach 12 and 13 years old
---> . teach carbon isotopes 12 and 13
Below, the secrets of Irish dance
100s --> 100 software
--.> 100 in numeric code word ...100k and b100d
Howard Hughes and Hughs software for the human bio-optical-computer- Wikipedia
solo competition --> molecule author name
solo competition -
solo competition -
Above code Na --> sodium National security and the sodium chloride SALT molecule TREATY
with 2-legged humans and
their Na-sodium neuroscience channel SOFTWARE and
the human family dinner table SALT and PEPPER shakers
Vannevar Bush's Differential Analyzer
(LEFT) Original wheel-and-disc integrator from Bush's differential analyzer on display ... (LEFT) Original Nieman torque amplifier on display at the MIT Museum.
Differential Analyzers - Engineering and Technology History Wiki
Jan 9, 2015 - The creation of the differential analyzer in the first half of the 20th century was a breakthrough .... Figure 4: Bush's torque amplifier mechanism.
Differential analyser - Wikipedia
Bush's Differential Analyzer
Nitrogen moleucle mass 28 and the nitrogen cycle of farms
2006 Falk Corporation explosion - Wikipedia
OSHA hands out blame, fines from Falk plant explosion - Reliable Plant,-fines-from-falk-plant-explosion
the Rexnord plant ....... and the EARTH software wars
the Rexnord plant
the Rex ord plan --> the T. REX military orders PLAN
The Dino ... Dinosaur SOFTWARE wars ..... such as San Bernardino shooting .............
at the Rexnord plant at 3001 W. Canal Street
at the Rexnord plant at 3001 W. Canal Street
at the Rex .......plan atlas ..... West (Africa) dinosaur . Canal Street
in Morocco DUG by
in Morocco DUG by
Morocco 1995 - Expeditions | Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The ...
Stats. Location: Western Morocco Age of Fossil Beds: Late Cretaceous, about 95 million years old. Primary Goals: Investigate beds from the time during which ...
News | Paul Sereno - Paleontologist | The University of Chicago
Ash: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ... 10, 2011 - Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, Virginia, was described as a typical college student in many ...
Virginia Tech shooting: Who was gunman Ross Truett Ashley ...
Dec 12, 2011 - One media report about the Virginia Tech shooting has made a connection between the real estate office where Ross Truett Ashley allegedly ...
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Dec 10, 2011 - Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, Virginia, was described as a typical college student in many ...
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery
Ross ice shelf : Mystery of the magnetic field SOFTWARE wars
...and the US Navy cover-up ....
and Ocean researchers
Ross Truett Ashley: He used same shooting range as 2007 Virginia ...
Dec 12, 2011 - Virginia Tech shooter Ross Truett Ashley's best friend Matt Dailey said they visited the range used by Seung-Hui Cho who, like Ashley, shot ...
above words ----> will help tree truck absorb the Safari product ....
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style - › Reference › Usage › William Strunk, Jr
The Elements of Style. William Strunk, Jr. Asserting that one must first know the rules to break them, this classic reference book is a must-have for any student ...
Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. The Elements of Style
trunk ... Arthur Schopenhauer and the livin EARTH Will / determination with
the 18 vertical columns of the atomic table .....
The atomic Elements of Style and atomic English language
Candide - Wikipedia
Candide, ou l'Optimisme is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. The novella has been widely translated ...
SparkNotes: Candide
Below -----> Bush 2004 --> Bus H 2 0004
--> data Bus hexadecimal base 2 exponent 0004 = base 16
Code 2300 --> pointer to address 2338 N. Second street Milwaukee with names ....
Mr. MAX S. and H.Max. Z
Code 2300 --> pointer top 23 chromosome pairs and address 2319
Below, code word ACE --> Acetylcholine ...
-> pointer to Milwaukee citizens/judicial systems .....
secret BRAIN neurotransmitter language schemes
What is BAL (Basic Assembler Language ) ...
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
Tamir_Rice gives top secret atomic
body language signal with his fingers
Vulcan building .. west street Watertown wisconsin
Gabrielle Giffords - Wikipedia
Gabrielle Dee "Gabby" Giffords (born June 8, 1970) is an American politician from the U.S. state of Arizona. As a Democratic member of the United States House ...
2011 Tucson shooting - Wikipedia
2011 Tucson ROC battlefield with NASA failures in the Alan Sokal Science wars
On January 8, 2011, U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and eighteen others were shot during a constituent meeting held in a supermarket store parking lot in Casas Adobes, Arizona, in the Tucson metropolitan area.
grocery store and Mark Kelly NASA
grocery store ROC war data generating
g roc --> and NASA roc ...rocket science
Fort McCoy, Wisconsin - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Fort McCoy is a United States Army installation. It is located on 60,000 acres (240 km2) ... During February and March 2003,the Wisconsin Army National Guard's 229th Combat Support Equipment (CSE) Engineer Company deployed from Fort ...
The United States Army | Fort McCoy Wisconsin Total Force Training ...
Mission: supporting training serving as a Power-Projection Platform, providing installation management expertise, providing selected services on and off post.
The United States Army | Fort McCoy Wisconsin,
History Overview of Star Trek communication systems
Jamie Kirk Hahn ... STAR TREK murder case ::
Jamie Kirk Hahn, 29, died April 24, 2013, two days after she and her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home. Police later arrested ...
Neighbors comforted a fading Hahn as she bled after stabbing ...
Mar 5, 2015 - Strangers comforted Jamie Kirk Hahn as she lay bleeding in a neighbor's yard on the afternoon of April 22, 2013 - moments after authorities ...
in a neighbor's yard
in a neighbor's yard
in a neighbor's yard
in a neighbor's yard after authorities ...
in a neighbor's yard after authorities ...
in a neighbor's yard ..writer/script for murder ...
Jamie Kirk Hahn,
Democratic Strategist for the
EARTH stratosphere systems ....., Allegedly Stabbed by Best ...
Broyhill found guilty in Jamie Hahn stabbing death ::
Broyhill found guilty
Penn state university brain cell software ERRORS ..
explained by Paige Raque cheerleader who fell 39 feet
Trek Bicycle Factory Tour (Waterloo, WI): Top Tips Before You Go ... › ... › Waterloo › Things to Do in Waterloo
Work at Trek | Trek Bikes
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united ..................
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united
The Trek Family is united ..................
The dress code may be casual, The dress code may be casual ........ COMPUTER EARTH , he dress code may be casual
hexadecimal address code .... casualties, murder, accidents
Below,, Captain Jim K. of Wisconsin and
potassium highway K by Watertown
The nitrogen atomic calender has 7 days giving 1 week
Why do we say 52 nitrogen CLOCK weeks in a year
for DNA nitrogen based human life forms
- Stack Overflow
Dec 30, 2015 - There are 52 complete weeks in a year. ... A leap year has 366 days, adding a second extra day. This makes 52 1/7 weeks in a normal year and 52 2/7 weeks in a leap year..
Nitrogen atomic waves --> Nucleotides
...................................................................leo tides --> The year 1924...24 hour clock wars
...................................................................leo tides --> The year 1924...24 hour clock wars
with watch manufacture Jacob Franks ......leo tides
--> Loepold and Loeb and the University of Chicago arrogant bull-shit TIME problems
--> Loepold and Loeb and the University of Chicago arrogant bull-shit TIME problems
For a victim, they chose a 14 year old boy named Bobby Franks. He was the son of the millionaire Jacob Franks, and a distant cousin of Loeb. They were already ...
Leopold and Loeb's Criminal Minds | History | Smithsonian
Nathan Leopold (left) and his lover Richard Loeb confessed that they had kidnapped and murdered Bobby Franks solely for the thrill of the experience.
NIL University shooting - Wikipedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
How the NIU Massacre Happened - TIME,8599,1714069,00.html
Sunni Islam - Wikipedia
As of 2009 , Sunni Muslims constituted 87–90% of the world's Muslim population. Sunni Islam is the world's largest religious denomination, followed by Catholicism. Its adherents are referred to in Arabic as ahl as-sunnah wa l-jamāʻah ("the people of the sunnah and the community") or ahl as-sunnah for short.
Sunni Islam Origins, Sunni Islam History, Sunni Islam Beliefs - Patheos › Library
Origin: Middle East
Formed: 632 CE
Followers: 940,000,000
Sacred Texts: Qur'an, Sunnah
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